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[–]librtee_com[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

After this, we preceeded to have about a 20 message back and forth conversation, in which mod Koronicus never managed to exhibit any signs of a brain that had developed past the level of a 7 year old.

Koronicus: 'Bro u can say u aint mad but u mad'

For the record, the official reason I was banned was because I posted a separate comment in /r/MensRights that, while true, violated Feminist religious dogma.

In fact, I don't give an iota of a shit that I was banned from /r/atheismplus; I'd never posted there before and was unlikely to do again.

But what I DO give a shit about is these insane SJWs, fanatically divisive, anti-intellectual, anti-skeptical, anti-rational, dogmatic, censorious, really very similar to religionists in their conviction of the rightness of their beliefs and their unwillingness to even think about contrary viewpoints..these SJWs destroying every movement they infiltrate and doing tremendous harm to well established activist groups who are dedicated to working together to enact positive changes in the world. SJWs never help these movements, SJWs never actually help any living breathing PEOPLE. SJWs help people feel like victims, but they don't actually help prevent people from being victimized, and they are only destructive in every way within an organization.

In short, SJWs make it very difficult to organize for positive political change anywhere. There is no limit to the type of group they will infiltrate and completely distract from its original, productive focus to SJW bullshit that by its nature can never accomplish anything. In this way, SJWs destroy the effectiveness of social activist organizations and set back all types of political activism they touch.

This is really, really not cool.

Please, counterexamples of SJWs doing some sort of good in the world, ANY sort of good, being anything other than cancerous tumors are ...very appreciated. I have literally never known any SJW activism in my entire life that helped an actual living breathing human being. Please enlighten me, anybody.