You got some people of the Diaspora thinking that they can just roll up into Africa as if it’s home.
African nations are not automatically home to you because of your phenotype.You’re going to a place that has people, cultures, languages, etc as a visitor. So act like one. Act like you have some damned respect. The people aren’t required to cater to you because you decided to show up.The Slave Ship is my wow.^^^ essentially. no home for niggas. none whatsoever. once lost forever lost. even africans dont want us….even though we are africans. colonization. its real.Africans don’t want to appropriated. It’s that simple. Ain’t nobody said that you ain’t wanted. What isn’t wanted is arrogance, appropriation, and perversion of African cultures.Africans don’t want usAmerica doesn’t want usA theme that has continued to reappear in candid conversations on this website.African’s don’t want to be appropriated but have no problem delving into african american culture in all it’s is not “appropriation” to try and reconnect to the place you were stolen from. this is like, if you find your birth parents, calling them mom and dad is “appropriation???” thats so fucking backwards ho shit you really think that black americans are in a position of power to take away your africa from youACTUALLY THEY CAN TREAT IT AS HOME BECAUSE SOME OF US AFRICANS ACTUALLY WELCOME OUR BLACK AMERICAN COUSINS WHEN THEY CAN MUSTER UP ALL THAT MONEY TO COME SEE US.SOME OF US KNOW THE DIVIDE IS DELIBERATE AND DON’T SEEK TO FUCKING PERPETUATE IT WITH BULLSHIT MEAN GIRLS MENTALITY LIKE “YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US”.Jesus Shitting CHRIST what is WRONG with you, OP?You’re shitting on over 600 years of HISTORY simply because you’re mad at those few Black Americans who DO bastardize and attempt to homogenize Africa?Like, yeah, I know the Niggas With Ankhs brigade are the ones who be claiming All Things Egypt but deny the shit out of their West African roots.But guess what? Africa loves hip hop and we didn’t invent that. SORRY NOT SORRY BUT AFRICANS DIDN’T INVENT EVERYTHING BLACK AMERICANS DO TODAY. Are there echoes of our stamp in there? FUCK YEAH BUT WE DIDN’T SWEAT AND BLEED TO COME UP WITH WHAT THEY HAVE ESTABLISHED FOR THEMSELVES IN A STOLEN COUNTRY THEIR ANCESTORS BUILT.And them attempting to connect to us is SYMPTOMATIC of having their ancestral identities stolen from them.Holy shit can we please start healing this wound already and stop with the “I’m more African Than Thou” or “I’m Blacker Than Thou” bullshit?Let me tell you why I believe you’re a stupid, wrong, idiot, despite understanding what you were ATTEMPTING to say.In 2002 my mother took some of my Black American friends under her wing, in particular my friend Sarafina, whom we always believed was descended from the Fulani people (she has the same features), so my mother offered to take her with us to Nigeria for a month in the summer, to which her parents, who are PRO BLACK AND ALL THINGS DIASPORA, agreed!You know what Sarafina DIDN’T experience while she was home with me? Alienation, isolation, and cold distance. My family back home IMMEDIATELY took her in and treated her as one of our own because some of us Africans were raised to assume responsibility of other people’s kids because it takes a village and all that.She was never treated as if she were an outsider. She was expected to have the same responsibilities and respect as me, to the point where after a few weeks NO ONE QUESTIONED HER ORIGINS. She was just assumed to be my Fulani cousin. And when her origins did come up, my family never once shunned her or tried to make her feel like a fucking VISITOR. She was family, plain and simple, and that’s how my mother and I have ALWAYS treated our Black American kindred, even the ones who spit on us and call us African Bootyscratchers and the like. Yeah, even them.So this bullshit of assuming that Black Americans don’t respect us is soooooo not how that works, player. You have to look at the entire fucking picture and start tracing the lines of history and understand WHY this conversation is the way it is and WHY they react to us the way they do when it comes up.MY FATHER IS BLACK AMERICAN BUT HE WAS BORN IN NIGERIA. My grandfather spent nearly half his life researching his roots.I AM DESCENDED FROM SLAVES AND FREEDMEN ON MY FATHER’S SIDE AND ACTUAL FUCKING ROYALTY ON MY MOTHER’S. Does that make me any better or less that any of my Diaspora kin? Fuck no! It just makes our history way more fucking interesting.So please cut that bullshit out and go sit down until you’ve learned a thing or two about actual Diaspora history AND YOUR OWN HISTORY before opening that stupid goat mouth. Mschewwww.
I began to cry reading this. I don’t know anything about where I belong and it’s just so hurtful to think my history was stolen from me.
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Then when y’all come to America y’all better damn well act like visitors too. Do not appropriate our culture either, you...
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The sad thing about this is even Africans aren’t welcome in parts of Africa. Even though I see where this person is...
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Honestly, we cant just go back to Africa as if we belong there. As black people we are synonymous to mutts, so mixed and...
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