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[–]VictorMorson 37 ポイント38 ポイント

OP: Let me sum it up for you quickly.

  • The balance in the game has gotten worse, and the lead developer is insane and/or stupid (Recently nerf'ed the AC2 of all things to solve a completely unrelated problem)
  • Old complaints like Ghost Heat and 3PV won't die because they are dumb things
  • Major features continue to be missing
  • Said lead designer made UI 2.0, which is worse than UI 1.0 in every way from flow to missing features
  • Absolutely terrible community relations

There's far, far, FAR more to it. This is like a wikipedia summary of a four hour movie.

Now for the other part. OutReachHPG is not the bastion of sanity they keep claiming over here.

You have to understand that the people in OutreachHPG are the last remaining hardcore players of a very, very dying game and anything that reminds them of that fact causes an immediate and violent reaction. In fact, as you can see here, they constantly come over to r/mwo just to say how sane they are.

The reality is they will downvote ANYTHING that suggests PGI is doing a less than perfect job. I'm going to let you in on a secret they won't admit: The reason they are doing this is they think that if they can help PGI sweep the dirt under the rug, the game they love won't die.

Most of us in r/mwo on the other hand love the IP, but aren't blatant - for lack of a better word - fan boys to the point that we will accept anything with the BattleTech or MechWarrior license as great automatically. Most of us loved the core game and how MW:O started out and are highly disappointed at the turns.

Most of us would LIKE to speak up and defend this game again, but when you're lead developer continues saying absolutely incoherently stupid things while Russ keeps making up lies to cover for the fact they HAD NOT STARTED ON CW YET AS OF THE APRIL UPDATE. But we can't, because our eyes are open and we're a little bitter from watching the franchise dragged through the mud.

i.e. r/mwo is for people who hated the Star Wars prequels and declared them shit immediately, and r/outreachhpg are for the Star Wars fans who declared the prequels absolutely awesome and would attack anyone who suggested otherwise until about a decade of realization set in for them.

When r/outreachhpg people look back, their rose colored glasses will probably break. You have to realize these people have KEPT playing 5 days a week in a game with 3 game modes, less than 10 maps, and no future to be the best... while ignoring the fact the number of competitive teams left has fallen to about 10 total.

Long story short, they will say ANYTHING to give this game another few days of life. Where as us "irrational, negative" people would like to see a change at PGI - even in philosophy (nuking their lead designer would be a great start) - before giving them another chance after years of this.

[Edit: You know, I can't help but think Fox News is a good comparison to the HPG people too. Constantly going on about how they are the "fair and reasonable" group, while being the biggest one-sided logic-discarding zealots of them all.]

ED: Also I can't help but think some people have developed "Game Stockholm syndrome." You have no idea how shocking it was to go from the most recent MW:O patch notes of insanity to the Planetside 2 patch notes, which included more buffs and nerfs than PGI has done in 2 years, and they were all very reasonable; OP things were nerfed, UP things were buffed, all to appropriate degrees (though they may have been a bit harsh on the AV MANA). Even if you disagree with a change here or there, I not once got the feeling it was being run by a clueless ego maniac as I do with every update of MW:O.

If you've made MW:O your primary game for years and haven't played much else in the F2P world, stepping outside of MW:O is kind of mind blowing as how much the whole concept has been improved everywhere else but here.

[–]Ed_Elrich 10 ポイント11 ポイント

Thats a hell of a summary O.o

[–]Deskopotamus 6 ポイント7 ポイント

I hang out on Outreach because I hate just reading post after post of vitriol. PGI is an utter disappointment yes, but the core game is still enjoyable. Shitting all over the game doesn't encourage others to play it, which is the only thing that will help this game move onward.

Quite frankly I think the Dev's have long since stopped listening to anything on this or any other sub, so arguing about the games future prospects or faults is a bit pointless. I still enjoy the game however and in it's current form it's still much better than launching a game of COD.

