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[–]sclacer 7 ポイント8 ポイント

There are many things I have to say to you, and many things I have to say about this, but ill try to keep it nice and tidy.

First off, don't kill yourself. There is nothing to gain out of doing that. If you realistically need help, check out /r/SuicideWatch. They're very helpful with this sort of thing.

Secondly, we have argued a lot, and by a lot, I mean, a lot. This mainly began with you insulting me and calling me an idiot. I said some hurtful things, and I apologize for that. And I shouldn't be pointing fingers at "who started it", I just want to state my point of view.

Finally, I feel as if you're trying to use your "suicide intentions" to gain attention, and try to get me banned. If this is what you're doing, it's just wrong. Suicide is an extremely real thing, and though I may make jokes with friends every now and then, people DO think about doing it, and often do commit suicide. Don't use it for attention.

If you have any further problems, I would recommend messaging one of the admins, or PM me.

Have a good one.

[–]DasoniMrStoneking -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

What do you get out of arguing with someone in the game? Nothing, no need to be a keyboard warrior when someone says 'you're a idiot' sounds like you need to thicken your skin

[–]sclacer 1 ポイント2 ポイント

You're entitled to your own opinion, of course, but as I did say previously, I acknowledge the actions I took and how I was wrong to do so, and how I apologize for what I did. Im fully aware that I went a little over the top, but I still think that we were both in the wrong. I didn't want to make a complete ordeal of it, and was considering leaving the faction to allow him to stay. I wasn't trying to give an ultimatum, it's just that, I play Rust for fun, and, to be honest, when we were around each other, the fun for me was gone. There's a lot more detail and things that would definetly help give a better perspective on the situation, but I'm not sure if posting it in the comments section of this post is the best thing to do.

If the admins need or want more information from me in order to possibly settle this, or make a decision, then they're fully welcome to talk to me in the DD channel on teamspeak, or PM me on Reddit.

[–]jasonrubik 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Acknowledging one's own faults is the first step along the road to wisdom.

[–]Drugist -1 ポイント0 ポイント

I can't see OPs nickname since he deleted his account. Who was it? Don't tell me it was MG|Elite, because that would just be way too hilarious.