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[–]Burkasaurus 49 ポイント50 ポイント

The hive pretends to like science until the data becomes unpalatable to their neo liberal worldview. Then it becomes racist or skewed or some other excuse.

[–]EpicPixelboy 37 ポイント38 ポイント

While this is easy to blame on reddit's 'hivemind', the black race is somehow a more controversial topic than the asian race in society as a whole , not just on reddit. I absolutely don't think this is justified, but blaming it on reddit's mindset is a little too easy.

[–]Burkasaurus 5 ポイント6 ポイント

I was mostly referring to the societal hive mide

[–]EpicPixelboy 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Ah, I assumed you where talking about the Reddit hivemind since that's the most commonly used definition for the word around here. Especially when taking in account that society is a melting pot of different opinions and can hardly be called a hivemind on most topics.

[–]usuallyclassy69 1 ポイント2 ポイント

More like a tossed salad. We often hang out or with different parts of society but do not blend our own culture with another.

[–]EpicPixelboy 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Still, calling society as a whole a hivemind doesn't make a lot of sense.

[–]continous [score hidden]

That can be explained by the Asian majority in the world compared to the Black and Latino minorities.

[–]JaxRiens [score hidden]

dude there are more blacks than there are whites...

[–]houyx3563 [score hidden]

While this is easy to blame on reddit's hivemind, the black race is somehow a more controversial topic than the asian race in AMERICAN society as a whole , not just on reddit. I absolutely don't think this is justified, but blaming it on reddit's mindset is a little too easy.

You should specify American culture. And since American culture is so dominant globally, the views here tend to set the trend elsewhere.

Also, Hivemind shouldn't be in quotations. Groupthink is a real thing on Reddit. Reddit likes to think of itself as being composed of mostly independent thinkers.... that used to be somewhat true but not really true anymore.

[–]UnpluggedUnglued [score hidden]

Angry apes can fuck shit up

[–]Im_Accrual_Man [score hidden]

Notice how the black race tends to be predisposed to EVERY fucking disease out there?

[–]Zarathustran 19 ポイント20 ポイント

You don't know what neoliberalism is.

[–]Vox_Imperatoris [score hidden]

Sure he does:

liberal = communist

neo = extra-bad

[–]jonjt -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Nothing scientific about a preference.

[–]Burkasaurus 19 ポイント20 ポイント

Yes there is, aggregation of preferences produces a statistical sample.

[–]jonjt -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

This study can hardly be considered an aggregation. Get every college across the nation to repeat it and then we can apply it t ocolleage age men and women, generally.

Otherwise, not much scientific here.

[–]QuickStopRandal 11 ポイント12 ポイント

Actually, there is.

[–]jonjt -2 ポイント-1 ポイント


No control for preference, statistically insignificant population, narrow age group, etc.

Just no.

[–]QuickStopRandal -1 ポイント0 ポイント

What I meant was that natural selection has many hard wired instinctive aspects. Sure, there are learned elements based on life experience, but there's also intrinsic traits that we are subconsciously drawn to.

[–]Relvnt_to_Yr_Intrsts [score hidden]

well maybe. Probably anyway.

Measurable behaviors are influenced by an immeasurable and theoretically infinite quantity of interacting effects.

Science is a little trickier than it sounds on reddit

[–]jonjt [score hidden]

Thats very different that what's being proffered, though. I absolutely agree with you, in the very general case. However, this post is trying to pass off a questionable study as a reflection of people, in the aggregate. I'm saying that such an action is conspicuously unscientific.

[–]BanFauxNews -5 ポイント-4 ポイント

Yeah and you probably loved "An Inconvenient Truth." Typical Neo-libs denigrating any statistic that does skew to their twisted worldview while propping up shoddy science to aid their own agenda.

[–]witchsbrew [score hidden]

If you did a poll like this 100 years ago, people would have preferred fat women to skinny women and men with tophats to men without. People's preferences and tastes change, frequently for that matter.

[–]jonjt [score hidden]

No sense arguing with an idiot. Later!

[–]khanfessionbear 9 ポイント10 ポイント

Yeah, who would the control group be? People who have never seen a woman before?

[–]jonjt -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

Indeed. It's impossible to find a group of people that either is asexual, unbiased an totally impartial. This isn't a study, its a report on a stastically insignificant portion of America's population. It's only good for uncovering biases in the groups preferences. Nothin scientific here.

[–]continous [score hidden]

Anything that has a pattern can potentially be reproduced and thus potentially produce scientific conclusion(s).

[–]jonjt [score hidden]

And was a pattern established here?

[–]Br_omethius [score hidden]

Maybe if the American black community didn't have a chip on its shoulder for all eternity for all subjects that are even slightly controversial in regards to themselves. It honestly holds them back as a while an prevents any kind of dialogue that could lead to constructive criticism or improvement in all arenas of life.

[–]QuickStopRandal 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Well, sociology isn't actually science.

[–]continous [score hidden]

The study of social activities isn't a systematic understanding of things through observation and experiments.

Will not no branch of science is science.

[–]supterfuge -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

Yes it is.

[–]Vinar [score hidden]

After the science war, social "science" is not science.

The scientific realists accused the postmodernists of having effectively rejected scientific objectivity, the scientific method, and scientific knowledge.

Calling them soft science, when they practically reject science is dumb.

Edit: the postmodernist won the science war if that was not clear.

[–]QuickStopRandal -1 ポイント0 ポイント

No, it isn't. The findings may have merit and be true, but it's still not science. This is more a dig at soft sciences than the findings of this experiment.

[–]LeConspiringHands -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

c-c-check your peer reviewed privilege!