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[–]SauceWizard -41 ポイント-40 ポイント

All men at some point have been lied to or manipulated by women as well. Does that mean Men are right to not trust women?

Men are seen as aggressors, and women are seen as victims.

EDIT: I'm not claiming that lying and manipulation is the same as sexual assault. I am using it point out the silliness of generalizing either gender.

[–]da_persiflator 23 ポイント24 ポイント

Gonna keep the phrasing for effect though i don't agree with this type of generalization so prevalent on reddit All women have been lied to or manipulated by men too. But they also have been harassed, assaulted or even raped by men. Soo... they "win"

And even if this wasn't the case, how could you compare lying to sexual assault? How could you compare telling somebody "i love you" and not meaning it with groping a person in a crowded place?

I get that some people may come in contact with radical feminists that make every gender problem look blown out of proportion , but try to document yourself further than tumblr/facebook before talking . And if that's not feasible, at least don't leave a knee-jerk comment in a thread about a clearly sensible issue of which you have no personal experience

[–]Exsequorto 30 ポイント31 ポイント

Being lied to and manipulated isn't quite the same as being sexually harassed or assaulted.

Everyone gets lied to and manipulated in life, so everyone is a little wary of people, or learn to be. However, women are disproportionately the victims of sex crimes.

[–]Celeree 15 ポイント16 ポイント

Well I think that being lied to and manipulated is something humans do to each other not just women and not just men.

I don't think that the argument is about whether or not its "right" to trust men, but that we are wary for good reason.

[–]Trixette 10 ポイント11 ポイント

I don't think women have a monopoly on lying or manipulating. Who hasn't been lied to or manipulated by a man?

[–]Kineticillation [score hidden]

By all means! Trust who you feel you can trust, and no one should judge you on that.