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[–]UpInNope 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Why is this here?

[–]TheGhostOfDusty 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Because bpb0 has a "lol jooz" posse.

[–]UpInNope 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Alright then.

[–]redping -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

don't you ever get bored of stalking and spreading misinfo?

[–]TheGhostOfDusty 1 ポイント2 ポイント

[–]redping -1 ポイント0 ポイント

you do?

Bear has repeatedly answered any and all questions about the out-of-context quotes you post. But you don't ask them of him. You tell other, completly unrelated, often completely uninterested people about how awful it is.

It's just weird man

[–]Canadian_POG 1 ポイント2 ポイント

[–]redping -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

you really have no right to speak man, considering how much you've contradicted yourself and admitted to having a range of mental disorders, and are part of the deranged stalker group /r/nolibswatch. And I've never posted a single piece of misinformation and you will not be able to show any such behaviour.

Cute pic tho

[–]TheGhostOfDusty 2 ポイント3 ポイント

You suffer from logorrhoea, son.

[–]redping -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Right except I'm a functioning member of society and you spend all your time defending nazis and attacking random reddit moderators. "The shield that guards the realms of reddit!" I'd rather be a bit rambly now and then than lie about people constantly and base my entire life around reddit

But I will consider your psychological and totally unbiased adivce professor. I am sure it is well intended.

[–]TheGhostOfDusty 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Go on...

[–]Canadian_POG 1 ポイント2 ポイント

"Yo pay no attention to this guy he told me he did a lot of drugs once so he's crazy, don't listen to him."

Is this not a direct quote from you? In a PM;

This quote from you to me is the reason I don't take you too seriously and tend to scan through your posts. I've taken plenty of shrooms and don't agree with NYPD/hermiker really, thats why my main extent of it is defending bipolarbear0.

Are you really going to pretend you don't do the same to /u/TheGhostOfDusty, hence following him here?

I'll just leave this here

You also pretty much call everyone & everything antisemitic, so there's your "spreading misinfo"

Fuck it, good talkin' with ya, nighty night, keep ya butthole tight.

[–]redping -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Right because you said to me before that you're literally brain damaged and horribly effected by various drugs and have mental problems, and you've "apologised" so many times for getting it wrong only to run back to NLW to circlejerk about rachel corrie or something. I don't really think your problem is drugs, and I still think mushrooms are a good drug.

Are you really going to pretend you don't do the same to /u/TheGhostOfDusty[1] , hence following him here?

I clicked on his name. It was his last post. Do you see me going to unrelated sub-reddits and talking to largely disinterested people and trying to convince them that GhostofDusty is a shill, a child rapist (they literally have said that about him), or whatever the angle is that day.

You also pretty much call everyone & everything antisemitic, so there's your "spreading misinfo"

Could you give an example of a time i called someone an anti-semite and was wrong? I mean are you trying to say Flytape didn't just post another "the nazis weren't really that bad" rant in /r/conspiracy the other day, while protecting racists and deleting people who tried to call it out?

Flytape, contributor and long time member of NLW, and former moderator of /r/holocaust, a white-rights holocaust denial sub.

And wow how did you find that from 24 days ago, what was that about stalking again?. But yeah I sub to JoeRogan, I'm a big fan of the podcast and the ufc.

[–]Canadian_POG 0 ポイント1 ポイント

U mad?