Harlequins T. Theremins, PHD

Of course…. Of course they would hate this picture.I’m not even surprised by Bronies anymore.

>”No girl needs your approval”
>Complains when she doesn’t receive approval


Of course…. Of course they would hate this picture.
I’m not even surprised by Bronies anymore.

>”No girl needs your approval”

>Complains when she doesn’t receive approval

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  16. sadgrossgirl reblogged this from yeahimabore and added:
    Ew shut up she isn’t “complaining” that she didn’t get approval, she’s just pointing it out that of course the creepy...
  17. cats-radical reblogged this from demisnowflake and added:
    lmao, at people posting feminist messages on derpybooru of all places and expecting to get a good score.
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