Feminists 4 Food Freedom

Hey, TumblrInAction: Only make fun of mean and nasty people!

Don’t make fun of nice people who simply think the world should be a better place for everyone, just because you think they’re “dumb”:

Here, I’ll even help you out. I’ll give you this handy-dandy list of mean and nasty people that you are more than welcome to make fun of:

  1. havocados
  2. dontbreakveg
  3. mccartneys-eyebrows
  4. vegan-because-fuck-you
  5. chaysingvegan
  6. crazylittleredhead
  7. xvxqueen
  8. vegan-mind-tricks
  9. anthonyvse
  10. st00pid-vegunz
  11. etched-in-stone-xvx
  12. shayneelouise
  13. hookandthedaggersxvx
  14. deansveggieburger
  15. livelovevegansteph

That should do for now. Knock yourselves out!

There, now that I’ve helped you find some actual assholes for you to make fun of - maybe now you’ll leave me, feministrocker, alone! You’re welcome.

  1. putmeonyourvibe reblogged this from xthegirlwithkaleidoscopeeyesx
  2. trans-vegan reblogged this from etched-in-stone-xvx
  3. theresyourlaundry reblogged this from feminists4foodfreedom and added:
  4. the-vegan-werewolf reblogged this from z-addict
  5. quirky-flowerchild reblogged this from feminists4foodfreedom and added:
    To any blogs who were on this list i am so sorry that this happen to you and many of you i follow and don’t understand...
  6. z-addict reblogged this from xthegirlwithkaleidoscopeeyesx and added:
    Thanks for the list of people to follow!
  7. yanderesamantha reblogged this from feminists4foodfreedom and added:
    Hey guys, I think what OP really meant is that people should learn to stand up for themselves from asshole vegans. Well,...
  8. vegan-red-shirt reblogged this from feminists4foodfreedom and added:
    You are kind of a shitty person.
  9. feminists4foodfreedom reblogged this from quirky-flowerchild and added:
    I am not friends with Tumblr in Action. Far from it, actually! In fact, I’m hoping that siccing them on you (who deserve...
  10. screaming-angel-of-lord reblogged this from veganbutt
  11. lojo1815 reblogged this from etched-in-stone-xvx and added:
  12. veganbutt reblogged this from livelovevegansteph and added:
    Oh damn I didn’t make the list…
  13. etched-in-stone-xvx reblogged this from xthegirlwithkaleidoscopeeyesx
  14. xthegirlwithkaleidoscopeeyesx reblogged this from feminists4foodfreedom and added:
    Lmfao I love every single person on that list, and what a coincidence that they’re all outspoken vegans, hmmm. Someone...
  15. landbase-vegan reblogged this from havocados and added:
    OP is pathetic.
  16. thekalelobby reblogged this from feminists4foodfreedom and added:
    And what makes these people mean and nasty? Not that encouraging people to make fun of others is ever okay….
  17. audaciousprince reblogged this from worldkelser
  18. unmilleloups reblogged this from havocados and added:
    What a hypocritical, shitty thing to do. Talk about how awful it is to be horrible to people then invite your followers...
  19. worldkelser reblogged this from havocados and added:
    »people advocating against the systematic destruction of the planet fuck sake
  20. rawr0609 reblogged this from missmagrathea and added:
    This is really gross, why are you encouraging bullying?
  21. havocados reblogged this from missmagrathea and added:
    yeah so if everyone could go ahead and report those two blogs for harassment that would be very fair thank you
  22. sexy-little-vegan reblogged this from gardeinofeden and added:
    thank you for this list. I went and followed them all. mwhahaha
  23. missmagrathea reblogged this from havocados and added:
    NEWS FLASH dear feministrocker, YOU’RE NOT NICE. It’s not nice & it’s super disgusting to make a list encouraging people...
  24. cicadas reblogged this from livelovevegansteph and added:
    YEAH IM JEALOUS every time there’s a post like this I’m like I need to step up my asshole game
  25. startingoversimply reblogged this from feminists4foodfreedom
  26. be-their-sound reblogged this from havocados and added:
    This is disgusting. How dare someone tell people to bully others. There are a lot of people on this site I cannot deal...
  27. livelovevegansteph reblogged this from cicadas and added:
    R u just jealous that you aren’t on the list. (kidding). Yeah, this is just so outlandish like wow way to shake up my...
  28. moshpitmercy reblogged this from dontbreakveg and added:
    Yay. This was extremely helpful. New amazing blogs(‘: /Follows them.