Look at this Fucking Oppressor

A blog what calls out TERFs, MRAs, racists, homophobes, classists and bigots of all stripes.
Anarchist, queer, intersectional, 3punk2function.

Currently tagging all posts with common triggers with tw and more specifically with the format "Triggeringword ///".

Anonymous asked: The fuck is "tone policing" and also get that stick out of your ass

Tone policing would be like if I disregarded what you said because you punctuated with rudeness. It’s a good thing I can disregard it because it is nonsense.

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  13. samanticshift reblogged this from lookatthisfuckingoppressor and added:
    I like how the people who criticize the idea of “tone-policing” are almost always rude and spiteful.