- Title
AmotL2 linksVE-cadherin to contractile actin fibres necessary for aortic lumen expansion - Authors
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- Cell–cell adhesion molecules and the cytoskeleton determine endothelial cell shape during the formation of blood vessels. Here the authors show that the scaffold protein, amotL2, couples adherens junctions to contractile cytoskeletal proteins to coordinate cellular morphogenesis with aortic lumen expansion.
- Date
- 07 May 2014
- doi:
- 10.1038/ncomms4743
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Bacterial twitching motility is coordinated by a two-dimensional tug-of-war with directional memory
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- Bacteria such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae use filamentous appendages known as pili to move on surfaces. Here, using a combined theoretical and experimental approach, the authors show that pili are coordinated through a tug-of-war mechanism that provides directional persistence.
- Date
- 07 May 2014
- doi:
- 10.1038/ncomms4759
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Rhythmic oscillations of the microRNA
miR-96 -5p play a neuroprotective role by indirectly regulatingglutathione levels Open - Authors
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- Glutathione is a key antioxidant that plays an important neuroprotective role in the brain. Here, Kinoshita et al. show that levels of glutathione exhibit diurnal fluctuations that are indirectly regulated by the microRNA miR-96-5p, and that this microRNA plays a neuroprotective role against oxidative stress.
- Date
- 07 May 2014
- doi:
- 10.1038/ncomms4823
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- Title
Protein grafting of
p53 TAD onto a leucine zipper scaffold generates a potent HDM dual inhibitor - Authors
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- The protein levels of the tumour suppressor p53 can be negatively regulated by HDM2, which is an attractive target for cancer therapy. In this study, Lee et al. graft the transactivation domain of p53 onto a scaffold protein and show that this binds to HDM2 and inhibits cancer cell growth in vitro.
- Date
- 07 May 2014
- doi:
- 10.1038/ncomms4814
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- Title
Frequency domain optical parametric amplification Open
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- Optical parametric amplification is a process that amplifies the power of laser pulses. Here, Schmidt and colleagues demonstrate that performing this amplification in the frequency domain rather than the optical domain could lead to higher power outputs.
- Date
- 07 May 2014
- doi:
- 10.1038/ncomms4643
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- Title
Transcriptional control of ROS homeostasis by
KUODA1 regulates cell expansion during leaf development Open - Authors
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- During plant development, organ size is controlled by cell proliferation and expansion, but the molecular mechanisms involved are unclear. Here, Lu et al. show that leaf cell expansion is controlled by the KUA1 transcription factor that acts in a circadian manner and modulates the expression of genes encoding cell wall-localized peroxidases.
- Date
- 07 May 2014
- doi:
- 10.1038/ncomms4767
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- Title
Single-vesicle architecture of
synaptobrevin2 in astrocytes - Authors
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- The astrocytic vesicular protein, synaptobrevin2 (Sb2), is implicated in neurotransmitter release, but its vesicular arrangement is poorly understood. Here, Singh et al. use super-resolution fluorescence microscopy to show that the total number of endogenous Sb2 molecules per vesicle is ≤25.
- Date
- 07 May 2014
- doi:
- 10.1038/ncomms4780
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- Title
Glycinergic inhibition tunes coincidence detection in the auditory brainstem Open
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- Coincidence detector neurons in the mammalian brainstem encode interaural time differences (ITDs) that are implicated in auditory processing. Myoga et al. study a previously developed neuronal model and find that inhibition is crucial for sound localization, but more dynamically than previously thought.
- Date
- 07 May 2014
- doi:
- 10.1038/ncomms4790
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- Title
An order parameter for impurity systems at quantum criticality Open
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- So far, the notion of the order parameter for impurity quantum phase transitions has been missing. Using a two-impurity Kondo model, Bayat et al. show that the Schmidt gap obtained from the entanglement spectrum may serve as a nonlocal order parameter for a quantum impurity system at criticality.
- Date
- 07 May 2014
- doi:
- 10.1038/ncomms4784
- Terms
- Title
A new clade of Asian Late Cretaceous long-snouted tyrannosaurids
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- Tyrannosaurids were top predators in Asia and North America during the latest Cretaceous and most species had deep skulls. Here, Lü et al. describe mature fossils of Qianzhousaurus sinensis, a new long-snouted tyrannosaurid species from southeastern China that groups with other long snout species from Asia.
- Date
- 07 May 2014
- doi:
- 10.1038/ncomms4788
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