all 190 comments

[–]Moncion 40 ポイント41 ポイント

I have no idea how that guy stayed calm after that dude socked him in the dome

[–]president_clint -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Most likely fear

[–]Teaandchips 14 ポイント15 ポイント

Yep, i dont think he thought the short old bald guy to knew how to fight. Baldy knew how to fight.

[–]cmbezln 8 ポイント9 ポイント

Had to be a blow to his ego, looks like he's wearing some martial arts garb.

[–]rinexx 1 ポイント2 ポイント

He tried to take out the older gentleman's leg at 2:08 so I don't doubt that he had some small amount of martial arts familiarity. If he was trained is a different story.

Everybody in this video made some pretty poor choices in my opinion.

[–]Caledonian_Scot 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Why does everyone on reddit turn into a fucking Psychoanalyst or detective whenever fight videos come up?

[–]cmbezln 12 ポイント13 ポイント

As if it takes a psychoanalyst to tell that someone wearing martial arts clothing fancies themselves a fighter, lol.

[–]RobertoCruzing 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Absolutely. the over hand rights, the upper cuts, and the collar grabs. Baldy has been in quite a few scraps.

[–]Tom_Robinson 35 ポイント36 ポイント

God damn. Everyone there has something fucked up with them besides the Red Lumberjack.

[–]0six0four 36 ポイント37 ポイント

The black guy was so cool, he just went along with the singing and started dancing.

[–]BaldEagleCheezSamich 17 ポイント18 ポイント

Why doesn't bald dude just move down the obviously not-full train? You shouldn't stand in front of the doors anyway. That's the real crime here.

[–]cmbezln 13 ポイント14 ポイント

He's pretty obviously an asshole.

[–]BaldEagleCheezSamich 4 ポイント5 ポイント

He also hates music

[–]13segruts 9 ポイント10 ポイント

Yeah, why can't we all just be the Red Lumberjack?

[–]cykovisuals -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

[–]Ru93 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Yeah he's my favourite character.

[–]PieBlaCon 2 ポイント3 ポイント


[–]Ru93 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Ah yes sorry. You see, English is not my first language.

[–]jupiknight 56 ポイント57 ポイント

That bitch in the pink hat is waaaaaaay to entitled.



    [–]WHAT_SUBREDDIT_IS_IT -3 ポイント-2 ポイント


    [–]Mamadog5 11 ポイント12 ポイント

    I am waiting for a fight to break out over the proper interpretation of the events in the video.

    [–]EvrythingISayIsRight 90 ポイント91 ポイント

    What is it with people who can't shut the fuck up on public transport?

    [–]DailyDoseOfBryan 62 ポイント63 ポイント

    metal problems.

    [–]djloreddit 87 ポイント88 ポイント


    [–]DailyDoseOfBryan 49 ポイント50 ポイント

    not even gonna fix it.

    [–]impreprex 40 ポイント41 ポイント

    But she was only singing to the Lord.

    [–]NomNomNommy 5 ポイント6 ポイント

    I kept thinking she was saying, "I'm singing to the doors!" since she was sitting right next to the doors. Lord makes a lot more sense.

    [–]Creativation 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    [–]jayteescout 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    I thought she was singing to the Earth.

    [–]Dehast 3 ポイント4 ポイント

    She was singing to her baby man

    [–]ChiliFlake 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    Oooh. I thought she was was saying 'singing to New York'.

    [–]jgybars 6 ポイント7 ポイント

    In the name of Jesus Christ, that is inexcyoosible.

    [–]nerowasframed 31 ポイント32 ポイント

    I think a more important question is "what is it with people who decide it's okay to start fights on public transport?" That lady did nothing wrong. The guy defending her did nothing wrong. The bald guy who threw the first punch, and the woman in the pink cap that kept insisting that the cops were "coming to take away" the woman that was singing were clearly at fault. You don't get to just start shit because you don't like the sound of someone else's voice. Bring fucking headphones if you're so opposed to other people's voices.

    [–]themisanthrope 9 ポイント10 ポイント

    The guy defending her was trying to alpha male the bald man into not confronting the lady singing. The lady singing is being an asshole, and I would confront her too if I were there. The bald man had every right to ask her to be quiet and Kung fu man decided that he was going to step in and get involved. The Kung fu man then put his hands on the bald dude when the bald dude was really only approaching the woman to use his words to confront her.

