Eamonn Fingleton

Eamonn Fingleton, Contributor

A sharp eye on media bias, official propaganda, and globaloney.

4/20/2014 @ 12:48午後 |331,624 views

What's Japan's Guiltiest Secret?: (Hint) It's Not The Comfort Women

For anyone who follows East Asia, here’s a question: what is Japan’s guiltiest secret?

The “comfort women” scandal? The Nanking massacre? Official homage to war criminals at the Yasukuni shrine?

No, no, and no. If by a guilty secret we mean something that Japan really, really wants to sweep under the rug, none of the above comes even close. Japan actually often goes out of its way to publicize these issues: click here for the official Japanese news agency’s account of today’s carefully timed visit by Keiji Furuya to Yasukuni. With Kyodo’s help and the fact that Easter Sunday is, of course, a particularly slow news day in the West,  this relative nonentity has made headlines everywhere from the South China Morning Post to the BBC World Service.

We will look more closely at Japan’s attitude to such controversies in a moment. For now let’s note that Japan does have secrets and big ones – secrets it strives with unique ingenuity and success to keep out  of the Western media.

Top of the list is something that – at least for those of us who know Japan – is hidden in plain sight: the Japanese auto market. Fifty years after the Tokyo authorities ostensibly began opening to free trade, the Japanese auto market remains one of the world’s most closed. I don’t mean just that Detroit-made cars don’t get a look in. These are, with few exceptions, unsuitable for Japanese roads. But the Detroit Big Three’s subsidiaries in Europe, particularly subsidiaries of Ford and General Motors, make plenty of cars that – in a fair world – should do well in Japan. After all such cars compete, and in many cases compete strongly, against Japanese competition across Europe. They don’t have a prayer against Japan’s non-tariff barriers.

Even more tellingly Volkswagen is a tiny also-ran in Japan, with just 1 percent of the market. Yet Volkswagen is no slouch in other markets and in fact ranks broadly equal to Toyota as the world’s largest auto-maker (the days when that title seemed to be General Motors’s by birthright are gone).

Then there is Renault, which is supposedly (at least if you believe the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal) the senior partner in an alliance with Japan’s second largest automaker Nissan. For more than a decade now Renault chief Carlos Ghosn has been trying to get Renault cars into Nissan showrooms. The last I heard he was even living much of his time in the posh Tokyo district of Azabu in one of the world’s more expensive rental apartments. He has remarkably little to show for his efforts: to the extent that the Renault has established any presence in Japan it is as a make of bicycles. Made under license in Taiwan, Renault bicycles have captured, on an optimistic count, perhaps 1 percent of the Japanese bicycle market!

English: Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. The Yasukuni Shrine: always in the news but  at least no one is talking about the car market. Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Of course, umpteen times over the years the problem of Japan’s closed market has been declared solved. Nobuhiko Ushiba, who served as Japan’s ambassador to Washington in the early 1970s, once told reporters: “There is no example in recent history of a nation liberalizing trade policy as fast as Japan.” Meanwhile in 1982, Japanese foreign minister Yoshio Sakurauchi assured a meeting of the GATT that Japan “is one of the most open markets in the world.”

A particularly impressive-sounding assurance came from President Bill Clinton in 1995. Speaking in the White House Briefing Room, with Japanese Trade Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto looking on impassively, Clinton announced that Japan had agreed “to truly open its auto and auto parts markets to American companies.”

He added: “This agreement is specific. It is measurable. It will achieve real, concrete results … we finally have an agreement that will move cars and parts both ways between the United States and Japan. This breakthrough is a major step toward free trade throughout the world.”

It was all empty rhetoric, of course, as Clinton surely knew. The interesting thing is that the American press has never revisited the record, not even the reliably anti-Clinton Wall Street Journal. Anyone who knows the Tokyo news business knows why. The Japanese authorities keep the foreign press on a remarkably tight leash and, with virtually no exceptions, foreign correspondents are induced to censor themselves. As a practical matter, Tokyo wields a panoply of carrots and sticks in controlling what Japan-based foreigners say to the outside world and most long-term foreign residents are overt or covert agents for Japan’s public relations agenda. Foreign correspondents are no exception.

