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[–]Meglomaniac -338 ポイント-337 ポイント

jesus christ, its not like TRP is preaching VIOLENCE against women at all.

Women have to choice to be with whomever they want. We dont encourage violence towards ANYONE in that subreddit.

Edit: Anonymous downvotes with no discussion are cowardly.

[–]Leagle_Egal 252 ポイント253 ポイント

Yes. They do.

Here is a post pointing out a TRP mod who attempts to excuse the admitted rape of a 14 year old.

Here is a collection of comments by mods, endorsed contributors, or otherwise highly upvoted comments that advocate rape, violence, and extreme dehumanization.

The sidebar has a "required reading" article that says women should be forced to marry their rapists AT GUNPOINT if necessary.

If you don't see the advocacy of violence in that sub, you're not paying attention.

[–]martong93 24 ポイント25 ポイント

Up voting or down voting isn't really a matter of courage. Ha!

What does the word bravery mean to you??

[–]butts4hire 19 ポイント20 ポイント

Maybe you should just stay in your circlejerk and not inflict your troubling ideas upon other, reasonable, people.

[–]ElusiveBroad 13 ポイント14 ポイント

I have you tagged with the quote:

If a woman on a 2nd date agrees to a date in your apartment, she is basically saying that sex is on the table. Otherwise she wont agree to come to your apartment. Im not saying rape her, im just saying that women wont do that if it isnt on the table. You are trying to engage in a sexual relationship with this woman, not a platonic one. Escalate, its your job. take a selfy when you get back to your place. It will prove she came willingly and was in good spirits when you were there.

[–]OllieGarkey 9 ポイント10 ポイント

There's little difference between the outright advocacy of violence and the printing of anti-woman propaganda designed to create an environment where violence done to women is acceptable.

I know what it's like to have a rape victim sleep on my couch. That was what woke me up to what our culture does to women and men. A culture you're trying to defend.

The broken social structure which led to that hell is being made worse by you people and your antiscientific, antirational, antihuman bullshit.

You're scum.

I know you'll die unhappy. I just hope you'll also be alone. That way you won't have hurt anyone else by latching on to them like the parasite you are.

Go the fuck back to the red pill. No one anywhere else wants to hear your shitty opinions.

[–]Thoushaltbemocked 30 ポイント31 ポイント

Get the hell out of here bro. Go back to your filthy TRP hole and don't come out of there. You're a disgrace to society and shouldn't be with a woman or a girl for the rest of your life.
Sincerely, GFY.

[–]ReservoirKat 78 ポイント79 ポイント

Manipulating and coercing women into emotionally abusive relationships is a form of violence. Period.

[–]BabeOfBlasphemy 9 ポイント10 ポイント

Because exploitation isn't The same as violence or anything. Isnt that what the benevolent slave owners said? I don't beat the people who I exploit!

I have news for ya: repeatedly being used by assholes for sex and abandonned impoverished with a kid by some player asshat is WAY worse than a punch in the face...

[–]Bardfinn 31 ポイント32 ポイント

"Anonymous downvotes with no discussion are cowardly."

Anonymous downvotes are anonymous speech.

You know who else used anonymous speech? The Founding Fathers.

You are calling the Founding Fathers of the United States of America cowards.

would you like a cigarette before the execution squad is called to attention?

[–]McBossyface 1 ポイント2 ポイント

although your logic is flawed, I still agree with you

[–]Bardfinn 10 ポイント11 ポイント

Thank you for pointing out the flaw.

[–]Rabbitkiller -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

What? Anonymous downvoting is just anonymous downvoting. Anonymous speeches were anonymous so that the person giving the speech were not subject to ad hominems or threats. I'm assuming the purpose was to let speech be as free as possible and, more importantly, to let the strength of the argument stand on its on. A downvote is not an argument, it is a lack of argument that stifles discussion/dissent, which is what I imagine the exact opposite of what the Founding Fathers were trying to achieve.

So I'd very much say that anonymous downvotes with no discussion are not only cowardly but also extremely lazy. My dog can anonymously downvote without presenting any reasonable arguments, maybe I should discuss with him instead?

[–]True_Murican -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Jimmy status : rustled