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[–]AfraidOfBHamBigots -13 ポイント-12 ポイント

Question, as I'm not familiar with the State Street Bar, but you say there is a meth/heroin dealer living above that establishment, so they are not actually homeless are they? If this is the case then your problem is with a drug dealer, right? Are all of their clients homeless people or people with homes also? Have you taken a survey? Isn't heroin pretty expensive?

A month ago I witnessed a homeless African American man get racially harassed by some local men who had jobs and homes. I spoke to the guy afterwards (who, by the way was sober -- which fact could not be said of his harassers) who told me that he, and the other African American males he knows at the Mission, deals with people like that on a weekly basis. From that the only conclusion is that Bellingham is a racist shithole and the first thing we need to do is deal with the White Problem.

Speaking of the White Problem, just two days ago I witnessed another homeless resident of the Mission, this time of Mexican descent (living here legally), get harassed by sober white people for being a "homeless spic". Did I mention he was sober as well? Man, what is it with White People in this town?

Oh but it gets better, I took a meal a soup kitchen fairly recently where everyone remained well-behaved and at least sober enough to stay in control and yet some more -- you guessed it -- White People drove by and yelled insults at the homeless people entering the church for a free meal. Man, we seriously have a problem with White People in Bellingham.

Unlike you, I have solution: let's ship all these "progressive" and "liberal" White People that Bellingham (and the entire PNW) is known for to Anywhere But Here so the good people trying to improve their lives don't have to deal with all the racism, classism, and elitism that White People seem to thrive on.

PS I've used a throwaway account for this comment as my normal account can be easily traced to my real name and the last thing I want is you racist, classist, elitist, asshole White People coming after me.

PPS I could have made a reasoned comment noting that not all White People are this bad etc etc but given the tone of OP's post there was absolutely no reason to.

[–]jwestbury 15 ポイント16 ポイント

I was going to write an actual response to this, but I think the only justifiable response is:


[–]Lushington 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Looks like someone actually made an account to troll the bellingham subreddits. lolwhy?!

[–]Wicksteed -1 ポイント0 ポイント

'lolwut' applies better to the people downvoting him/her that seemingly don't understand he/she is making a regular and non-racial point by making a kind of reductio ad absurdum argument.

[–]jwestbury 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I understand what's happening, but beneath the rhetorical techniques is a core argument which is still asinine -- that Bellingham is a racist cesspool, which is not true by any means. You'll certainly find racism here, but that's true anywhere, and the PNW in general is much more tolerant than almost anywhere else I've been.

I'm not saying OP's point was any more valid -- it's not -- but that doesn't make this guy's "argument" any more useful.

[–]AfraidOfBHamBigots -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

To be fair to my detractors, I do sometimes let my rhetorical efforts get the better of me and my original goal gets lost in spirited play.

[–]TheEmperorsNewHose 0 ポイント1 ポイント

PPS I could have made a reasoned comment noting that not all White People are this bad etc etc but given the tone of OP's post there was absolutely no reason to.

If you ask me, it's people like you - people who claim to be capable of raising the level of discourse, but, for petty reasons, don't - that are the real problem with, well, everything. Has responding to ignorance with more ignorance EVER solved anything?

[–]aspbergerinparadise 1 ポイント2 ポイント

It sounds like you're just as racist as the people you've described.

[–]whatusaym8 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Youre the one being racist...and no heroin is not expensive at all. You're too pussy to even post under your real username you're an ignorant bigot