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[–]shitpostwhisperer -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Neither do MRAs. They don't exist and never will. It's that simple. Case closed.

[–]TheThngBrd Grimm 2 ポイント3 ポイント

How about they actually get a choice?? GASP what a fucking concept.

They could actually CHOOSE what happens to them. Crazy talk, I know. But TRY and imagine such a thing.

[–]shitpostwhisperer -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

They made their choice. When men get pregnant and give birth get back to me and maybe that will change. Until then your finances are not equal to a woman's body in terms of rights and you don't get extra rights just because you don't want to pay for your offspring. If you don't want your child you're free to leave. Just don't be a deadbeat and expect society/the mother to cover for your loser tendencies financially.

[–]TheThngBrd Grimm 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Having sex =/= wanting to have a child. If you think otherwise, then you are no better than than pro-life republicans that say if you didn't want a baby, then you shouldn't have sex.

Also, no, men are not LEGALLY able to leave if the woman wants child support.

[–]shitpostwhisperer -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Too bad. You had sex and someone got pregnant. Now pay and walk away or shut the fuck up, because society doesn't care about your right to be a deadebat fuckhead.

[–]TheThngBrd Grimm 3 ポイント4 ポイント

See, this is the type of shit the MRM is trying to change.

Fucking retarded attitudes like yours.

[–]SoldierofNod 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Let's be more respectful here. If the other person wants to troll and fling vitriol, we should be above that.

The purpose of a debate isn't to change the mind of the other person. It is to convince any onlookers that your side is right. If you look on a debate and see one person yelling and insulting the other, and the other calmly explaining their viewpoint and supporting it with logic and evidence, who are you going to believe?

Right now, the MHRM needs supporters. They need more people. The way to get them is through convincing.

[–]shitpostwhisperer -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

It will never change. The MRM is just a support group for spiteful assholes, the ignorant, and contarians. The MRM can't even lobby over a fire alarm, much less touch enough people/institutions to spread the asinine idea that they should be able to fuck someone and leave without the check. If you want to dine and run you're going to encounter every single obstacle women faced getting abortion legalized PLUS the fact the men are doing none of the biological work/danger of carrying to term and giving birth.

You're deluding yourself if you think the MRM will ever have the power to change something so controversial even IF this was a legitimate concern. It's not. This is just contarian whining about not getting extra rights for doing less work.

[–]BennDeggers 2 ポイント3 ポイント

The MRM is just a support group for spiteful assholes, the ignorant, and contarians

Said right after

Too bad. You had sex and someone got pregnant. Now pay and walk away or shut the fuck up, because society doesn't care about your right to be a deadebat fuckhead.

[–]shitpostwhisperer -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Damn straight. You understand contarians just argue against a mainstream opinion/just to argue right? You understand that society only lets women have abortions because it's a biological issue they face right? Then you should very easily understand the fact that the opinion that men should be able to have an "abortion" (in quotes because it's not abortion you're asking for, you're asking for an out) is a minority and contarian position according to society and just about every single person I've ever met outside these backwoods reddit subs.

[–]TheThngBrd Grimm 1 ポイント2 ポイント

lol@you talking about contrarianism. All you do is post contrarian stuff.

you know, I am fairly certain there were people that sounded just like you do now when feminism just got itself going. "it'll never go anywhere, those people are just being stupid"

But then again, I'm not surprised give your pro-life sounding arguments.

[–]shitpostwhisperer -1 ポイント0 ポイント

lol@you talking about contrarianism. All you do is post contrarian stuff.

According to who? The back woods meta/mrm redditors like yourself? You're a contrarian. Life is not like this at all. Most of your ideas would get you laughed at or fired in any first world country.

you know, I am fairly certain there were people that sounded just like you do now when feminism just got itself going. "it'll never go anywhere, those people are just being stupid"

The difference is feminism was a rights group made of a need whereas the MRM is a bunch of petty males bitching on the internet over nothing.

But then again, I'm not surprised give your pro-life sounding arguments.

Aww. Look at you thinking the hypothetical trash you people push of "financial abortions" is on any level equal to real and legal abortions! You know usually you have to actually establish something before you grandstand on it being equal to something else that exists and is legitimized.

[–]TheThngBrd Grimm 1 ポイント2 ポイント

the MRM is a bunch of petty males bitching on the internet over nothing.

Do you really think the MRM has no legitimate arguments?

[–]SoldierofNod 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Let's have a hypothetical situation, here.

You have a girlfriend who you believe is on birth control, and as such, you are sexually active. She becomes pregnant. You did not want this child, she did, so she secretly stopped taking her pills. Should you be responsible for this child? If so, in what ways? And why? If it turned out that she was cheating and whether or not it was even yours was doubtful, would your answer change?

[–]shitpostwhisperer -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Yes, I should be. No one forced me to fuck her and it's her choice to keep it. If she kept it and I didn't want it I'd pay my half and leave. Not act like I'm a victim because I don't want to pay for my actual offspring.

[–]SoldierofNod 2 ポイント3 ポイント

But you entered into the sexual relationship with the expectation that she would not get pregnant. Are you saying you wouldn't at all mind that you were deceived by someone you trusted? You also did not answer what you would do if it turned out the child wasn't even yours.

Let's say you lose your job due to no fault of your own and are only able to find a minimum wage one. Due to this, you are unable to pay child support. What then? Should you be arrested for something that wasn't even your fault?

[–]5th_Law_of_RoboticsResident Robocop[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Isn't sex obtained through fraud rape? You advocate forcing rape victims to pay their rapists?

[–]5th_Law_of_RoboticsResident Robocop[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Are safe haven laws encouraging women to be dead beats?

[–]5th_Law_of_RoboticsResident Robocop[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I'd ask my usual hypothetical about artificial wombs and forced maternal obligations but I know you won't answer it.