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Do You Benefit From White Supremacy?

Does wearing a hoodie threaten your life? posted on
Ayesha Siddiqi BuzzFeed Staff posted
Heben Nigatu BuzzFeed Staff posted
  1. Check all that apply...
    1. 1 Wearing a hoodie doesn’t threaten your life
    2. 2 When you hear ‘colonial’ you think of New England cottages instead of dehumanization and empire
    3. 3 You’ve called something inconvenient ‘ghetto’
    4. 4 You think Quvenzhané Wallis is harder to pronounce than Zach Galifiniakis
    5. 5 You’ve felt nostalgia for any time period besides the present
    6. 6 You think you have an inner black woman
    7. 7 Your prolonged adolescence is called “quirk”
    8. 8 Your experiments in clothing and hair are viewed as ‘edgy’ instead of ‘ghetto’
    9. 9 You’ve laughed a little too hard at Dave Chappelle skits
    10. 10 When people compliment you they don’t imply you’re a rare credit to your race
    11. 11 You think eating hummus, avocados, or sriracha makes you a hip or more interesting person
    12. 12 If you’re 16 and pregnant, you get a tv show
    13. 13 Your teen angst is validated and explored by pop culture
    14. 14 You’ve asked to see the manager
    15. 15 You can expect the manager to look like you
    16. 16 Your presence is interpreted as an improvement upon the neighborhood
    17. 17 Wearing a beard doesn’t get you “randomly” searched
    18. 18 Generalizations about you don’t get you killed
    19. 19 You’ve used slavery as an analogy
    20. 20 You think civilization started with you
    21. 21 You’ve reached into someone’s hair without asking
    22. 22 You can purchase “nude” high heels or “flesh” colored bandages and expect them to match your skin
    23. 23 When you go shopping for makeup you know there will be products for your skin tone
    24. 24 You have access to many different narratives about your humanity
    25. 25 You’ve described a murderer as a “shy, quiet genius”
    26. 26 You’ve almost always had classes in which only people of your race are covered or mentioned
    27. 27 You mention your race when it’s irrelevant/nobody cares
    28. 28 Your graffiti is considered art
    29. 29 You assume people care about your opinion, even on topics you have no experience with
    30. 30 You can fail upwards in your career
    31. 31 You can self identify as a gun nut and not end up on a FBI watchlist
    32. 32 When things don’t go your way you expect authority figures to help you
    33. 33 When you go missing CNN cares
    34. 34 You bristle when a person of color says “white people”
    35. 35 You’ve never felt personally answerable for media representations of yourself
    36. 36 You’ve felt excluded because of the existence of minority student groups
    37. 37 You’ve used the phrase “digital lynching”
    38. 38 You’ve asked to see someone’s birth certificate
    39. 39 You’ve dressed up as a race for Halloween
    40. 40 You can speak without fearing your words will be used against your race
    41. 41 You’ve done blackface
    42. 42 You’ve accused someone of reverse racism
    43. 43 You’ve called an athlete a thug
    44. 44 You’ve told someone you’ve always wanted to be with someone of their kind
    45. 45 You think you can’t be racist because you’ve had a relationship with a person of color
    46. 46 You’ve told a cop “my taxes pay your salary”
    47. 47 You expect to be protected by cops
    48. 48 You weren’t born here but when people complain about immigration they never mean you or your family
    49. 49 You’ve spoken up regarding accusations of bigotry more often than against actual bigotry
    50. 50 You’re not always punished for committing a crime
    51. 51 You think whiteness is a phenotype or culture instead of an institution of power
    52. 52 You participate in a society structured around your supremacy

Do You Benefit From White Supremacy?

  1. Congratulations! You benefit from white supremacy


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Do You Benefit From White Supremacy? Does wearing a hoodie threaten your life?