    It seems to me that the whole situation was a mess and that the bald dude was put in a bad position with a wannabe tough guy trying to bully him into not speaking to the obviously disruptive woman.

    Should he had unloaded on the other man? Perhaps not, but claiming that kung fu man did nothing wrong when he put his hands on the bald dude first is incorrect. You don't touch other people. I could see why bald dude felt threatened and responded the way he did. I don't see it as the bald dude starting a fight at all.

    Also, the singing lady was being antagonistic, and pretending that it's ok to loudly sing on public transportation is ridiculous. They asked her not quiet down and she decided to be an asshole about it. Fuck that lady.

    [–]statist_steve 29 ポイント30 ポイント

    The bald guy was also provoking the singing lady by telling her she was going to hell. You're a mean shit if you try to tear down a mentally ill person's whole world like that.

    And, yeah, Kung Fu shouldn't put his hands on anyone, but there's an obvious difference between what he did and what the bald guy did. Come on.

    [–]MoreCowbellPlease 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    I also think Kwai Chang Caine said something to Mr. Clean prior that made Mr. Clean angry. Mr. Clean kept saying to Grasshopper, "What are you going to do?"

    [–]yungdoom 43 ポイント44 ポイント

    I'm betting you've never taken public transit before. The lady singing is clearly crazy. In this situation you ignore her and get off at your stop.

    [–]themisanthrope 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    Boston born and raised,thanks. Lots of experience on the T. You can do what you want, but this lady wasn't crazy enough that she didn't understand. Not saying I'd lose my temper over it, but again - it's reasonable to ask someone to stop.

    [–]editedby 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    not to mention someone is filming this as she's singing, so she must have been doing it for some time. this makes everyone uncomfortable, and good for the guy to ask her to stop. even if she doesn't, he didn't do anything wrong. you're right. the guy coming in there trying to stick up for the singing lady bit off more than he could chew. he had his girl there and couldn't look stupid. now he looks even more stupid.

    [–]CharlesManson420 -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    He already said it was aggravating him to her and a couple other remarks. So when he was walking over towards her what the hell was he about to do? Most likely take a threatening stance and order that she stops now.

    [–]themisanthrope -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

    You seem to have it all figured out.

    [–]mightybonk 10 ポイント11 ポイント

    when the bald dude was really only approaching the woman to use his words to confront her.

    Huh? How do you know that?

    The guy that punched someone in the face, on camera, couldn't possibly have been going to punch anyone else that day?

    [–]0six0four 4 ポイント5 ポイント

    You're just like that big tall bitch. The bald guy was at fault plain and simple.

    [–]nerowasframed 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    No no no. The lady was just singing. What is the problem with that? Just leave other people alone. Like I said, if you didn't want to hear that shit, he should have worn headphones. Fuck, the brakes squeak louder on a train than a person could ever sing. If you have a problem with hearing things like that on public transportation, you shouldn't be riding public transportation in the first place.

    The guy in the weird uniform was going there simply to put himself between the guy and the woman. They bald guy was already talking shit to the woman in an openly threatening way. The guy in the weird kung fu outfit pushed the bald guy because the bald guy was trying to bypass the kung fu guy to get to the woman. The kung fu guy was in no way trying to white knight or anything like that.

    The lady wasn't being antagonistic; she wasn't trying to start a fight, she just wanted to sing. The bald guy wasn't put in a bad situation. He put himself in that situation by not letting go of the fact that one old woman decided she wanted to sing that day. Like I said, if you don't like to here random people singing, you shouldn't be riding public transportation.

    Should he had unloaded on the other man? Perhaps not, but claiming that kung fu man did nothing wrong when he put his hands on the bald dude first is incorrect.

    This really bothers me. Going apeshit on a guy? MAYBE he shouldn't have done that.
    Blocking the guy from getting closer to a woman half his size that he was already trying to yell at: FUCK THAT ASSHOLE WHAT A DICK MOVE

    [–]themookish 8 ポイント9 ポイント

    Just leave other people alone.

    Yes, but this includes not singing like an obnoxious wanker to other people.

    [–]nerowasframed 6 ポイント7 ポイント

    I don't know that it does. You're going to hear far worse things on a subway train than someone singing.

