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Atheism Plus is a "social justice" movement that was formed in 2012. A reaction to supposed rampant misogyny, racism, homophobia and general -isms of all kind, the bloggers and the audience of Freethoughtblogs decided to create a new movement that catered to social justice issues. Allied by multiple websites and cult personalities, the movement attempts to eradicate from the public sphere all that it views as bigotry and bring all atheist organisations under their dogmattic umbrella. They, in no uncertain terms, seek to have their ideals be the ideals of the broader atheist community. They are the grand moral holders, and all should bow down to their great, 3rd generation feminism.
We welcome questions, discussion posts, links and arguments about for against Atheism Plus's positions, to bring attention to their often thinly veiled bigotry, prejudice, absurdity and incoherence. Mockery, satire and parodies are encouraged.
For those of you who are behind on this whole debacle, read this timeline with juicy drama to catch up. The Phawrongula Wiki also has many other resources that should be able to answer most of your questions on most issues. However, feel free to ask if you are still confused.
For a more concise list of grievances, please consult "9 reasons why Atheism+ is doomed to fail, and why I want nothing to do with it."
1. No doc-dropping. No doxxing. They don't even help anyone. If you have them, just delete them. Lets attack their ideologies, not their individual members. No strong-arming anybody into coming out.
2. No direct threats of violence towards any other specific person or groups of people.
3. No content free spam and slurs. There's nothing wrong with parody, satire and contempt for viewpoints but that's pretty different than just running your mouth.
4. Cite your sources and screen-grab everything notable within their sphere of influence. AtheismPlus is a part of the broader SRS network and as social justice fantasists they have the same tendency to censor and remove opinions critical of them and claims made by them that appear incriminating. Expect the worst.
5. No NSFW content, gore, nudity, violence etc.
6. No vote brigading. Let the Reddit users and regulars vote as they will.
7. There is otherwise no censorship of ideas. Even by A+ advocates. This is no safe space though. No trigger warnings. No rebuke for 'gendered slurs' and no insistence that anyone on either side argue in good faith. Tone police all you fucking like.
AtheismPlus or AtheismPlus affiliated websites:
AtheismPlus Forums
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