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[–]Sprunt2 105 ポイント106 ポイント

I seriously thought that you were trolling us by not having anything resembling a troll in this picture... im an idiot

[–]sowerofdiscord 22 ポイント23 ポイント

You're not an idiot, I thought the same.

Disclaimer: I'm only being nice to you being I'm high on heroin.

*Thanks for all the kind responses.

[–]bruce_willys 23 ポイント24 ポイント

Hey man you don't need that in your life.

[–]melgarologist 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Put it down, friend. Everything you're afraid of confronting will still be there after your bump. It's time to face it head on.

[–]SandpaperScrew [score hidden]

Who said he's afraid? Maybe he just likes it.

[–]deadbeats95 [score hidden]

Of course he likes it, its fucking heroin it's awesome. But just because you like something doesn't mean you should be doing it.

[–]SandpaperScrew [score hidden]

If it's not hurting anyone but himself, oh well, to each their own.

[–]jackjack27 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I'm confused. Where's a troll?

[–]MOLDY_QUEEF_BARF [score hidden]

It's the big rock on the right. It looks like troll sitting on a throne. Took me a while to figure it out too.

[–]DariustheMediocre [score hidden]

I don't see it, which must mean OP is indeed a fagsicle. Down(u-)boated.

If anyone gets that sly referance to WWI, I'll give you a jawbeaker!

[–]elbonneb 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Thought the same until I saw this comment.