Don’t believe me? Do a Google search. The most important single fact about the Japanese auto market is that for decades the share of all foreign brands  combined has been kept to just 4 percent. When did you last read that in the New York Times? It is also worth searching for a statement put out last July by the American Automotive Policy Council itemizing some of the most blatant of Japan’s non-tariff barriers. It received virtually no coverage in the U.S. press.

Yet it is hard to exaggerate the consequences for the global economy. Thanks to assiduous protectionism,  the Japanese domestic auto market remains a high-price sanctuary. The huge profits earned there enable Japanese auto makers to invest at a super-fast rate in ever more efficient production technology, all the while pricing aggressively in foreign markets.  Nor is the global auto market a small prize. The fact is that autos and auto parts are by far the largest single manufacturing category in world trade.

Now let’s consider the comfort women scandal and other widely publicized manifestations of Japan’s “failure to come to terms with its past.” The first thing to note is that no one alive today had any responsibility for the war, thus everyone  has an alibi.  For a nation with some real skeletons in its closet, controversy over the war-time past is actually a safe issue and if things become a little too heated the Prime Minister or Emperor can always step in with another apology, thus putting the issue to bed until further notice. Seen in this light there is no point in Tokyo covering up such issues. Quite the contrary. While the foreign press busies itself with the often completely contrived issues of the war-time past, it has less time and energy to delve into issues on which the Tokyo authorities really want to maintain radio silence.

The most obvious indicator that Tokyo has no interest in suppressing the controversies is the behavior of the Japan Times, a semi-official English language newspaper  that the Dutch Japanologist Karel van Wolferen has characterized as the Tokyo Foreign Ministry’s megaphone. What is clear is that as most American and British correspondents in Tokyo don’t read Japanese, the Japan Times is the unstated source of many of their reports. A closely related matter is the role of Kyodo, the official news agency whose English-language service follows the same editorial policy as the Japan Times.

On issues that the authorities really want to sweep under the rug, the Japan Times and Kyodo cooperate fully. Besides the auto market issue, another key issue that has traditionally been censored in Tokyo is Japan’s stonewalling on compensation to war victims. In sharp contrast to Germany, Japan has paid virtually nothing to victims of its war crimes – a fact that for decades was kept almost completely sub-rosa in the Western press. (Things have been liberalized somewhat in the last few years, now that most of the victims are dead.)

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  • Avery Morrow Avery Morrow 4 days ago

    Mr. Fingleton, I feel like you should add a layer of complexity to your characterization of the Japan Times, or else people could pull out any number of anti-kisha club articles in an attempt to refute you. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. If the Japan Times has no coverage of Japan’s bureaucratic traps and other strong-arm tactics against foreign manufacturers, that is because their reporters are too busy preaching about social issues in a tone that makes the Japanese out to be like MacArthur’s “five-year-old children”. As you pointed out in your most recent book, this underestimation by MacArthur caused him to be manipulated by the entrenched elites.

    I like to think of the Japan Times as the nation’s college newspaper, where English-speaking expatriates play-act at being the student reporters enlightened by their pursuit of social justice, and the citizens of Japan pretend to be the backwards, ignorant townies. This arrangement is beneficial for both sides — the only victim is responsible journalism. As long as the paper continues to adopt such an unserious tone, they will never be able to take on the establishment with the commitment of more serious Japanese-language publications like FACTA and Akahata.

  • Eamonn Fingleton Eamonn Fingleton, Contributor 4 days ago

    A reply to Avery Morrow:

    As I have pointed out, the prominent Japanologist Karel van Wolferen, who has been in the field since 1962, takes a rather different view from you. That said, we can all agree, of course, that many of the paper’s foreign-born staff are quite inexperienced. They are meant to be inexperienced. The less experience they have, the less likely they are to stand up to their Japanese editors. In the final analysis, at the Japan Times as elsewhere, it is the editors who matter, particularly where censorship is concerned. For what it is worth, I once many years was invited by the paper’s owner Toshiaki Ogasawara to a boardroom lunch with his directors (we were discussing the possibility of a joint venture). I did not get the impression that he left much to chance. The deal broke down because he wanted editorial control.

