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[–]thisisgraham 63 ポイント64 ポイント

To clarify, they melt in warmer seasons and freeze during the colder. Glacial ice is the largest reservoir of freshwater on Earth. The frequency / mass of the melting ice is however seen as a significant factor in the argument towards climate change.

[–]Muuviestar [score hidden]

It frustrates me that people believe climate change isn't happening. It makes my head want to explode.

[–]sollord [score hidden]

Only a tiny fraction of people don't believe in Climate change but they also probably only think the earth is 6,000 years old and flat. The real issue is a lot of people not believing in man made climate change or just how much of an effect we've had on the planet. Some people think all the green house gases are just offsetting or delaying a slide into another ice age.