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[–]AllPraisetoHarith -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

lol internet of money... more like where money goes to die.. or stolen over and over and over with so little security that the same coins can be used twice....

but yea what he said...only not. keep this shit in /r/bitcoin.

[–]crazyflashpie[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

You're bitter because you are too dumb to make money from crypto lol

[–]AllPraisetoHarith -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Lol yes i do not know how to use indicators like RSI or BB or MACD or a plethora of others to figure out which way a currency is going to go and then place a short or long bet on it. EL OE EL. that is such rocket science!!!!

[–]escapevelo 0 ポイント1 ポイント

How can someone sub to singularity and have no see the potential of bitcoin or other cc's? Bitcoin is probably the greatest invention of the 21st century (so far).

[–]AllPraisetoHarith -1 ポイント0 ポイント

lool greatest invention looooool ... you are beginning to sound like a 13 year old girl wanting to jump on beiber.. err i mean bitcoin's dick.

calm down little girl. i have only subbed to /r/singularity and not /r/bitcoin . it is not as if EVERYONE here agrees with bitcoin. otherwise i would not see so many posts here trying to convince people that bitcoin is the next big thing.

[–]escapevelo 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Did you even watch the video? Andreas talks about narrow AI being able to use money and evolve based on profit/loss. Mind blowing stuff. What if you are wrong about bitcoin and it does become the Internet of Money? Will you tell your kids you had a chance to buy bitcoin at $450 when it has a multi-trillion market cap?

[–]AllPraisetoHarith 0 ポイント1 ポイント

"Not everything that glitters, is gold".

Let me know when you become a millionaire on your bitcoin trading. just send me a pm on this site and i will publicly apologize to you. i will make a thread in every tech sub and let people know how wrong i got it and how much i wished i had your wisdom.


[–]escapevelo 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I'm already a millionaire, not just from bitcoin trading though. If bitcoin gets fully adopted I'll be a billionaire (we are at less than 1% adoption rate of Internet users).

[–]AllPraisetoHarith -1 ポイント0 ポイント

if you are a millionaire, what are you doing on this site??

are you one of those millionaires who like to participate in random posts?

[–]escapevelo 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Converting one bitcoin troll at a time.