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[–]HEATROCK [score hidden]

TLDR; Leaving reddit because of threats and harassment. In the end, nothing of value was lost. Thanks to the people who helped me learn a lot about rap, I really appreciate the answering of questions and stuff.

So the past few weeks have been weird. I've gotten random adds on Steam and Skype even though I've never given them out on reddit, from new accounts/people saying I shitpost and infest this sub with my stanning and clueless opinions.

Speed up a week, I'm getting threats left and right outside of reddit on various social media outlets (not FB, though) from people that are obviously from HHH or HHCJ that don't like me here.

Speed up another week, my internet gets cut off and my Skype/Steam get hacked. Just recovered both within the past few days. Had to get a Cox Communications guy help with the internet, he said some signal or something was blocking my access and fixed that for us but now my TV's been cut out.

I'm assuming since I have no evidence, that this stuff stems from a few users that hate me being here/posting here that often 'jerk' me as they call it, on HHCJ. I never really thought that it'd escalate into threats and harassment outside of the website. The reddit admins know this and I'm awaiting a reply.

I always came here for a place to talk to people since I don't have many friends, college depresses me and I really like hip-hop music. I'm not popular, not outgoing, not the party type but I do always try to help others even though it may not seem like it. This place was up until recently a haven where I could connect with other people and learn about something I really liked.

I'll let the account stay I think if I ever want to chime in or an AMA happens that I really want to be involved in but aside from that I'll stop posting on reddit from now on and will just lurk a few times a week or whatever. /u/hiphopcirclejerk has won this. /u/jaf207 /u/triangledimes /u/martypanic /u/papawalk /u/roboticparadox whoever else never liked my presence or disliked the way I posted or things i posted, you guys have won. I never took anything serious or personal, but I do have to draw the line at harassing me outside of reddit and need to try to prevent that as it affects more than just me (edit: not accusing anyone, just saying they more than likely come from HHH or HHCJ). There's been people contacting my gaming sites I used to work for and making threats and that's just uncalled for. I'll be closing my twitter @mutalisk as well soon in a few days as I've gotten a lot of threats on there.

Got ripped pretty good in that thread I must admit, my logic was way off yesterday. I apologize, I just didn't think it was that big of a deal and I guess some comments were made in the moment.

Feel free to post this on /r/hiphopcirclejerk and have that one bot screenshot this post, I've "been defeated". I would myself but I'm banned.


[–]2naFied [score hidden]

What the shit, that's some below the belt sociopathic behaviour.

The people who have participated in this should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

damn. as much as i disagreed with you a lot, it'll be sad to see you leave. +150 and counting, i definitely do notice your good contributions and i'm sure many others do as well.

[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [score hidden]

+150 and counting

How is this possible lol. I don't think I have anyone past like +25. You're at +16 and that's definitely one of the higher ones. I guess I should start upvoting shit more

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

lol i got a lot of people at +150 at least, i upvote a lot. especially in the daily discussions and shit, i'll just go thru every comment and upvote. makes other people feel good with little to no effort, so why not.

[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [score hidden]

makes other people feel good with little to no effort, so why not.

That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside

[–]masterbeast [score hidden]

Awwww, have an upvote!

[–]TheInfinityGauntlet [score hidden]

Honestly I rarely upvote people, feels bad but if you have a +2 or more next to your name you're lucky as hell haha

[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [score hidden]


Some people take this shit way too seriously

I've always loved you I guess. You're at +7 RES for me

And yeah I've been staying away from /r/hiphopcirclerjerk since I got banned there. I know it's all satire and not serious but I'm starting to realize they're pretty douchey there. There's really a pretentious attitude where they act better than everyone else and like you pointed out, they're not afraid to personally attack you. I think there's some funny posts but there are a lot of douches there

Another side note but I'm not digging the fact that some people recognize me here (like people recognize you) because a lot of times people will only remember you for the bad things you've said/your mistakes etc. I know I could make a new account but ehhh. Also thinking about just leaving because it will also get me to stop wasting so much time here

[–]Motherfuckinruckus [score hidden]

I feel like communities built upon jokingly looking down on people are bound to whirl out of control because many people don't realize that jokes are jokes. They aren't meant to be factual statements, though they may have underlying truth. Nothing good comes from that attitude, IMO, of just attacking people.

[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [score hidden]

Very true.

[–]tristanofkiel [score hidden]

feet socks

the menace

[–]bjossymandias [score hidden]


[–]adotg [score hidden]

even though it's not serious it still happened

[–]ishankedhopsin [score hidden]

Well if Heatrock hadn't been harassed then I wouldn't, but it's pretty fucking suspicious that the same dudes who constantly rail on him make these "jokes" and then it actually happens.