I left r/mwo not because I wanted to bury my head in the sand but because it turned into a very angry circle jerk, and I'd rather not foam at the mouth hate fucking my hand all day.

Oh, and Episode 1 sucked the moment I left the theatre, how dare you imply otherwise. Say what you want about MWO but no one gets off telling me I enjoyed one minute of Jar Jar Binks!

[–]jsh1138 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Quite frankly I think the Dev's have long since stopped listening to anything on this or any other sub

the devs were saying 2 years ago that they actively avoided their own forums. its not anything that people here are doing that drove them away, they didn't give a shit to start with

[–]GaussDragonKaoS Legion 1 ポイント2 ポイント

which is the only thing that will help this game move onward.

No, the only thing that will help this game move forward is PGI's management collectively pulling their heads out of their asses and short of miracle, I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.

I'm not sure if I should be crying or laughing at the fact that people repeatedly shift the blame from the PEOPLE WHO ARE MAKING THE FUCKING GAME AND WHO BEAR ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY to the fans who want to play this game but can't bring themselves to because the aforementioned developers refuse to adjust course.

[–]Ed_Elrich 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I'm not sure if I should be crying or laughing at the fact that people repeatedly shift the blame from the PEOPLE WHO ARE MAKING THE FUCKING GAME AND WHO BEAR ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY to the fans who want to play this game but can't bring themselves to because the aforementioned developers refuse to adjust course.


[–]p3llin0r3 2 ポイント3 ポイント

This sums it up perfectly.

I know their probably trying their hardest, buy it doesn't seem to be good enough. :(

There are a million better games to play, I don't need to waste my time on this one .

[–]DiomedesTydeus 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I think this summary would have been a lot better if half of it wasn't devoted to hurling personal insults at OutreachHPG.

[–]Ed_Elrich 1 ポイント2 ポイント

...if they didnt deserve them you mean

[–]DiomedesTydeus 2 ポイント3 ポイント

No, I mean it's silly for someone to say "Hey, what's wrong with MWO?" and the reply to be "Man let met tell you about these jerks over here instead." It's just a poor argument.

[–]VictorMorson 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Read the posts below mine. There is literally an OutreachHPG cheerleader squad going on, for context to this post.

The OP also asked why there was a divide in the community.

The response was appropriate.

[–]mechwarriorbuddahIslanders 1 ポイント2 ポイント

It was why Bill was removed as a mod

Yeah it was bad lol

[–]tropdars 1 ポイント2 ポイント

That wasn't his argument, you disingenuous cunt.

[–]levitas 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Victor, you've been around longer than me and have therefore had a lot more promised relative to what was delivered. I started last August, and have seen slow but steady improvement in most fronts. I was worried that the game was going to die any minute (mostly because of what I read here), and then PGI grabbed a deal for the MW license for a couple more years. Since then PGI's consistently hit deadlines. I agree of course that not all 2.0 features were delivered, but there was communication with the playerbase about that before release. 2.0 was and is not a great step forward from a UI perspective, but since then they've been doing the things they said UI development has been bottlenecking. Also, I see people talking about how the player base is drying up (obviously), because why else would PGI be putting things on sale and giving away mechs. Then I go onto the forums and see between 1300 and 800 people there alone.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I have fun with this game, and a lot of other people do to. It's hard to hear people saying "the game you like is shit and dead already" over and over again, and that attitude is expressed in abundance over here. Hell, I've seen people saying that MWO is the worst thing that's happened to battletech ever. That simply doesn't match my experience. It makes sense that people with such opposite opinions have a bit of vitriol for each other, as it does feel personal when someone's badmouthing your side, but claiming that the only place I can find to talk about a game I like without it being trash talked constantly is "the Fox News" here is a bit harsh.

[–]WoL-MintFrogWord of Lowtax 14 ポイント15 ポイント

I'd like to share a little anecdote that will hopefully clarify some of the confusion you seem to have when people say PGI is not hitting their deadlines.

