Q:Stop being a scared lil bitch. Kill yourself you coward.
Now why would I do that? My life is pretty sweet. I’ve got all this power and privilege to exploit after all. I’m having a blast. :)
Q:Wow, okay you really are a ignorant dick. First of, that post you made about "white contributions to society" is fucking bullshit. Modern democracy is a concept that we might have built on, but it was introduced and developed in fucking 461 B.C. by Pericles, a fucking ancient Greek ruler. And until the scientific advances of the 16th and 17th century, Alexandrian scholars provided most of the scientific knowledge known to the west. Something you'd know if you'd ever taken a fucking history class
Are you going to tell me that Greeks are not white? Even Hitler considered them white. Do you have a stricter racial criteria than Adolf Hitler?
Q:Kill yourself. Put one of those guns in your mouth and pull the fucking trigger.
Q:I fucked your dad in the ass last night. He loved it. I was shouthing "kill all whites" as I fucked him in the ass too. It was amazing, you should have seen his face.
Q:You truly are just an astounding example of low-life scum. You claim to have statistics that would ruin someone's world view, yet it only proves them. Africa has so many structural issues because of the centuries of exploitation from Europeans and then Americans. You claim that mixing of race is somehow negative, yet children of mixed descent tend to have a higher antibody count, due to the diversity of the parents'. And just so you know, the concept of biological race is inherently flawed.
You claim that mixing of race is somehow negative, yet children of mixed descent tend to have a higher antibody count, due to the diversity of the parents’. And just so you know, the concept of biological race is inherently flawed.
I would like to congratulate you on the best example of liberal double think to ever grace my inbox.
Think about what you just said. Race has no biological basis but mixed race children have a genetic advantage? What?
Q:I see you have a good selection of weapons. Maybe you should shoot yourself in the legs? Or dick? Or head?
You mad bro?
Q:I will pray to the Lord daily that antifa will crush your skull as soon as possible and your soul gets to finally rest in peace. Amen, nazi scum.
I’m pretty sure Christians aren’t supposed to wish violent deaths on people. And I wouldn’t count on me getting assaulted by antifa as they don’t exist around here. You’d have better luck wishing that Tyrone shoots me. Of course this is unlikely as well given my armament and training.
Q:lol what exactly are you proud of in regards to being white? sitcoms? bran cereal? genocide? you're a gigantic piece of shit.
Oh I dunno. .Just off the top of my head:
- That computer you’re typing on
- The software that drives your computer
- The Internet & nearly all web applications
- Recorded music
- Motion picture
- TV
- Radio
- Camera
- Telephone
- Light bulb
- Automobile
- Rocketry (modern)
- Satellite
- Spacecraft
- Airplane
- Skyscraper
- Telescope
- Printing press
- Eyeglasses
- Contact lenses
- Microwave oven
- Metallurgy (most discoveries and methods)
- Materials science (plastics, compounds, & most other synthetics)
- 95% of medical advancements
- 95% of life saving pharmaceutical drugs
- Modern food preservatives
- Most scientific breakthroughs over the past 1000 years
- The bulk of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
- Astronomy (most discoveries and mapping techniques)
- Sea navigation (most advancements)
- Discovery of DNA
- Genetics (most research)
- Microscope
- Laser technology and its myriad of uses
- Harnessing electricity
- Nuclear energy
- Wireless technology
- Air conditioning devices
- Refrigeration
- Modern agricultural techniques
- Modern democracy
Q:Can I you just die
Q:Haha, you look like a nazi. So glad your type will die off soon.
"Haha, you look like a Jew. So glad your kind will die off soon."
See how that sounds?
*pumps shot gun *
How does that sound you racist piece of shit .
Thank you for supporting the gun lobby :)
Source: neonationalist
Q:You think that you're really smart but your arguments are greatly flawed and your so-called "cited facts and logic" are extremely biased and aren't logical at all. If you dislike certain things and have your own ideas, fine. If you choose to continue being ignorant and spiteful despite others trying to educate you, fine. It is when you express your hatred so publicly that it's not okay. Let us know if a miracle ever happens where someone isn't revolted by you. (And let's see your response, scum)
So you’ll be reblogging my cited facts and statistical posts with researched refutations then? Please try. I’ll have my cup ready for your tears when you discover that I’m right and there is nothing you can do to change it except shriek “facts don’t real only feels!”
I wish I were cool enough to spam flood people as anonymous.
Q:hey just saying you're a racist bigot please reevaluate ur life
Q:Words cannot describe how offensive, ignorant, and wrong your blog is.
Q:Literally kill yourself and the hate you live by.
I don’t hate others. I just love my own people. I know you’ve been taught to see that as hate. Maybe one day after you’ve graduated from high school/college you’ll understand the difference.