If I'm white and I'm singing a song in the privacy of my home which has the n-word in it, is it considered racist if I use it while singing?
Hahha is it racist if no one heard it. Shut the fuck up dumbass yes it’s still racist. I swear white people are stupid as hell.
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catsickles said: if a tree falls and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound? - white ppl
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tiredfruit386 said: reminds me of ‘if a tree falls in a forest when no one is around to hear it does it make a sound’
nentindo said: thats like “if i yelled slurs at a black person and no one else is around, is it still racist”
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lopmon said: i swear to god OMG..
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tiredmisu said: oh myyyy goddddd
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