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[–]librtee_com 0 ポイント1 ポイント

It really is quite ironic that a so-called 'skeptical' blog would see some obviously suspect and widely questioned survey results and print them without a second thought as being simply true.

Adam Lee, and many other left leaning bloggers, saw these numbers implying that 90%+of MRAs are '17-20 year old, very conservative, atheists who only care about pot legalization'. No alarm bells were rung, nothing seemed fishy, no not at all; he simply reprints them as gospel truth.

Where did Mr. Lee's 'skepticism' go? Well, the numbers agreed with his preconceived notion, so he forgot all about the notion of 'skepticism' and published this piece solely because it supported his prejudice.

The comments are great too - when the fact the survey is bullshit is pointed out, he maintains that the fake survey was 'largely consistent' with a real survey from last year. 90% 17-20 is 'largely consistent' with 30% 17-20, 90% atheist is 'largely consistent' with 60% atheist, 97% white is 'largely consistent' with 85% white, etc. etc.

In short, Adam Lee engaged in willfully repeating fraudulent numbers here, and when this was pointed out to him, instead of apologizing and printing a true retraction, he resorts to outright dishonesty, saying in the comments that an apple is 'largely consistent' to an orange.

And this is a well known 'skeptical' blogger here.

[–]koronicushurts troll feels 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I'm totally on board with charges of hey, this dude should have known better than to take those facts at face value, but "willfully repeating fraudulent numbers" and the like is not supported by evidence.

[–]koronicushurts troll feels[M] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

And just to be transparent here, I'm banning you because you think shit like this is okay to post. Run along now.