This is really long, so I put it under a read more, but it’s a beautiful study of the moral character of Tumblr’s own Girljanitor


Gry Blogs.: I Was Just Linked to the Worst Shitpile Ever






Now people are so desperate they are looking for reasons to make characters Autistic? Like it’s a fantasy to these people? Excuse me while I vomit again and again and continue to cry while in the fetal…

The blog is run by an autistic person, I’m almost certain and I don’t think there’s a single submission that’s been made by an allistic person.

So wow, we want to see people like us in the media! Shocker!

Autistic people are all around you. Estimates are 1/80 or 1/55. The latter means there are as many autistics in the world as gingers. People you work with. People in positions of power. And many of us are afraid to out ourselves due to belligerent attitudes like this.

If I’m not mistaken, the OP is actually autistic. They just find the idea troubling for reasons I can’t quite understand

Quotes from Noyka:

Don’t let it get to you. The tumblr Autistic community is an extension of SJWs and GirlJanitor doesn’t know what she’s talking about. They think they’re low functioning when they can maintain a blog and are self aware enough to know what’s hurting them supposedly. They also can wipe their own asses and fix their own food, you know be independent things like my brother will never be able to do.

Tumblr SJ thinks my experiences don’t matter because I don’t believe in victimhood. They crave it that’s why they’re saying you don’t matter. You aren’t being a victim and it’s taking their tiny view of autism and changing it, that’s why they’re trying to say it’s not a part of the spectrum. Don’t let it get to you.

More From Noyka:

So About Tumblr Autism

It is not offensive to be called an autistic person and it is not wrong to be high functioning. Stop playing for oppression points we should all be accepting of each other not putting those of us who happen to be higher functioning down. We all experience pain and discrimination in real life, stop denying this.

Just because you have ANY form of autism does not mean you can’t be ablest. I have come to hate Tumblr’s autism community for the exclusion of good people just because they don’t fit your definition of autism. I feel the autism community on tumblr has become an offshoot of the hate filled far left tumblr often called SJWs. I can’t stand that and am upset some actually believe they’re making a difference through spreading victimhood, bigotry, ableism, and hate.

Also allowing neurotypicals in is perfectly okay, they’re people to. If a neurotypical wants to be an ally that is fantastic, we should encourage it not be an asshole to them. I work as an activist in real life and work with many neurotypicals as well. It’s a learning experience for them and for me and I love it.

A little more

Just in case anyone’s not sure what they’re engaging with, and what the context of these statements are.

I usually just ignore, wanted to give others that option.

"I usually just ignore"


If we’re playing the fun quote-see game that SJWs are quite fond of, your blog is a goldmine: (Anything in italics is the prose that floweth from her plume) 

Quote 1: Hate is Great


Both of these sides raise valid arguments, but please, for the love of humanity, please stop hating on vegans, white people, people of colour, and all other groups! Just stop hating in general! Thank.

Don’t reblog a systematic takedown of a sociopathic, misogynist, racist blizzard of cat shit some racist vegan is spewing forth as IF it’s a “valid argument” from me with the apologist wankfest of your worthless fucking word-vomit, you shitlord.


therefore, no


Quote Two and Three: A Study in Dichotomy

It’s not a “MENTAL OPINION” when you create a blog post about it. You’re posting it for OTHER PEOPLE TO VIEW AND COMMENT ON. It’s ceased to be your “imagination” and become something tangible.

And now, we see these views put to the test when people disagreed with her on the topic of “tone policing”: 

They’re harassing INK


Anyone who think colorism and white-passing privilege isn’t real can suck approximately one million fucks.

It goes to show, no matter what happens, a certain kind of people will use it as an excuse to harass Black people.

You’re fucking disgusting.



Quote Four: A Heartwarming Take on a Fellow Blogger’s Mental Illness


will i ever be happy 

no i dont think so


yeah i don’t think so either buddy. you know what’s really sad? i see boring dickheads like you every day, and each and every one of them think he’s doing something new and different. you think you’re stirring shit up and really making the sparks fly, but you’re not. I’m telling you that you’re a remarkably bad troll because it’s so painfully obvious you don’t understand any of what you’re supposedly commenting on.

I’m not underplaying the harm you’ve caused but i seriously have a problem for you taking credit for it, because you did it by fucking accident, because you saw a random line in the sand and thought, “wouldn’t it be funny if i crossed this line?” and then you saw a bunch of activity you also did not understand and were like, “woo hoo! look what i did!”

Because it makes you feel like someone’s noticing that you exist, because it distracts you from your boring, empty life, because when was the last time you had a real conversation with someone, because you’ve forgotten how to interact with people who aren’t dead inside like you are, because you don’t know how to care about things.

What is there for me to even be mad AT? There’s nothing there. I literally see dozens of dumbasses like you every day, it’s sort of my job. There’s nothing inside you to care about other people. You’re not interesting, you’re just a source of mindless, pointless harm to other people who’d rather just step around you and keep on walking.

I know a boy like you who drank bleach because he was “bored and wanted something interesting to happen”. It’s boring. no one cares. You’re trying to point a finger and act like, “look at those stupid people who CARE about things!” because you hate that you don’t care about anything, and you never have.

As if you can make how much you suck other people’s problem


Quote 5: A Study in Introspection

I’m not attacking you

I’m holding up a mirror that ISN’T from the fucking funhouse of the kyriarchy



Quote Six: Historical Accuracy at its Finest

White people INVENTED racism with the intent that THEY would be the beneficiaries; it is SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO BE A ONE-WAY STREET.

(SJWP Note: I bet the Hutu gangs of Rwanda, WWII-Era Japanese “Scientists” who experimented on the Chinese, Chinese who invaded Tibet, and countless others will be very relieved to learn that they weren’t racist.)


Quotes Seven and Eight: Finish With a Classic

On Hyperlexia: If it’s even real. I think it’s a cop-out to use purposely obfuscating and confusing language as a tool of oppression and to show contempt.

(As an aside, the APA disagrees with you, kiddo.) 

On Someone Else’s Post: 




In Conclusion:


  1. dismantle-me-down--repair reblogged this from chaotically-neutral
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  11. qualianathema reblogged this from chaotically-neutral
  12. chaotically-neutral reblogged this from girljanitor and added:
    [[MORE]] lol yeah i don’t think so either buddy. you know what’s really sad? i see boring dickheads like you every day,...
  13. what-the-2028 reblogged this from noyka and added:
    On your side on this one.
  14. velderia reblogged this from deducecanoe and added:
    Yeah… How the FUCK is speculating about character on TV is autistic, victimhood? That’s what I’d like to know. So...
  15. deducecanoe reblogged this from noyka and added:
    I thought you didn’t believe in victims? I think you sound like you are turning yourself into one. Or a martyr. Just...
  16. jolyfishes reblogged this from neuroatypically-speaking
  17. cryingcrow0 reblogged this from deadjosey
  18. deadjosey reblogged this from noyka
  19. auti-stim reblogged this from deducecanoe and added:
    Exactly. Have been trying to figure out how a fucking headcanon blog post got blown up.
  20. skoomapipe reblogged this from goldenheartedrose and added:
    yeah says so in their About Me page personally though I don’t really have a lot of “x character is autistic” headcanons...
  21. goldenheartedrose reblogged this from girljanitor and added:
    Ewww. I somehow forgot who they were.
  22. hexgoddess reblogged this from girljanitor
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