[This post is not meant to insult Otherkin as a whole, but rather contains My opinions on a select group of Otherkin.]
Angelkin, Godkin, and other Demonkin often infuriate Me to no end. It seems logical to Me that if you are the reincarnation of a God, Angel, or Demon, you should be pursuing a higher state of existence.
This life should be dedicated to changing the world, or gaining new abilities, or learning new things.
And yet the vast majority of Angelkin, Godkin, and Demonkin I have communicated with spend most of their time browsing Otherkin forums and Tumblr. Few seem to actually work on the development of psychic talents, or the restructuring of this world, or even toying with stuffy mortal humans (I would think more Demonkin would be interested in such a thing).
I think less of such kin than I think of even humans who spend all of their time doing such things. It seems like a monumental waste of talent, potential, and energy. This is why most forums I have been to bore Me. It quickly becomes apparent that none of My dark brethren are seeking a higher path….
How drab. It’s a shame. Another reason why I associate with only a select few awakened kin.
Being a godlike Dragon, I’m not sure if I qualify as Godkin, but I agree with pretty much everything you say here. In my case, I simply try to be myself as much as possible -since I’m technically in a permanent M-Shift, that’s pretty easy unless humans are around, in which case I’ve got to “act human”, and honestly, i hate it-, and to try and make the world better for everyone.
Some of them are apparently here to experience humanity, though, but I guess spending your time over the internet isn’t a very good way to experience it… So, even if you have to act human, do something, and don’t just sit around passively.
I graduated the Fire Academy and I’m an EMT. I start my Surgical Tech program this fall before I go on to get my PA....
I am a student in college. I DO pursue a higher level of existence by being a student in college. I am working on...
bagged milk
Glad to see at least one other kin agrees with Me. I hold Dragons to the same standard that I hold Demons, Angels, and...
Being a godlike Dragon, I’m not sure if I qualify as Godkin, but I agree with pretty much everything you say here. In my...
I concur, I believe we are getting into semantics. The way I had initially interpreted your commentary was, well,...
Some of this is definitely accurate.
In my belief not even a deity gets to choose the exact circumstances of their human life, just the context in which they...
I would go into how fallacious your argument seems to be, but I suppose I will spare you. We may end this here. Hearing...
There is a reason we were born into human bodies, and it was not to lord our power over other humans. This world is not...
That would be “pretentious”, precious.
As an actual “Angelkin” you can go fuck yourself because I know exactly what I’m doing here much better than a...
[cut] so you’re gross and manipulative get the fuck off my blog