@ lolberarians and freedumb lovers of all stripes.

Last time I checked affirmative action is upheld by the state. Sure, it’s not perfect by any stretch, but it does provides chances to the underprivileged.

It could be doing a better job of setting larger non-white quotas or maintaining a more equal fem4l3/male ratio but it’s obviously the only thing that can. How exactly would private entities provide equal opportunity and equal outcome?

A common counter-argument is that economic rationale would dictate that only ‘qualified’ individuals would fill vacancies. But if the real world is anything to go by it’s more than obvious that the business enterprise focuses its vacancies on MEN, both members and quasi-members from the old-boy networks that give birth to said enterprise.

Do exceptions exist? Can private enterprises be fair. Yeah, sure. There are some. But hiring practices aren’t the only issue at hand, there are more grave problems, for now lets just focus on the education system. A system which has been more than reluctant to introduce fair teaching methodologies that cater to both right/left brain ppl and both to womyn and men. How would any of that be addressed under a lolbertarian system? Oh yeah, that’s right it can’t

Your ideology is just a sophisticated and outdated form of male oppression.


[Image: A picture of Samus Aran in her Varia Suit. The image is titled “Rape Prevention Tips with Samus Aran - Because it’s your fault!”. The image is a commentary on the way society places the impetus on women to not get raped, rather than on rapists to not commit rape. The tips are as follows:
Don’t dress provocatively. The less skin showing the better. I suggest a full suit of Chozo battle armor.
Always leave the house with a full supply of super missiles and power bombs.
If an attacker latches onto you, enter the Morph Ball form a lay a bomb to escape.]
WAHAHAHAHAHA! THIS is the best submission Wario has ever received!


[Image: A picture of Samus Aran in her Varia Suit. The image is titled “Rape Prevention Tips with Samus Aran - Because it’s your fault!”. The image is a commentary on the way society places the impetus on women to not get raped, rather than on rapists to not commit rape. The tips are as follows:

  • Don’t dress provocatively. The less skin showing the better. I suggest a full suit of Chozo battle armor.
  • Always leave the house with a full supply of super missiles and power bombs.
  • If an attacker latches onto you, enter the Morph Ball form a lay a bomb to escape.]

WAHAHAHAHAHA! THIS is the best submission Wario has ever received!


Tumblr Tuesday: Winter Wonderland Edition
A Darling KnitsThe perfect knit goods blog for no one’s New Year’s Resolution: no more boring beanies. Instead of your favorite sports team, represent feminism or jerks.
JynnneEvery year, the National Science Foundation picks a scholar of the humanities to join 800 scientists and 29 million penguins in the Antarctic. Maybe Jynne will get a book deal with Penguin Books after this cool adventure (rimshot).
BaristArtThe quickest way to keep warm this winter is with a nice, steaming hot cup of Beyonce. 
Fuck Yeah Mall SantaThere are two age ranges in your life when sitting on Santa’s lap is acceptable: infancy through third grade and then again when you’re a young adult who loves irony and Christmas sweaters. This documents the latter. 
Snowman SecretsWe all have our secrets. Snowmen are no different. 
Photo by Jynnne


Tumblr Tuesday: Winter Wonderland Edition

A Darling Knits
The perfect knit goods blog for no one’s New Year’s Resolution: no more boring beanies. Instead of your favorite sports team, represent feminism or jerks.

Every year, the National Science Foundation picks a scholar of the humanities to join 800 scientists and 29 million penguins in the Antarctic. Maybe Jynne will get a book deal with Penguin Books after this cool adventure (rimshot).

The quickest way to keep warm this winter is with a nice, steaming hot cup of Beyonce

Fuck Yeah Mall Santa
There are two age ranges in your life when sitting on Santa’s lap is acceptable: infancy through third grade and then again when you’re a young adult who loves irony and Christmas sweaters. This documents the latter. 

Snowman Secrets
We all have our secrets. Snowmen are no different

Photo by Jynnne