


An arrow can only be tattooed when pulled by this dumb meaning.

Fucking why

A new white girl tattoo appears! 

shut the fuck up who fucking cares what people tattoo on their body as long as its not a swastika 

how DARE a girl tattoo something meaningful on herself. literally the joke here is ‘a girl likes something so its stupid’ go sit in a corner and think about your internalized misogyny 

  1. frostytangles reblogged this from themoonsavedme
  2. threesidesofaneightsidedcircle reblogged this from mermaidonamission and added:
    It,s not dumb, it’s just… not unique. It would be just another tattoo to me.
  3. cas-and-dean-in-my-tardis reblogged this from allons-y-idjits
  4. aevios reblogged this from turtleswithtophats
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  6. mermaidonamission reblogged this from meow-beep-beep
  7. wannabecanadianforever reblogged this from vivalabucky
  8. massiveseepingcunt reblogged this from lucifers-ballsack and added:
    Well technically the swastika is the reverse. And it has several origins. Chinese, indian, and native americans are the...
  9. never-trust-a-duckie reblogged this from gallifrey-feels
  10. annamichaelisteller reblogged this from tavoriel
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  12. notallslytherinsarebad reblogged this from gallifrey-feels
  13. theprofessionalbookworm reblogged this from the-unwise-owl and added:
    Yeah, I thought this was really cool!
  14. meow-beep-beep reblogged this from dontbeanassbutt
  15. bunnymakara reblogged this from ayyoassbutt and added:
    as long as its not a swastika Excuse you, but a person has as much right to tattoo a swastika on themselves as any other...
  16. allmylovelyfandoms reblogged this from fangirlsarecrazy
  17. my-robbinhood-theory reblogged this from lucifers-ballsack and added:
    wow there, calm down. I don’t think the joke here is that “a girl likes something it’s stupid” I think the joke here is...
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