


2014-05-10 14:47:24 | Telegraph (UK)
ECB: capital flight from Russia has hit $220bn
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 5:41PM BST 08 May 2014
Uutflows from Russia since the Ukraine crisis erupted may be four times higher than admitted by Kremlin


The European Central Bank says capital flight from Russia since the Ukraine crisis erupted may be four times higher than admitted by the Kremlin, a clear sign that sanctions pressure is inflicting serious damage on the Russian economy.


Mario Draghi, the ECB's president, said the outflows from Russia have been large enough over recent weeks to push up the euro exchange rate, complicating monetary policy for the ECB.


"We had very significant outflows that have been estimated by some to be in the order of €160bn out of Russia," he said, without specifying where the information came from.


This is equivalent to $222bn. It is the highest figure suggested so far by a senior official with access to confidential data. The Russian finance ministry said outflows had been just $51bn in the first quarter, though the total has almost certainly risen since then.


"Draghi's figure is a huge amount. If this is correct, it shows that Russia is in much more trouble than people think," said Tim Ash, from Standard Bank. "This is the same scale of outflows we saw in late 2008 after the Lehman crisis."


Mr Ash said the estimate is puzzling since it does not tally with the foreign reserve data published by the Russian central bank. While the rouble has dropped 9pc this year, it has not crashed.


The Russian lender Sberbank says swap contracts have masked the true scale of currency intervention, suggesting that reserves may have fallen below the stated $477bn. "From a systematic viewpoint, the central bank has loaned expensive roubles to the market, and these roubles have mainly been used to purchase hard currency," it said. While it is possible to disguise outflows with complex derivatives to a certain degree, this is hard to keep up for long.


Chris Weafer, from Macro Advisory in Moscow, said the financial damage over recent weeks may have been enough to cause Russian leader Vladimir Putin to soften his pressure on Ukraine. Mr Putin has pledged to withdraw Russian troops from the border, though NATO says there is no evidence of this yet.


"Putin has largely achieved his objective of forcing federalisation in eastern Ukraine. He doesn't want to destroy the Russian domestic economy any further, so he is now playing nice," he said.


Mr Weafer said the anecdotal information in Moscow is that outflows have been very large. "European companies operating in Russia have been reducing risk and transferring cash across the possible sanctions line. Russian companies have been setting up bank accounts abroad so they can still do business if the big Russian banks are hit with sanctions," he said.


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