  • bove1 bove1 4 days ago

    @Avery Morrow

    Why is it that folks today feel that it is okay to plagiarize?

    “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

    This of course has been attributed by Robert J. Hanlon who probably found it in Robert Heinlein’s story “Logic of Empire”.

    Or did you misquote Napoleon Bonaparte? “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.”

    This begs the question though just how many times have you used this little homily or just how long have you waited to foist it off as your own?

    In either case your pontifications seem somehow diminished and are relegated to the meanderings of the merely mediocre.

  • five_david five_david 4 days ago

    How much pay out did Japan gave to the War victims?
    How much market share does the American car manufacturers have in Japan? Are Mr Fingleton’s statistics and facts correct?

  • MohDoh N MohDoh N 4 days ago

    It’s offensive that the author is comparing Japan’s auto protectionism to such human tragedies as comfort women and Nanking atrocities during World War II. Would it be appropriate for an European author to mix up 9/11 tragedy to Hollywood’s dominant market position in the US? It’s distasteful and an absolute insult to the victims. Please take down this article.

  • Eamonn Fingleton Eamonn Fingleton, Contributor 4 days ago

    A reply to DohDoh N:

    You seem not to have read the article. In implying that it says that auto protectionism is a worse offense than Japan’s war crimes, you completely misconstrue my point. The subject of the article is censorship. Japan censors news coverage of auto protectionism but not of war crimes. Whereas there is no secret about war crimes, there is a big push to keep auto protectionism out of the American press.

    I hardly lack for sympathy for the comfort women or any of Imperial Japan’s other victims. Please click here and here

  • Yeah right Yeah right 4 days ago

    Literally signed up to express my disgust.

    Sympathy for a tragedy in no way excuses the abysmally tactless use of such comparisons. One does not compare real suffering by human beings to business issues. You wanted an eye catching headline and you got one. But it’s crude, inappropriate and worthy of any criticism you receive.

    The fact that you defend your choice with citations of your apparent ‘sympathy’ just shows that you don’t actually understand what you have done wrong. I highly recommend you seek input from your colleagues about the acceptability of your lede choice.

  • Eamonn Fingleton Eamonn Fingleton, Contributor 4 days ago

    A reply to Yeah Right: The issue is not suffering but censorship. Please don’t change the subject. And, if you can find so much as a single sentence in my commentary that falls short in decency, please name it.

  • Censorship is an issue, without a doubt. What I take exception to is how you invoke crimes against humanity to make a point.

    You asked to point out a line in your article that falls short in decency and I didn’t have to look beyond your choice of a title find one.

    You chose it solely to draw viewers, and that in of itself is shameful. I sincerely doubt you have any real understanding of Nanjing, the Pacific War or the Comfort Women issue. If you did, you perhaps wouldn’t have glibly invoked it in an article about the Japanese press censoring aspects of its economy.

    During my time living in China, I’ve had the chance to meet several people who lived through Nanjing, the Japanese occupation and sexual slavery that transpired during the war. If you’d like, I could help you get in touch with them. Perhaps you can explain to them how the Japanese press’s handling of the auto industry as big an issue as the deaths of millions. Feel free to explain your rationale to them.

  • Eamonn Fingleton Eamonn Fingleton, Contributor 4 days ago

    A reply to Terence McCoy:

    My heading defines precisely the point of my piece: that although modern Japan does not censor talk about the comfort women issue or other atrocities from the imperial era, it does very vigorously censor other issues, most obviously the closed car market story. Why don’t you or any of the other challengers address the substance of my commentary and in particular my point that long-term foreign residents in Japan are expected to become propaganda surrogates in misrepresenting the truth of Tokyo’s economic agenda?

  • Eamonn, get your hate filled ahss back on the boat you stepped off of.
    America has enough racists, let alone allowing them to immigrate here.
    Go home hater, you suck.

  • @Terence McCoy , please do not feed the Troll.