    Leaving people alone, to me, means letting people do their own shit. If they want to sing, let them sing; if they want to dance, let them dance; if they want to do something else, let them, just don't confront them on it.

    [–]themookish 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    I want to enjoy a ride in public transit without someone squawking loudly.

    [–]pretzelzetzel 11 ポイント12 ポイント

    You should try the Seoul system. You can feel the disapproval in the air whenever anyone makes noise.

    [–]nerowasframed 5 ポイント6 ポイント

    LOL, good luck with that. Maybe try some place that isn't a metropolitan area.

    EDIT: Just as personal preference, I would rather hear someone singing off-key than the shitty noises you get from subway cars anyway.

    [–]mightybonk 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    HAHAHAHA jesus christ, that's amazing.

    Buy a car, champ.

    I'm not sure the universe is ready to meet your expectations.

    [–]themookish -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    I desire it, but I don't expect it.

    [–]themisanthrope 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Not trying to white knight? Laughable. He also touched the other man and was obviously trying to intimidate him. We'll have to agree to disagree here.

    [–]nerowasframed -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

    Yeah, I guess we will. But I want to point out that if you get this aggravated over someone just singing on public transportation, you really have no business taking public transportation anywhere.

    [–]Airyll 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    Isn't it better to be respectful of other people on public transport? Then again, where I'm from it's only four to six stops from where I want to go so I could put up with that for that long :/ I do understand mental illness is a big part of these public freak outs. I feel sorry for them more than annoyed.
    Yet you never know if they are legitimately sick or being either high, drunk (I doubt that woman was either for some reason) or just taking their anger and frustrations out on the general public.

    [–]themisanthrope -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    I think we just disagree about confrontation. What I see as a reasonable response by the bald man :"as I was saying ma'am...." before Kung fu man pushed him (which is completely inappropriate btw since the bald man clearly wasn't being violent at that point and was being quite civil to her), you see as yelling at her and grounds for someone else to physically intervene.

    Your rights stop where someone else's start. You can sing on the train, but I have the right to a reasonably quiet train ride so I'm going to ask you to be quiet. The woman was deliberately singing after people asked her to - thats is being provocative. It is a reasonable request to ask someone to stop disturbing other train riders. I understand she's crazy, but it's still reasonable to ask her to be quiet.

    Also, you continue to neglect to mention that the bald man was pushed by the Kung fu man. He also told the other guy to leave if he didn't like it. Why didn't Kung fu man leave when the bald man was asking the lady to quiet down (again, a reasonable request)? Why didn't Kung fu man leave if it bothered him so much - the bald man wasn't doing anything besides voicing his opinion, which he has every right to do. It's pretty clear that the Kung fu man then escalated the entire thing with his posturing. If you don't understand non-verbal communication, that's your problem, but standing like that is was definitely meant to intimidate the bald man.

    The threatening posture, unnecessary intervention and physical contact (this is a huge part of it) played a huge role in escalating this into a fistfight, IMO. You don't touch other people, and this is why.

    Again, we'll have to agree to disagree here. I happen to think everyone is to blame in some way, but I believe bald man didn't respond in an unreasonable manner considering how he was threatened.

    [–]kcheezy 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    He was being quite civil to her? Really? He told her she was going to hell and was posturing against the kung fu kid saying "what are you gonna do?" repeatedly. I don't think that is very civil behavior. Mr. Clean was clearly looking for a fight. You must be very easily provoked if you think he was justified in what he did.

    [–]ChickenHubben -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    You are assuming he didn't ask politely before the video starts.

    [–]themisanthrope -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

    I'm glad you know me so well.

    [–]pretzelzetzel -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

    if you get this aggravated over someone just singing on public transportation, you really have no business taking public transportation anywhere.

    Spoken like someone who doesn't commute. One's threshhold for tolerating bullshit from other riders is inversely proportionate to the amount of time per day one spends riding. Every daily long-hauler knows this. I've been angry all morning over someone smacking their gum on the subway, for christ's sake. Signing? Forget about it.

    [–]nerowasframed 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    I do commute. In NYC. From Brooklyn to Manhattan.

    Like I said, if you can't take someone's shit, you have no place on public transportation. Where do you commute? Rural Kansas or something where everyone sits quietly and says not a word? That doesn't happen in the majority of subways/buses/whatever.

