[TW: bulimia, restriction]
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU mods!
I used to have really severe bulimia. I’d throw up somewhere between seven and nine times a day after eating almost ANYTHING, even if it was just like a salad, and I thought I deserved it because I was fat and I needed to do Whatever It Took to lose weight and stop being disgusting. For like three months I also really severely restricted—I might eat 200 calories in a day. Never lost weight doing either of those, actually. I only gained.
TITP was my first exposure ever—I stumbled onto it by accident—to the idea that just because someone is fat doesn’t mean they’re gross and unhealthy and need to lose weight by any means necessary. It gave me the courage to stop purging, and in the year since I found it I’ve only thrown up on purpose maybe thirty times, not counting the first week or two and completely stopped restricting. Thank you guys so much. TITP might have legit saved my life. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3