// (cache) nice day for a revolution, Hey what exactly is a cishit? I used to think it was something trans/NB/genderfluid/bigender people called cisgender people, but i feel like that is not the case anymore. And what is truscum? I don't understand these slurs lol sorry.
May 09 2014, 05:36 PM
Hey what exactly is a cishit? I used to think it was something trans/NB/genderfluid/bigender people called cisgender people, but i feel like that is not the case anymore. And what is truscum? I don't understand these slurs lol sorry.







From what I have learned on Tumblr, cishit is basically cis shit. It’s a person who happens to be really grossly biased or rude towards trans/NB people, and they’re what these people would consider pieces of shit. Truscum is someone who believes transgender people have a medical condition, being trans, and that dysphoria is necessary to identify as trans. Any corrections, please let me know!!! This is just what I’ve learned, it may not necessarily be the same as someone else’s findings/definitions.


You’re right about truscum, but from all the sjws I’ve argued eith, I’m pretty sure cishit or cis shit is just a slur, like tr—-y. Both pretty bad words btw don’t use either.

Mod Mercy

1. Do you know what the fuck a slur is

2. Do you know what the fuck a false equivalence is

3. Congrats on being actual trash.

I know what a slur is. It’s a word used to insult/put down a person based on things they can’t change. The rest of what you said is random shit so I’m not respondingn to it.

A slur is not just any word or any insult. Slurs have histories of demeaning & dehumanizing marginalized groups of people. That is why words like cracker & cishit can never be slurs.

Even if we humor you & accept your definition as accurate (which, again, it is not), “cishits” wouldn’t fit the criteria. A cishit is someone who says somethig problematic without apology. The insult is based on action, not identity.

A false equivalence is taking two things that seem superficially similar, when they aren’t. Likening t——y, a word that perpetuates transmisogyny & has been used to demean trans people for the entirety of its decades-long existence, to a word like cishits, which was created less than 1 year ago to refer to problematic cis people, is a false equivalence.

You are dismissed.

I beg to differ, as cis shit is thrown around quite a lot, often times unwarranted. Step off your high horse for a moment, oh all seeing one.

an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation.

This is what a slur is as per the dictionary. The noun at least. Take a moment, “Likely to INSULT them or damage their reputation.”
I’d be insulted if I was called a cis shit.
I’d be insulted if I was called a t——-y.
Both are slurs.
Get over yourself.

Can somebody else take over from here bcos I’m on my way to work & I’ve got no patience for anyone who jerks off to inaccurate dictionary definitions.

I mean if you have to rely on the dictionary to hold your shoddy argument together, you have no argument to begin with, you fucking assnipple. Oh omg. Did I just call you a slur?

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    is this a fucking joke
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    cishit is a term used by dumbasses on tumblr who hate cis people for simply existing. truscum is a name that has become...
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