Start Menu Reviver is a product that enhances Microsoft’s Windows 7/8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems by reviving a fully functional Start Menu with an attractive Metro-style interface to enable maximum productivity using your Windows Desktop screen.
It retains everything from the original Windows start menu and improves your experience by offering you Essential System Controls, Customizable Shortcut Tiles and other Must-Have Features to help you access and manage all your files, applications and PC settings a lot faster and from one central location!
Start Menu Reviver is also touch-optimized and works with Windows 8 based tablet computers.
What's new in Start Menu Reviver version 2:
Start Menu Reviver 2 is a complete design overhaul from version 1. ReviverSoft partnered with Jay Machalani (designer and UX expert) to work on Start Menu Reviver 2. To read about the philosophy behind Start Menu Reviver 2, visit ReviverSoft founder Mark Beare's blog post: Announcing Start Menu Reviver 2.
Download: Start Menu Reviver | 7.1 MB (Freeware)
View: Start Menu Reviver Website