[–]Lazy-assedContender [score hidden]

He's at +10 for me didn't love all of his opinions but always been a cool dude sad it went this far

[–]edw18 [score hidden]

This is is real sad to read man. This is upsetting to see happen. I don't tweet much but I'll pm my twitter if you want someone to chat with or whatever if you'd like.

[–]OldHeadNewShit [score hidden]

shit people do this on redit? my son never mention this to me he just said its a fun site and good hip hop stuff on here damn thats scary

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

doesn't happen ever but if you're known like Heatrock is and you make one too many bad comments, it only takes one, overly dedicated person with nothing to do to ruin it all. gotta know your limits when it comes to the internet. especially gotta be careful since the internet is still evolving in different ways.

[–]OldHeadNewShit [score hidden]

damn thats fucked up back in my youth we just fight anyeone who beefed with us but it was always face to face we didnt have internet .not do all this mission impossible stuff i best watch what i say im gonna ask my kid about this shit so i can be safe

[–]NO_NEW_FRIENDS [score hidden]

back in my youth we just fight anyeone who beefed with us


[–]OldHeadNewShit [score hidden]

well i know that shit still happens but these kids crazy with their 007 james bond villan type tricks they dont gotta leave their house to fuck someone up its crazy to an older dude like me im not educated on this sort of stuff at all

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

yea. best way is just make sure to never share personal stuff really. i mean you can get away with saying what city you're from if it's a big town but even then it's not really a good idea.

[–]OldHeadNewShit [score hidden]

i see what u saying this all new to me thanks 4 the advice homie

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

yea, stay safe out there man. even one comment can be too much info if you aren't careful. there's plenty of guides and how-tos out there of how to stay safe on the internet, but the most important one is just don't be a dumbass and don't pick fights that aren't worth picking, i.e: none.

[–]lumsden [score hidden]

its a rare occurence to be fair. never seen this shit happen before

[–]OldHeadNewShit [score hidden]

id cry real tears if some crazy young nigga cut my cable with some crazy signal shit i need my hbo

[–]Motherfuckinruckus [score hidden]

Who gives a fuck what people say on the Internet about rap? Jesus... People are just little shits sometimes... Sorry that this happened to you. Some people make jokes and mean no actual harm, but there are always stupid fucks who get satisfaction from hurting others.

[–]iamsodaft [score hidden]

Yeah. It's one thing for people to say stupid shit, but if people are messing with his internet connection or whatever, that's really fucking lame.

[–]sudoaptgetinstall2 [score hidden]

You should stay. I left for almost the same exact reasons as you, but I got through it. You're a valued user here and I always like hearing what you have to say.

[–]QWERTYMurdoc [score hidden]

Shit. Talk to the admins man. That kind of stuff is really stupid.

[–]TheInfinityGauntlet [score hidden]

I don't always agree with you but you're a big part of this community, sucks that some people are complete fuck cunts and ruin shit.

[–]fattyfondler [score hidden]

DAMN lotsa hate and discord on this sub lately

we are developing the cynical antipathy and nerd rage of reddit defaults

[–]abstraakt [score hidden]

It's ridiculous how people can take commenting on a hip hop forum personally. You should post the threats.

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

oh please do. or at least message the admins about it.

[–]shmishshmorshin [score hidden]

Just make a new account and don't tell anyone

[–]YeezusChrist3530 [score hidden]

This is a little much I post to HHCJ and just joke around but threats is over the top. Hate to see you go bro

[–]daman1199 [score hidden]

Damn. People are salty

[–]ThatParanoidPenguin [score hidden]

I never really talked to you a lot but I see you on here often and it's really sickening that this would happen to you. If you need to leave, we fully understand. I wish you luck on college and the rest of your future endeavors. I wish I got to know you more.

[–]CaptainCammySmash [score hidden]

Oh man, i am gonna miss reading your stuff on here. I often at times agreed with you on some of your comments here on /r/HHH.

Be safe my dude.

[–]inb4shitstorm [score hidden]

I kinda saw this coming when you revealed your real name with that gaming article recently especially because HHCJ went from harmless fun to /r/cringe hip hop edition. Sucks that you wont be here because you had some good contributions, regardless of the fact that I didn't agree with you on all of them.

Don't let the neckbeards keep you down.

[–]Uncleverest_Username [score hidden]

Damn sorry to hear that.

[–]RowdyRoddyPipeHer [score hidden]

Holy shit. Why do people take this Internet shit so serious? It's not like we deciding wars and shit here. We're just commenting on shit that we have in common. Jesus H. Christ.

[–]iamsodaft [score hidden]

I've been thinking about making a new account for reasons like this. This whole "power user" bullshit is only getting worse. I've never been called it, and I don't ever want to. Sorry it had to come to this for you, man.

