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[–]cowboyjohnsontime 15 ポイント16 ポイント

So just beat him up and win the early rounds, got it. Can't believe it took 45 fights to crack it. I messing with you hombre, I take your point but I'm sure you know that's easier said than done.

[–]cowboyjohnsontime 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Also I'm sorry he didn't call him the n word or drop gay slurs that would have really gotten you going eh? Ya creep.

[–]They_Call_Me[S] -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Why am I creep? Its a fight at the end of the day ya know. Its not personal its more psychological warfare.

Do you understand why I refered to Duran vs Leonard 1? Duran got into Leonards head & made him fight his fight. He said and did all that nasty shit to make him fight.

The outcome was Leonard got pissed and fought him, he lost. In fight 2 Leonard fought his fight and made Duran quit he became so frustrated ala Ortiz

Dont take it personal dude, I dont know if you have ever been in a fight but people say all kinds of shit to get in the other persons head and psyche themselves up in the process.

Its all an act a show, that's it.

[–]cowboyjohnsontime -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

Nah nah nah nah little playa, you see your first mistake was assuming I never fought before in going pro in august buddy. Let's just say that anytime someone's been knocked out in my gym it was either me throwing the punch it I coached the fighter ie told him how to get a really explosive hook. Second of all this is where you fucked up big my little crusty butt homie- you subscribe to the whole "get inside his head" idea which as an athlete myself I can tell you that is one of the most overstated ideas in sports. It's happenned sometimes, ali Frazier ali foreman Maybe a bit in Duran Leonard but I can tell you that what really won those fights was hard work and discipline it was strategy and conditioning mental edge is something commentators talk about but I've seen some unassuming guys dismantle guys and everything in between. Your point that maidana has to catch MMW early is obvious and don't bed historical context it's just an observation and not a blueprint. Lastly my brother you messed up major when you started wishing for n bombs and fag bombs to go off at the press conference, this is a sport my dude there's no room for slurs and racism that isn't good for the sport nor is it mental warfare it's just ignorant and dumb and boxing is too sweet an endeavor to muddy it with such nonsense. I'm not offended I'm just calling out your comment and pointing out that expressing those ideas make you come off as a creep.

[–]paleoninja 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Lol Speaking of insecurities.......

[–]brachiators 0 ポイント1 ポイント

[–]avinasser 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Ah man, cool it down.

[–]cowboyjohnsontime -2 ポイント-1 ポイント


[–]avinasser 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Just curious, are you black? I'm sure you're drunk, but I'm curious as to your ethnicity.

[–]brachiators 0 ポイント1 ポイント



    [–]avinasser 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Ever heard the phrase: you sound like a piece of shit? First I tell you to chill, you DRUNKENLY flip out and here you are the next day saying I'm racist cause I asked if you are black.

    Dude, if this is your attitude when you are sober you will never amount to anything. Be a mod and swing your banhammer, you punk.

    [–]cowboyjohnsontime -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    No that's not a common phrase at all, maybe you hear it more than other though. I wasn't drunk you stinky little baby, I was sober as hell. If my atitude is that you're racist then I wont amount to anything? Well that makes a lot sense. Tell me of all the people who's careers were ruined because they thought you were racist. hahahaha oh man, your dumb words make me laugh. Well I'll leave you with a phrase that I read once, you've probably heard it before: you sound like a piece of shit.

    [–]They_Call_Me[S] -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

    I'm not a creep I am chill respectful dude and I am student of the game. I've watched more fights from all eras than I could ever remember. I've been watching em since I was 10 with my dad I am in my mid 20s now

    AND YES PSYCOLOGICAL WARFARE does work in certain situation when dealing with certain personalities. You nailed it mentioning ali Frazier - ali foreman. Ali was a master at it and yes you also have to back it up with real skill. But what Ali did was make them fight his fight..

    Fighting is so mental man.

    "Maybe a bit in Duran Leonard"

    Are you serious watch the 30 for 30, it was all psychological.

    And its not real racisim its just talking shit, I grew up in a melting pot west palm beach florida. I can not tell you how many time before a fight people talk shit about each others race. I've been called fuckin white boy this cracker that who gives a fuck. These were kids I grew up with since we were little kids & I know they dont mean it. It was just trying to intimidate me. Thats all it is, people really arent as racist as the media tries to make them be.. People got to quit being so sensitive all the time..

    You also sound like a strait derp tard, what grown man even thinks the words "little crusty butt homie" let alone types it out.

    [–]SuddenlyGuns 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    Hook, line, and sinker.

    You're going back and forth with r/boxing's very own troll/future champ of the world.

    [–]Ghanni 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    I can't wait for his AMA.

    [–]cowboyjohnsontime -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

    Im calling you out boy, I know you got some crust in your butt because if not you wouldnt be hear hoopin and hollering like you are. That being said I aint even mad at you anymore, I was, hell yeah i was. youd be mad too if you worked as hard as I do everyday in the gym sweatin and jumping punching all that stuff and then you check your email and bam theres some post by some little smelly jerk that likes to mouth off. Hey bye gones be bygones my dude, just dont let me catch you slipping again or i might have to grab your arm and open palm slap you with your own hand.

    [–]avinasser 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    How big are you cowboyjohnsontime? You sound like you must be a heavyweight to think you can be so rude to everyone...

    [–]cowboyjohnsontime -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    Im big where it counts, in my mind and in my ass and in my dong and in my biceps and in my heart. Thats whatsup right there! SOme heavyweights are polite as hell, but I can;t vouch for how polite they are around racists like yourself.

    [–]avinasser 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    Man, go suck a dong already. You are ruining r/boxing with your drivel.

    [–]cowboyjohnsontime -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

    I'm gay dude that's not a slur to me, keep going with your gay bashing and racism your being exposed right now for your small brain thinking and guess what? I can hack! so i know where ya work and Ill be emailing your boss unless you apologize

    [–]paleoninja 0 ポイント1 ポイント

    You dont sound like a true fighter, Sounds like you've never even been beat down properly in the gym.

    [–]cowboyjohnsontime -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    I promised the mods I wouldn't respond in anger so I'll just respectfully ask you to not speculate on my career as a fighter. With all due respect sir your opinion matters little to me and perhaps its best we dont interact anymore because I dont want to be banned for speaking my feelings at this time.

    [–]They_Call_Me[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント

    But bruh, My jiu jitsu..... Iz good

    My Muy Thai..... Iz good

    not even mad