    [–]ChickenHubben 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    I also commute in NYC and I think we both know you'd be annoyed as shit if some asshole was being disruptive. And if you some how are so dense that you happily ignore it, than 99% of the other passengers will find it obnoxious. Some might even speak up. It's not unreasonable to expect a peaceful commute.

    [–]The_final_chapter -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Everyone has the right to be on public transport. Also, you are a fucking idiot. If you are this stupid you shouldn't be on Reddit.

    [–]nancyfuqindrew 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    Yeah, Reddit, home of high-minded discourse. What would idiots be doing on there? I take public transit in Philadelphia, it is common to experience: panhandlers, nodding off heroin addicts, people with mental problems, singers, people with instruments. Handle your shit without resorting to throwing punches.

    [–]FatMan832 -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    I lived in Los Angeles and used public transport for 6 months. Snapping gum pissed you off? Where the hell are you from? It's got to be Canada or Sweden and I can guarantee that you are not from a "major" city.

    In Los Angeles you've got all kinds of crazy, from peaceful stoner hippy to Bloods to Mexicans with tattoos of 18th street on their face and ANYTHING can happen. Ghetto Blaster radios, drugs, arguments, spitting, masturbation, shows (actual plays, music, etc. most was good) sales of candy, and etc. If snapping gum was my biggest complaint, I would have continued to use the train. But because I can't put up with the B.S., I sit in traffic on the 110 to the 10E.

    Snapping gum was driving you crazy....... White People first world problems.

    [–]ChickenHubben -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

    As a paying customer of public transportation I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a non disruptive ride. It is NOT ok to sing loudly in public, or blast your music, or talk loudly on your phone. It's common courtesy. That woman does not have any

    [–]rapmachinenodiggidy -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    i agree with you but i also agree with the dude you answered. really that idiot singing but everyone in a bad position and she is probably mental so what does that tell us? shit like this will happen.

    [–]spicy_eagle 18 ポイント19 ポイント

    I wish someone would write a play about this give names to all the characters.

    [–]Empty_Wine_Box 27 ポイント28 ポイント

    Give me a week.

    [–]yankeed00dledandy 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    want to collaborate? google doc?

    [–]UncleJackdeservedit 4 ポイント5 ポイント

    Keep me posted. Sounds fun.

    [–]Ru93 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    I'll be waiting.

    [–]spicy_eagle 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    I've marked my calendar.

    [–]austex_mike 45 ポイント46 ポイント

    Having grown up in NY that woman's singing was far, far from the most obnoxious behavior I have seen on the subway. If that upset you then you'd best not get on the train.

    [–]Trackpad94 28 ポイント29 ポイント

    Toronto here: the golden rule of public transit is don't address the crazies. They're mostly harmless if you ignore them. They'll yell at nobody in particular and get off at their stop.

    [–]Hountoof 23 ポイント24 ポイント

    This is why I empathize with the guy that got punched. I felt like he was trying to keep that guy from verbally attacking someone with a mental illness.

    [–]ChickenHubben -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

    Does that make it ok? Does that mean we should just grin and bear it?

    [–]austex_mike 6 ポイント7 ポイント

    You sound like a New Yorker looking for a fight.

    [–]ChickenHubben 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    YEA?? WHAT OF IT?!!

    [–]jlee137 13 ポイント14 ポイント

    Pretty sure that guy was mike ermantraut

    [–]Weather 7 ポイント8 ポイント

    No more half measures.

    [–]hotpeppersauce -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

    I also saw Breaking Bad

    [–]hamptonwooster 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    [–]yungdoom 20 ポイント21 ポイント

    I can't stand people who get in between fights when they are without a doubt going to fight. Like that woman with the pink beanie. too entitled and annoying ugh

    [–]Fuckledore 14 ポイント15 ポイント


    She pissed me off more than anyone. Surprisingly, I think she was a transvestite.

    [–]ShriekinDreamer 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    that last sentence made me laugh for a good minute.

    [–]STFU_R_Politics -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    Surprisingly, I think she was a transvestite.

    Why is it surprising that a tranny tried to insert itselfs into the drama. most entitled and attention seeking people on earth.

    [–]lhmatt 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    You are an angry person and I hope I never cross your path. Really, this comment sums you up entirely.

