I am the only person of color waiting to cross at a major intersection in Toronto. As a car full of white men drives by, one of them leans out the window.
Guy: |
Hey lady! Go back to Mexico!
All-white crowd around me: |
(no reaction/looking at the sky)
Me: |
Really? Mexico?
All-white crowd: |
(turns and stares at me as though i had provoked and was continuing a scene)
I am a South Asian woman in my twenties. and I am a Canadian citizen. |
12:08 pm • 29 April 2014 • 71 notes
I am not sure how this is not readily apparent…
capitalism relies on surplus labor source and competition… which inherently means that there will be people who are considered surplus and therefore necessary to exist but unnecessary to take up space (which is valuable… and capitalism is all about that cashmoney)…
capitalism teaches us to shit on ourselves when it makes our bosses/professors/government/etc. happy. and it teaches us to shit on each other to get ahead because we’ve also been conditioned to want that cashmoney
the beginnings of capitalism in feudal society led to the genocide of peoples deemed unnecessary
modern capitalism enslaves millions of people in the u.s. alone, and then we go and export it to other countries like it’s something good… but really we just want to take their oil for cheap and put in a new government that ends up creating culture wars and more mass murder
capitalism and the rise of the modern prison industrial complex in the u.s. cannot be separated… we continue to enslave black and brown men for profit because corporations are people too
capitalism is shitty as fuck.
how is that not apparent from the words “capitalism oppresses, alienates, and enacts structural violence against specific groups of people?”
12:05 pm • 29 April 2014
Adding to my thoughts on East Asian men in Western society, the problem of emasculation can be fixed by being better men. Rather than questioning the dating preferences of East Asian women or policing their behaviours, we need to introspect heavily and understand why we feel the way we do. We need to understand that the white supremacist patriarchy has affected our behaviour heavily and turn away from continuing cliched misogynistic attitudes.
10:22 am • 29 April 2014 • 4 notes
Esther Quek
The badass boss that redefines androgyny.
i’m in love.
(Source: beastiemarie, via fuckyeahpocfashion)
10:21 am • 29 April 2014 • 3,744 notes
So far, I have been enjoying the Adventures of Business Cat a great deal, possibly more than is appropriate for an adult human. (All of these are from the webcomic Happy Jar)
UPDATE: Now with more Business.
(via functionalpsychosis)
11:53 pm • 28 April 2014 • 132,244 notes
this is actually the type of message i’ve been waiting for all day, lol.
also, the assumption that by saying no to white men, i am only saying yes to “guys that are my own race”… uhhhhh actually i’m pretty much fine with men of color in general, and the very rare occasional white guy. but whatevs. i guess that doesn’t fit into your racial binary.
favorite: "it’s people like you that hold us back as a society. you may have a pretty face, but that is all that you have."
LOLOL. also i have no hate for white people… just the structures that privilege them and their perpetuation of such structures through ignorance and apathy.
11:34 pm • 28 April 2014 • 2 notes
omg i feel like i could read/research for days on post-1965 afro-asian american relations in the u.s.
so much depth omg. all the books. all the blogs. all the documentaries.
too bad i need to finish this paper asap so i can work on stats papers tomorrow (on equally engaging #moan worthy topic - bond-type and bond-amount calculations and how they affect probability of rearrest in durham county using data from 2009-2013 along with age, race, sex, income, crime, etc. etc. etc.)
maybe i should just start writing instead of trying to consume all this information…
but actually, i HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend the following for when you have a good chunk of time to sit down and read:
- Sa-I-Gu (Korean Am. documentary concerning 1992 L.A. riots.)
- Race for Citizenship: Black Orientalism and Asian Uplift from Pre-Emancipation to Neoliberal America (by Helen Heran Jun)
- AfroAsian Encounters: Culture, History, Politics (collection of works edited by Heike Raphael-Hernandez and Shannon Steen)
- Afro Asia: Revolutionary Political and Cultural Connections between African Americans and Asian Americans (collection of works edited by Fred Ho and Bill V. Mullen)
this is just what i’ve been working with thus far, and i’ve had to set aside a lot of texts because… time… so these may not be the best resources, but MY GOD THERE”S SO MUCH HISTORY
9:14 pm • 28 April 2014 • 4 notes
these have been my favorite two messages thus far. at least they read?
jaxguy8660: 1 - i am not a boy… and 2 - i’m not entirely sure why you think i would be disappointed if a 53 year old white dude in florida did not message me… what. oh, right. it’s because you’re a straight white man and therefore entitled to speak in any space and anything you say is a blessing to the rest of the world because white male opinions.
andyroo_42 - i am mainly amused that you visited my profile six separate times within one hour before sending this super insightful message.
i love okcupid already. for those of you who are not on it, you are really missing out… so many laughs from the past couple hours while making/eating dinner and taking a break from finals week. lolol.
6:01 pm • 28 April 2014 • 2 notes
so i made an okcupid account to procrastinate on these papers
and as soon as i put a picture up ALL THE WHITE MEN FLOCK TO ME
also LOLOL because CLEARLY at least some of them aren’t even bothering to read my profile…
the first section says: “Hey y’all. I’m mainly on OKCupid just to see how many East Asian fetishizing white men will visit and message me. (Hint: I’m really not into your cis-hetero-patriarchal-orientalism. That includes you, oh-so-progressive white hipster boys.)”
and yet they continue to message me.
oh white boys. i hope some asian woman someday takes advantage of your gross fetishization to get a u.s. green card and then peaces the fuck out of your life forever.
also, it makes me really sad that apparently i have a 99% match who is a white boy in canada…
4:24 pm • 28 April 2014 • 3 notes
Overheard at the Refectory
"We met in China and started hooking up there [before coming back and hooking up back here] …”
Overhearing two students recount the shape of their love lives. Settings: study abroad spaces. “When I was in India, I was seeing…” / “We were the first people to visit DKU (Duke Kunshan University)…
12:51 pm • 28 April 2014 • 3 notes
This panel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is one of numerous to be seen on the separation barrier around Bethlehem and seeks to illustrate the experiences of communities affected by the wall. (Photo by J. Byrne)
(Source: whitewaveraven, via titotito)
11:46 am • 28 April 2014 • 1,137 notes
17 lies we need to stop teaching girls about sex
Fueled by outdated ideals of gender roles and the sense that female sexuality is somehow shameful, there are certain pernicious myths about girls and sex that just won’t die. That sex education in America has gaping holes doesn’t help much, either; in a recent Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report, just 6 out of 10 girls said that their schools’ sex ed curriculum included information on how to say no to sex. This lack of personal agency was reflected in a forthcoming study by sociologist Heather Hlavka at Marquette University as well, which found that many young girls think of sex simply as something that is “done to them.”
Read more | Follow policymic
(via wocinsolidarity)
9:58 pm • 27 April 2014 • 90,871 notes