Now Playing Tracks


tell white men they look too serious

tell them to smile

tell them if they don’t want to get made fun of they should have thought of that before they left their house

tell them girls will be girls anytime they complain about our behavior

yawn dramatically when they talk

walk away from them mid-sentence

anytime they come to a decision that concerns only them, make sure they’ve really thought about from all angles. Play devils advocate.

interrogate them on all their choices, demand answers! demand justifications!

take up the whole sidewalk and make them walk around you

explain obvious things to them. speak slowly and enunciate.

feign kindness and then yell at them if they don’t give you money in return. tell them they owe you.

trip them and then yell at them when they get mad about it

tell them how cute they are when they’re angry

tell them to stop being so emotional

tell them to learn how to take a joke

tell them they’re a kill joy

fucking this^^^^

(Source: manhatingbabyeater)

19,210 notes

via i should sleep
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