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  • Chad Carpenter · Top Commenter · Intern at Quad Studios Nashville
    Wow... holy bitterness batman.
    • Fallyn Marcelin · Rancho Cucamonga High School
      While I'm not too crazy about this quiz, do you really think "bitter is the word"? I mean you kind of ARE talking about years of slavery, racism, segregation and oppression.
      Reply · Like
      · 32 · 22 hours ago
    • Andrea Catalina García-Vargas · News blogger/writer at Bustle
      Fallyn Marcelin Yep, bitter isn't the right word. We're talking about a country that was built on the enslavement of black people and genocide of Natives, and racism that endures to this day.
      Reply · Like
      · 22 · 21 hours ago
    • Alice Warner -
      Six months ago I lost my job and after that I was fortunate enough to stumble upon a great website which literally saved me. I started working for them online and in a short time after I've started averaging 15k a month... The best thing was that cause I am not that computer savvy all I needed was some basic typing skills and internet access to start... This is where to start >
      Reply · Like
      · 40 · 12 hours ago
  • Carrie Doussou · Top Commenter
    this article kinda...offends me.
    • Kiara Jenkins · Top Commenter · Beddingfield High School
      But I'm black...I clicked 1 of them (the dave chapelle one) and I benefit? Whatever you say buzzfeed...
      • Mike Vance · Top Commenter
        Man, I love that show.
        Reply · Like
        · 7 · 19 hours ago
      • Tai Sprinkles Storey · Top Commenter · Forensic Social Worker at Legal Aid Society
        Same here. I really wonder what goes through the minds of the people who write these things...
        Reply · Like
        · 9 · 16 hours ago
      • Sydney Danielle · Top Commenter · Works at Countess of Scottsdale
        Tai Sprinkles Storey Kinda wondered this about the last one. They assume anyone taking the quiz for any reason must be white. I think it really distracts from the point they're trying to make if the answers only imply "white supremacy" when you assume a) only white people consume this media, and b) all of those white people are checking these answers under a specific set of circumstances.
        Reply · Like
        · 15 · 14 hours ago
    • Patrick Lowery · Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant at The University of South Carolina
      You checked off 0 out of 52 on this list!
      Congratulations! You benefit from white supremacy
      • Annie Taylor · Johnson State College
        I did that just to check. Wouldn't that mean that it's telling everyone that they benefit from white supremacy...?
        Reply · Like
        · 11 · 22 hours ago
      • Andrea Catalina García-Vargas · News blogger/writer at Bustle
        Annie Taylor I was confused about that, too, but I wonder if it's trying to say that all of us live and breathe white supremacy. It's what our society is based on.

        But regardless of the results I got, the process of taking the quiz was a much needed bucket of water on the head. Reminded me a lot of the things I take for granted because I'm white.
        Reply · Like
        · 16 · 22 hours ago
      • Maria Fernanto · Top Commenter
        Annie Taylor cause whoever made this thought that even checking ONE of these means that person benefits from white supremacy and didn't bother to make more results :D so if someone has asked to see the manager of a McDonald's regardless of color they benefit from our supremancy, yaaay!! :D
        Reply · Like
        · 2 · 21 hours ago
    • Felicia Borrelli · Admin at Everything Kellin Quinn
      Buzzfeed needs to just stay away from any race based quizzes.
      • Megan McEahern
        I'm not going to deny at all that white supremacy is a real thing but this quiz was just a bit too harsh.
        • Dara Ifaturoti
          The Atlantic slave trade, colonialism, institutional racism, and genocide are "just a bit too harsh" as well.
          Reply · Like
          · 37 · 16 hours ago
        • Jade Ariana Hendrix
          Bryan Hickman and? Every white person benefits from white privilege and that's the whole point of this quiz.
          Reply · Like
          · 12 · 16 hours ago
        • Chelsea Diane Kerr · South Dakota
          It seems harsh because those who benefit from white supremacy have the privilege of not thinking about this stuff on a day-to-day basis. Not everyone has that privilege.
          Reply · Like
          · 5 · 16 hours ago
      • Madeleine McIlheran · Top Commenter · The Catholic University of America
        Things that do not exist outside the human mind and thus are irrelevant to anything: race and the significance of skin color. White supremacy is really bad, but so is a culture that faults white people simply for not being "of color", making us inherently evil oppressors.
        • Ara Badillo · Top Commenter · Server at Carrabba's Italian Grill- North Dallas
          when have you been faulted for being white? and race is important, maybe not to white people but to PoCs that immigrated here either in the recent past or long ago and are trying to keep their culture intact
          Reply · Like
          · 2 · 17 hours ago
        • Kathryn Buxton · Top Commenter · Virginia Beach, Virginia
          Ara badillo you are faulting white people with your comment by implying white people are insensitive to other cultures.
          Reply · Like
          · 3 · 8 hours ago
        • Ben Richard · Top Commenter · Bradley, Maine
          "so is a culture that faults white people simply for not being "of color", making us inherently evil oppressors"