    [–]Fuckledore 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Not what I was implying

    [–]LadyLatency -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    Hello. I'm a transgender woman and I find this comment offensive.
    <sarcasm> I must be inserting myself into drama because I am entitled and attention-seeking. </sarcasm>

    [–]atworktemp 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    of all the people, i wanted her to get punched in the face the most. goddamn cunt.

    [–]RonaldTheRight 9 ポイント10 ポイント

    This video is Age Restricted, here's a direct link if you'd rather not login.

    [–]prettykoolguy[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント


    [–]Slap_Meat_Larry 4 ポイント5 ポイント

    Is episode 2 on Netflix yet?

    [–]IAM99887 20 ポイント21 ポイント

    He probably feels dumb as hell wearing that karate shirt after that ass wooping lol

    [–]spicy_eagle 17 ポイント18 ポイント

    i think that's the outfit for the panda express head cooks right?

    [–]PickleSlice 5 ポイント6 ポイント

    Yeah, it clearly looks like some sort of chefs outfit.

    [–]vereonix 9 ポイント10 ポイント

    Someone needed to punch the lady/man in the pink hat.

    [–]InspiredRichard 6 ポイント7 ポイント

    Interesting how there seems to be a relatively even split about who is at fault here.

    [–]ShriekinDreamer 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    Well you were most certainly right, this is a drama with a ton of different characters and personalities..

    [–]_DennisReynolds_ 6 ポイント7 ポイント

    -wears Gi -doesn't know shit about self defense

    [–]jbibby 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    "Wait! We don't cover striking defense for another three weeks! Ow! OW!"

    [–]OpinionatedAHole 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    He tried to "sweep the leg"

    [–]IroN_MiKe 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    I don't think thats a Gi. I think it's just a traditional chinese shirt.

    [–]Cosmic_Bard 3 ポイント4 ポイント


    What the fuck?

    [–]ExeciN -1 ポイント0 ポイント


    Unique entities with different charicteristics

    [–]SnallTrippin 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    I didn't think she was bad...

    [–]Old_Monkey 9 ポイント10 ポイント

    I don't understand why he was so angry about her singing?

    [–]JopHabLuk 6 ポイント7 ポイント

    I've seen this video before many times, and when I watch it I like to think that the singing woman is married to the bald guy with the leather jacket.

    It's probably not true, but it makes it even more amusing.

    [–]TOGTFO 16 ポイント17 ポイント

    People are angry and find excuses to take out that anger on people around them. It's why people have road rage and get angry at others for seemingly minor things.

    It's one of the reasons people have road rage.

    [–]masterfisher 44 ポイント45 ポイント

    bc she was annoying as fuck probably

    [–]brillke 11 ポイント12 ポイント

    She said she was singing to God and he told her to go to hell so I guess the subject mater of her tune was the issue. He's a dick and started it all, IMO, and the bitch in the pink hat made things worse.

    [–]Theophagist 17 ポイント18 ポイント

    Kung Fu Guy started that fight. The bald guy didn't show any threat with his body movements or posture. He just shot his mouth off. Kinda pointless if you ask me, it's just double annoying for the whole train to have two people running their friggin' yaps.

    But the singing lady wasn't under any threat. KFG jumped in like a white knight anyhow. KFG essentially started the fight by making first contact when all bald man was doing was shooting his mouth off. Bald man was a tad quick to brawl I think. He could have been a righteous dude and given him one more "no touch" warning. But after KFG over-reacted and pushed him, bald man was pretty much acting within his rights by retaliating.

    I kind of felt how it was going to go as soon as I saw the postures. Observe the bald man, hands down, feet planted. Now observe Kung Fu Guy with his crossed-arms display. Crossed-arms is the defensive pose of a scared man.

    I give KFG props for being scared and still brave enough to address the perceived, albeit falsely perceived, threat. He's not nearly a match for the firecracker he pissed off but if he boxed instead of fucking around with sweeps he might have outlasted the older man.

    I like that KFG is willing to fight for something. I don't particularly "like" the bald man, but I have to respect his right to speak his mind. His brawling was pretty solid but he wasn't a complete spaz either. He flashed a little at the push, it became a short brawl, but when someone stepped in he had the self control to cease and desist fighting. He's certainly a hothead and possibly a psychological bully, but he's not a thug. I can deal with that.

