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about art friends 3DS

as a former man i can say trans men are garbage and should be nb instead, its more fun

Tagged: #truscum

  1. kanayahummel reblogged this from ponyprincessesforjustice
  2. ponyprincessesforjustice reblogged this from truscumprincess and added:
    Im doing both - shining armor
  3. therorlord reblogged this from rabbitranter
  4. rabbitranter reblogged this from urls-areoverrated
  5. truscumprincess reblogged this from philosophicalnothings
  6. daemonophile reblogged this from genderspatial
  7. notyourqueertheoryposterchild reblogged this from terfs and added:
    I’ve actually already looked pretty closely. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  8. philosophicalnothings reblogged this from notanothergenderblog
  9. notanothergenderblog reblogged this from genderspatial
  10. genderspatial reblogged this from terfs and added:
    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
  11. a-sexually-active-wifi reblogged this from the-other-pastel-panda
  12. terfs reblogged this from notyourqueertheoryposterchild and added:
    shhh look closer
  13. cyrusstarchaser reblogged this from snarkytransman and added:
    Oh yeah, choosing your gender is all the rage now! Which makes me wonder - why doesn’t everyone ‘choose’ to be a man, so...
  14. floralwasp reblogged this from snarkytransman
  15. toxicomanies reblogged this from tiptoe-through-the-saffrons
  16. gender-cat reblogged this from transstar
  17. urls-areoverrated reblogged this from transstar
  18. the-other-pastel-panda reblogged this from tiptoe-through-the-saffrons
  19. transstar reblogged this from snarkytransman
  20. tiptoe-through-the-saffrons reblogged this from snarkytransman
  21. snarkytransman reblogged this from terfs and added:
    Yes, because people can choose their gender, and that choice is based on how fun it is.
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