          Uh, no such thing exists. If you think our culture "faults white people simply for not being "of color"," you've got your racist white head so far up your ass you can see your tonsils.

          Gotta love the way right wingers think that being held accountable for their actions and no longer having exclusive access to privilege counts as persecution. Yeah, conservative Christians, you're not allowed to treat gay people like trash any more, and you're no longer allowed to demand that our entire culture cater exclusively to fundamentalist Christian interests. Yeah, you're basically being thrown to the lions.
          Reply · Like
          · 5 · 6 hours ago
      • Cara Creager · Top Commenter · Detroit Mercy
        Oh, lord Jesus, take the wheel. Let the bullshit comments begin.
        • Rebecca Lynn · Pine River Backus
          Wow. I come from a very mixed family from a racially tolerant yet not very diverse Midwest town. Moving to the south, I see this white hatred daily yet I can't point it out or I'm racist. This article is so thoroughly racist. I get told I don't understand because I'm not of color. Then what am I, blank? I'm part native but can't talk about my heritage roots because the European side "settled" the land as if I hurt my own people on the other side personally. I do medical transport, auto locking doors on my vehicle...passenger was livid and said they where locked because they were black. Some people pretend I don't even exist in situations where Spanish is the only language to communicate and YES I was speaking Spanish. This is white hatred people. It hurts just as if it was against any other race. This sucks that this force of racism is not only tolerated but accepted in our society. Thumbs down in this site for tolerating it.
          • Sarah Dorene Kahn · Top Commenter · Works at Best Buy
            this exactly. I'm a mutt and proud, and people pretend that there is no such thing as being mixed.
            Reply · Like
            · 4 · 13 hours ago
          • Rhianna Elliott · King's College London
            Buzzfeed seems to endorse this in so many articles and quizzes nowadays, all racism is wrong!
            Reply · Like
            · 3 · 7 hours ago
          • Rebecca Lynn · Pine River Backus
            Since I posted this, a man called me Caucasian and I had to explain why I hate that word because my ancestors are not from tha Caucasus mountains and the man who coined it believed some skulls he found there came from the most beautiful race on the planet.

            He said he didn't want to say white cause it might offend me. Huh?
            Reply · Like
            · 1 · 7 hours ago
        • Gregory Haroutunian · Top Commenter · Georgetown University
          For the record, it's stuff like this that makes people like me respond to modern day complaints by some members of some other "identities" with a groan. Also for the record: Collective punishment/collective guilt is not a morally or ethically or logically reasonable position to hold, nor for that matter do all of these things have anything to do with "supremacy". It is true that people can be racists against Caucasians. It is true that it is something to be bristled at when lumped into a synthetic and false category (like "white") that merely perpetuates the very racial issues those who support equality should oppose. Neither of these has anything to do with supremacy (I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't like being called by their racial identifier who aren't white, so what is the point of that?) Also what is the "you've asked to see a manager"? I know quite a few non-white people who, upon receiving failed service, demanded to see a manager. My good friend is a manager at a department store and plenty of the people who demand to see him after they believe an associate has messed up are non-white. So...seriously, you are hurting whatever cause you are trying to support.
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