    I hope KFG learned from his mistake. It's good to fight for something, but you really need to know when you need to fight and when you need to think. If he felt there was a real threat all he really needed to do relax and watch. A short eye contact, not a stare to threaten but a "hello, I'm here." Then just watch. There would have been no fight.

    [–]Jexroyal 8 ポイント9 ポイント

    Spot on analysis man, and I completely agree that the guy who was "protecting" the lady just escalated the situation. Baldy seemed to be taking out some anger, but he was provoked and calmed quickly when the other man intervened.

    Honestly though I found the singing lady to be the most irrationally reactive out of any of them. Claiming the guy was coming after her was completely false as all he had done was verbally reply in kind to her singing, and although hostile, he had no indication of attacking her.

    Subways be crazy places.

    [–]EvrythingISayIsRight 3 ポイント4 ポイント

    Why are you calling him kung fu guy and not "got his ass kicked" guy? I don't see any kung fu, unless his plan is to get his shit rocked.

    [–]Theophagist 5 ポイント6 ポイント

    He is wearing a traditional black shirt with white frog clasps, typically worn in kung fu classes. He also attempted to employ some martial arts when he went to sweep his opponent with his leg. A hideously innefective sweep, he just used the back of his calf instead of his hips and momentum so it just bounced off the other guy's legs.

    [–]themisanthrope 2 ポイント3 ポイント

    He attempted the worst O soto gari in history.

    [–]kcg5 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    What is that? I thought I saw an attempt at a leg sweep early on? Or something....?

    [–]TunicSongForKaren 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    A judo move.

    [–]MoreCowbellPlease 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    I was thinking he was a waiter and this was his work clothes.

    [–]lhmatt 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    I don't believe he started the fight, the bald man threw the first punch, antagonized everyone around him and verbally instigated the chef dude. He wanted to fight and made sure of it. "What are you going to do" "Yeah, I thought so". These aren't the things a person who doesn't want to fight says.

    However, should he have inserted himself in between the man and woman? No. But the bald guy almost punched a woman just to get the fight he wanted so badly, just because he got touched.

    I'd probably have said something to him too, especially after he told her "You are going to hell".

    [–]Theophagist 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    For the record I'm not trying to justify everyone's childish behavior. I'm trying to demonstrate how kung fu jacket guy is not the better man, even though he was trying to be one. He patently failed to be the better man and was even the first to stoop too low in the story.

    antagonized everyone around him

    I disagree. He was bitching at the person who was causing the initial disturbance, then the third character entered the story.

    verbally instigated the chef dude.

    Dude invited himself into the situation. By definition he is an instigator. Not the sole instigator in the play, but one of them.

    the bald man threw the first punch,

    But kung fu jacket guy made the first attack. This is after he had already made a verbal challenge against the angry man's right to use his obnoxious words to shut up an obnoxious person.

    Some believe that in itself is enough to fight for. I'm not the kind to fight or bitch someone out in public, (I fight and bitch for sport in controlled environments). But if for some reason I felt I had the right and reason to do so I know I would be resentful of someone else telling me not to.

    These aren't the things a person who doesn't want to fight says.

    Not as such. His words make fairly clear the conditions under which he is willing to fight.

    However, should he have inserted himself in between the man and woman? No.

    Precisely, this is exactly when the fight started. The fact that there was space to insert himself was a clear indication that he wasn't needed there. You can see that the bald man keeps a good foot or so beyond arms' length from the woman he's yelling at.

    So here's a situation with raised voices but no violence or threatening gestures. So what was our orange belt trying to do? Impose a "shut up or I'll shut you up" order? Does that not make him a thug himself?

    To me it makes him worse than the bald man, because while the bald man's clear intent was "shut up or I'll shout you down", KFG clearly intended "shut up or I'll beat you down." Then he made the push, and it bears repeating that this was the first physical attack.

    But the bald guy almost punched a woman

    He had the presence of mind not to even when she was putting herself in the way. He was in pretty good control in spite of his anger.

    I'd probably have said something to him too, especially after he told her "You are going to hell".

    That's foolish though, you're inviting yourself into a world of hurt, for what? Some stranger's potentially hurt feelings?