[–]ishankedhopsin [score hidden]

I'd be surprised if this wasn't shun. Dude is constantly writing paragraphs about you and power users. It's like he's jealous of the karma and attention your posts get. Look at all his posts about you and power users: 1, 2, 3, 4.

hhcj has become like SRS. They bully people and then when you call them out on it, they say that it's just a joke and to not take the internet so seriously.

Edit: called it.

[–]Uncleverest_Username [score hidden]

It's like he's jealous of the karma and attention your posts get.

Doubt that part and doubt that he went to those lengths for Heatrock

[–]bjossymandias [score hidden]

I know Shun and he wouldn't sink to this level.

Don't throw around accusations like that if you don't know the dude.

[–]ishankedhopsin [score hidden]

Are you serious? Shun is the most petty dude I've ever encountered. He once banned me from hhcj for linking an hhcj post to one of his comments. Also every time someone brings up bullying on hiphopcirclejerk, he's always the one to say that it's alright and harmless.

[–]bjossymandias [score hidden]

like when he said he'd remove any bullying if the victim itself would tell him to take it down a la whodatmiami? all i'm saying is you don't know the dude, and you accusing him of sending serious threats and hacking, pretty stupid if you ask me

[–]ishankedhopsin [score hidden]

Aight. I probably shouldn't say he did it, cos I don't know, but the dude has harassed me and other people multiple times in the past. Also, it's kinda weird that everyone who's defending him is a regular on hhcj.

[–]bjossymandias [score hidden]

i chat with shun daily on the irc, as do a lot of people and they can all back up my claims, something that couldn't be said about yours.

dude even harasses me even though we're good, i just don't take it seriously because i know he isn't doing it seriously

[–]ishankedhopsin [score hidden]

dude even harasses me even though we're good

Well that's a good indication of how crazy the dude is. And maybe he doesn't do it seriously to you because you guys are part of the hhcj hivemind, but I've seen how salty he gets with dudes he doesn't agree with.

Anyway, maybe you're right, but I don't feel too bad about calling him out. The guy deserves it with all the shit he constantly pulls.

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

lol it's barely a stretch to say shun wouldn't do this. he's an incredibly petty dude.

he banned me from hhcj because someone replied to my comment saying it was weird seeing me outside of hhh, and then a few days ago he said that i got "lit in the mod mail" over being banned, even though i really didn't.

very petty dude. he can keep the hhcj sub to himself if he wants, no quality will be lost over here.

plus, one of my bros in the plug is getting "bullied" by him rn (he doesn't care, but it's pretty hilarious)

[–]icemake [score hidden]

i dont think we should start blaming people when the sub has around 5000 users for all you or me for that matter know it could be some lurkers

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

agreed, no accusations should be thrown right now without any proof of who did it.

but it's not a stretch to say that shun would do this, that's all. still, we shouldn't blame him for this. for all i know, i could be completely wrong about shun. he might be a very nice guy irl, but he does not show that in his actions on hhcj and here.

[–]icemake [score hidden]

but it's not a stretch to say that shun would do this, that's all.

you are basing this on how he acts on the internet, like you said he could be an upstanding person or i could be completely wrong. from what i've seen he doesnt seem like he is that bad of a person but he is just direct imo. the witch hunt already begun and hhh is already knocking on shun's door.

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

well i think it's safe to say you can judge a person's character irl from how they act on the internet to an extent.

like i said on another comment, shun is sending some petty insults towards a friend of mine over how he looks, so there's that.

[–]icemake [score hidden]

i'm going to need to see screenshots and even then how does that make him the troll? if your friend does have them he needs to put those out so we can get to the bottom of this, granted i'm not fond of heat or a lot of users here but this shit needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. he already sounds depressed before the situation

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

yea i'll hit up my friend when he gets on the plug so he can post em here for evidence. again, it's nothing that serious, we're laughing it off easily, but it's still something to note imo.

[–]bjossymandias [score hidden]

are you being serious? you're gonna judge people on how they act on the internet? hahahahaahhaha

[–]Chilaxicle [score hidden]

If you behave one way on the internet long enough playing a character who "isn't you," that eventually becomes part of your persona anyway, especially for a very active member and mod of a subreddit like shun.

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

to an extent, i really think you can.

i mean obviously there's people who put on a facade and aren't who they seem on the internet, but people who consistently act one way and post a lot, you kinda can.

[–]bjossymandias [score hidden]

oh is he getting bullied right now? you must have an easy time proving that, right? show me sum bby :^ )

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

pm /u/AustinBN, he's not on plug but he showed me some screenshots of some PM's shun sent him that were a bit personal.

[–]bjossymandias [score hidden]

aight, i will hit him up

[–]SolidMcLovin [score hidden]

if he doesn't respond any time soon, it was basically just shun throwing him some petty insults over how he looked.