  • @Yeah Right, this guy is a paid troll. He is here to stir up sympathy for GM because of the big lawsuit that is brewing and GM will use the Bankruptcy Protection Law as an umbrella. He knows that they are going to loose sales because of what they did, so he’s going to Japan Bash in order to harvest GM loyalty. His tactics are old and outdated. He belongs in an retirement home along with his tactics. Japan builds 1000′s of cars in America every year and provides 1000′s of American jobs. This foreigner, Eamonn needs to go back to his 3rd world country and take his racism with him.

  • Chikako Jtu Chikako Jtu 4 days ago

    Perhaps you simply lack sympathy for Japan?

  • DemandSider DemandSider 4 days ago


    “Detroit Three vs. Japanese Three: 181,000 to 67,000″


  • Jon Neukam Jon Neukam 4 days ago

    Eamonn, asked (rather atrociously, beginning with ‘why don’t….’) “Why don’t you or any of the other challengers address the substance of my commentary and in particular my point that long-term foreign residents in Japan are expected to become propaganda surrogates in misrepresenting the truth of Tokyo’s economic agenda?”

    What An Insult! Having lived there myself for two decades, you as well can ‘do a Google search’ right now with my name, and see the labor issues I addressed and fought to have respected in Japan. No one would ever think that I was ‘expected to become a propaganda surrogate in misrepresenting the truth of Tokyo’s economic agenda.’ In fact, the district attorney who had to handle the labor cases (that the Ministry of Labor solidly backed me on) called me a trouble maker.

    Seriously?!? Is that your point?!? It is clear that VW is not the only bug you have been trying to place up Japan’s backside.

    How dare you misrepresent the nation that gave me the ability to understand their labor laws clearly (clearly available in English, on the net) so I could remind not only the native citizenry but the enterprises that compose the economic system how important it is to adhere to the laws in place. No one in the Ministry of Labor covering the Labor Standards Act gave me grief that I should ignore laws that were not being observed. As a ministry covered by the Department of Justice in Japan, it was their duty to act as police officials and recognize my stance that enterprises were ignorant of the law, which the Ministry willingly did because it was their job. It was hardly a case where I was expected to become a propaganda surrogate as you so wrongfully insist. Quite to the contrary, they understand how important blowing the whistle is to the nation.

    This is an outrageously foolish article you have written. The misrepresentation you want to make neglects the country will lose almost a quarter of the population by 2055 and is in already in dire need of increased immigration.

    If anything, long-term foreign residents (read: emigrants) will be expected to uphold the laws that are already in place – the laws that most enterprises are clearly ignorant of, yet are the law nonetheless.

    You are trying to make a point that reaches out to nationalists of all flags, but fail to recognize the problem that does exist is a domestic one.

    Domestic issues are not about comfort women, nor automobile tariffs.

    Your appeal to compare pre-war Japan to post-war Japan is what it is: that the Constitution of Japan today is the same as the Constitution of Japan prior to WW2. And That Is Ridiculous.

    If the point is truly that ‘foreign residents in Japan are expected to become propaganda surrogates in misrepresenting the truth of Tokyo’s economic agenda,’ you could’ve have taken the time to point out how hard it is for the foreign residents of China to point out the Tiananmen massacre to the natives, or the foreign residents of the US to point out that in 1952, professional tennis player Harold Blauer died when injected with a fatal dose of a mescaline derivative by Dr. James Cattell at the New York State Psychiatric Institute of Columbia University, and the United States Department of Defense, which sponsored the injection, worked in collusion with the Department of Justice and the New York State Attorney General to conceal evidence of its involvement for 23 years. For crying out loud, that is the position of which persons to undertake?!? Because such persons may not have the knowledge, much less the time, makes them propaganda surrogates?!? Of course, it does not!

    Your own loyalty is not to the truth, your own loyalty is quite nationalistic and it reeks of an agenda.

    It does not benefit you to misrepresent people so greatly.

    It is sad that I could run circles around you when it comes to Japanese policy. You are supposed to be more qualified than to allow me such an ability.

    Your point, that you want to be called out upon, is ridiculous and insults not only the government of Japan but the foreign residents of Japan.

  • DemandSider DemandSider 4 days ago

    “In implying that it says that auto protectionism is a worse offense than Japan’s war crimes”

    Some in Flint and elsewhere might dispute that.