When I assign a project to my class, the students will fall into one of several different predictable paths. Some will work diligently and spend their time effectively, producing a high quality product by the due date. Others will sit around, do some google image searching, stare at the wall, and otherwise waste their time until about 10 minutes before the assignment is due. At that point, they will quickly slap something together that vaguely resembles the success criteria of the assignment. Was it turned in on time? yes. Does it meet the criteria? possibly, but the quality of work is always lacking. Sometimes, they'll even act shocked when you point out the lack of effort to produce something of quality. As if they'll somehow be so offended that it will convince me that it's the best anyone could do.

Both types of students get their work in on time, but only one group gives a shit about what they turn in. Now look at UI2.0 when they launched it and tell me it's the work of people who take pride in what they do and hit their deadlines. Add in the fact that this latest UI2.0 deadline is the anecdotal equivalent of the student turning something in after several deadline extensions and a clearly fraudulent sick note from "mom". PGI don't take pride in what they do and it shows in every aspect of their game.

[–]VictorMorson 7 ポイント8 ポイント

You might like it but enough people have left that their refusal to try to win back ANYONE will mean it's going to drop dead anyway.

Frankly the white knights have been enabling Paul's candy crush addiction and not helping the game. Pulling a wallet freeze until change happened would have accomplished far more.

I like the core game too. That's the most frustrating part. The core game is great and entirely salvageable, but they are letting a lunatic run the asylum.

[–]Serious_TableThud, Son of Thud 4 ポイント5 ポイント

You might like it but enough people have left that their refusal to try to win back ANYONE will mean it's going to drop dead anyway.

I know a lot of us feel really strongly about topics like this, but in that very particular instance, we have no physical proof at all. We all have our interpretations of actions that are being taken, but no solid actual proof of that.

[–]VictorMorson 5 ポイント6 ポイント

The number of competitive teams have dropped like a rock.

The rest of the teams are seeing a lance or two tops, never full 12 mans.

I can recognize at least half of everyone in game on most drops from the forums, odd for being such a "minority."

There's a whopping 22 people at most viewing GD at any given time.

Still absolutely no new user experience, years later, driving new players off entirely

Yeah if you can't see it's dying without "hard numbers" that PGI won't release, you must be powered on wishful thinking and dreams.

This is another reason I feel bad for people buying Clan packs: I have absolutely every reason to believe this game will not be alive this time next year.

As I said, OutreachHPG wants to pretend this isn't happening or claim it isn't, because they think if they admit it, it will become true. The irony being that their blind support of this game is why it became true, and if they had thrown in with the rest of the community and told PGI "No money until you stop being a bag of dicks" we might have had a different outcome.

But too many white knights had a stick right where the sun doesn't shine over the fact that, gasp, goons were a driving force behind trying to knock sense into the game so refused.

Good job.

[–]Serious_TableThud, Son of Thud 7 ポイント8 ポイント

Yeah if you can't see it's dying without "hard numbers" that PGI won't release, you must be powered on wishful thinking and dreams.

I moderate two subreddits that are diametrically opposed to one another. Wishful thinking and dreams are how I survive the day, Victor.

[–]AvatarOfMomus 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Reasonable fact based discussions in r/mwo!?!? WHAT IS THIS SHIT O.O

[–]atriax 7 ポイント8 ポイント

I don't know what "deadlines" you think they are reaching, because they are not, have not, and will not ever meet them. The game has had the same meta for well over a year. It has had the same hit detection issues, ghost heat issues, 3pv issues for over a year. And instead of addressing any of that he nerfs one of the only weapon systems that quite honestly nobody gives a fuck about, the AC2. The lead designer believes in order to nerf pop tarting you must nerf the mechs torso twist. He believes that there is no need to fix the horrendous weapon we all know as the SRM. I could continue but really there's no point. He is making the team program terrible things when they should just be learning how to work with crytek engine better..