    You may have said something but when he got in your face I hope you would have the wisdom to back down. Restrain all violence until an unsolicited attack occurs. It's really the only legal and moral choice. And besides, they're just words. Let people froth at the mouth and say whatever stupid shit they want. It's not worth medical bills and legal fees.

    It's the greater man's duty to keep peace. Telling people "Shut up or I'll fight you" is not keeping the peace and it is not the act of the greater man.

    [–]brillke -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

    I'm going to agree to disagree. I'm not invested enough in this video to argue about it :)

    [–]timothyjc 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    ITT assholes who think singing is a crime which demands public violence.

    [–]nottodayfolks -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    This is what happens I guess when everyone does get involved.

    [–]BasementSea 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Subway soap opera. Amazing depth

    [–]Michaelion 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Weak move by bald guy to get his advantage from the woman with pink hat trying to intervene. It wasn't a fair fight obviously, and that, kids, is lesson #1. Street fights are not fair.

    [–]balthus1880 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    amazing camera work and a great script.

    [–]q-base6 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Such depth to this play, it really makes me think about life.

    [–]denart4 -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Reminds me of my annoying younger sister.

    [–]Spaghetti_Bender8873 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    I genuinely want an Oscar winning film of this.

    [–]TheSliceman 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    The greatest ever?

    So its it Snackman or Epic Beard Man?

    [–]bclikesyou 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Big dude in red shirt = top notch. I bet he's a solid bro.

    [–]iammrpositive 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Great video, but the arguments in this thread are making me feel unusually opinionated. I really want to chime in. What's the point though... I'm a day late anyway. Fuck it.

    [–]speedyjesus 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    this is by far the best thing I have ever seen on youtube. Oh god it's like a scene out of A Confederacy of Dunces. Thank you for posting this. My life has changed for the better

    [–]thatguy77992 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    the guy looks like Mike from Breaking Bad

    [–]EkriirkE 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    That tranny is a total drama queen. Stirring shit

    [–]LadyLatency -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Hello, I'm a transgender woman and I'd just like to let anyone reading know that "tranny" is an extremely offensive term to people like me, much like the N word for black people.

    I hope don't get labeled as "Stirring shit" for making this comment.

    [–]EkriirkE -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

    Kinda, yes. I'm extremely familiar with the community and all the trannies I know proudly boast the title. Hell, everyone even loves one of the recurring local drag nights "Tranny Shack". Many people have words they like to tout offence to, especially if they view themselves as minority. They like "stirring shit" to bring awareness to their community. I'm sorry you've decided to give a word such power over your emotions.

    (edit: I did not downvote you)

    [–]lhmatt 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    As someone "extremely familiar with the community" you should understand your cisgendered entitlement and not make a comment like this. It's basically saying you can call a black person a slur cause you have black friends.

    [–]EkriirkE 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    I don't consider it a slur. That's your prerogative.

    [–]LadyLatency 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    I'm sorry you've decided to give a word such power over your emotions.

    Well, it's the word that was used against me as I was violently thrown out of the last house I lived in when they found out I was trans. In fact, no person that has used that word to describe me has treated me like a human being.

    If every time you heard the word "banana" someone did something terrible to you, I bet it wouldn't be long until just the word "banana" made your palms sweat and your heart beat faster. Maybe, to help you work through the fear, your sympathetic friends would say it around you when you asked to help make it a more normal word for you.

    You don't seem like a sympathetic friend. I'm sure that 50 years ago there were N**** shacks and white people told themselves it was okay to use that word too. But it sounds like you are tired of hearing about the problems of those who "view themselves as minority", so I'll get off my soapbox.

    [–]EkriirkE 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    So you live/grew in a terrible place, and that sucks, but over here it's thrown around like in affection. Castro, SF. If you got on that soap box like your post history here shows, in 10 minutes here your voice would be gone from all the berating.
    edit: I have a similar association. A feeling of dread comes over me if my bed is shaking when I'm asleep. My mother used to wake me this way to (force me to) go to church. I still have this "PTSD" but I do not tell others not use this method to wake people because of my personal experiences.

    [–]rinexx 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    I hate to say this, but a lot of opinions seem to feel that public property denotes public right. Ideologically, that's true. However, the ones that control public use of public property are those who spend money or time to police that property. It's the same with corporate (ie. malls, private parks, etc.) property that we view as "public." It's why neighborhood watches and deed restricted communities exist.

    I can understand that the older gentleman was upset with the older lady's singing. I might be too if I were having a bad day. However, extending your personal space of policing to cover the whole train is an abuse of your ideological rights. Leave the policing to those who are paid or volunteer to police the area. Get a train official, switch trains, or move to the other end of the train. This is no where close to a "packed" train so he could have very easily just moved away from her.

    I also feel that the older gentleman is used to using his personal space to impose on other's personal space in an attempt to intimidate or coerce through imposition. He uses the tactic when initially confronted by the young man and also on the older lady when the young man imposes between the older gentleman and the older lady. He is clearly using his rights to reduce or negate the rights of others just as the older lady was doing with her singing.

    Why would I damage my own argument about the older gentleman? Clearly, he's just responding in kind to an imposition on his rights. Just because the most apparent option of responding in kind is available, it is not the best or only option. He should have been the bigger person and waited for authorities to appear or move away from that which aggravated him. He was not under a position of inescapable duress. He's just as crazy and to blame as the older lady and needs help just as much as her. People need to start attending anger management classes. The amount of anger and discontent bubbling under the surface in society needs to be faced and resolved.

    I should also note that the older gentleman chose to fall victim to his duress. He and the older lady were under comparable duress. She was the focus of the discontent of the train and he was discontent with her singing. However, I'm sure the older lady would have moved or contacted authorities if she fell victim to her duress. Her body language and demeanor did not show any aggressiveness. The older gentleman instead chose to fall victim to his aggressiveness under his duress. He could have taken either of the options that the older lady would have. However, he didn't. For that, he needs to take responsibility for the consequences of his choice.

    I think we can all agree that the clear winner here is Mr. Lumberjack. Not only will he become an icon of reddit, but that's one fabulous shirt.

    10/10 would sleep all night and work all day

    [–]The_Signal_ -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    What a dumb broad. Shutup.

    [–]SkarnerTheGentleman -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    Imagine what would have happened to that lady if there was nobody taking video of this incident.

    [–]spacecherub -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

    I am deeply saddened by this video. The amount of misunderstanding between these two cultures caused so much violence and fear. This poor woman only doing what she thought was adored as fun art for the person recording was treated like a criminal. This poor woman in a new place was treated like a criminal all because their differences. I'm not blaming anyone in this, and it happens everywhere, but it breaks my heart everytime I see it.

    [–]cobalt503 -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    From begining to end.

    1. Lady was singing for the camera (may have been religious unknown language)
    2. Bald guy and a couple other passengers request to stop.
    3. She continues for the camera (still within her rights to sing herself or the camera)
    4. Guy steps in to become a shield against antagonistic bald man
    5. Dumb lady in pink cap fucks EVERYTHING UP EVERYTHING!!!
    6. She pulls on guy so he moves away from her and positions himself inbetween singing lady and bald guy.
    7. DLIPC Tries pulling him out of the way (Does she even fucking know this guy why is she putting her god damn hands on a complete stranger, and the lady's bag later on as she tries to throw the singing lady off the train) During this process the BALD man antagonist sucker punches kung fu dude and continues to whale on him while the initial sucker punch has him reeled.
    8. People flee and you get a chance to see black hippie dude want no part in violence. Which makes sense to me, understanding that he'd probably have a more difficult time with the police than any other person there.
    9. Dude in red shirt steps in to make a barrier, THE BEST THING THAT ANYONE COULD HAVE DONE. Most people don't realize it but the antagonist in most situations won't attack a neutral person. Specially if the dude is huge.

    All in all.. Dude in the leather jacket completely in the wrong. Lucky he didn't get tazed or worst, shot.

    [–]denart4 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    You look like an idiot that doesn't care about other people and you will only try harder to piss them off if you know they are bothered. You enjoy to make people angry. There are some worthy insults that should be thrown at you but assholes like you don't know better and won't change.

    [–]Bagnag -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    2:15 neckbeard to the rescue.

    [–]Pianissimeat -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

    Tall old lady in the pink hat was totally correct, she was definitely starting shit.

    [–]pureneonn 4 ポイント5 ポイント

    Yeah but singing really loudly is pretty tame in comparison to other things that happen on public transport.

    They asked her to shut up and she didn't - after that they should've realised she was a crazy and left her to it.