So, there are people going around calling Daisy Fitzroy’s cameo appearance in Burial at Sea, Episode 2 some kind of “redemption arc”. and I honestly cannot fathom why. There’s nothing redemptive about it and the only people who assume she needed to be “redeemed” at all are the ones who basically misunderstand where her rebellion was coming from (i.e., white folk who don’t ever have to worry about suffering from the stigma of racism because they benefit from it by default) and dismiss her actions as something “she took too far”.
But of course, when they say this, they’re not just taking about her revolution, but also the heel-face-turn sequence wherein she takes little white boy hostage and intends to kill him.
The scenario of episode 2 is this: Daisy Fitzroy, for whatever, reason concedes to the trouble twins idea of allowing herself to be killed, so as to turn Elizabeth into a killer. All of this of course, is on the basis of her (Elizabeth) “importance to the play”, and not Daisy’s rebellion or her community’s freedom (because let’s face it, nothing ever comes of that: the Vox are transformed into cannon fodder and whatever plot pertained to the success of their revolution went down the shitter with the plot itself), which really solidifies Fitzroy role in the entire narrative as one huge plot device to help the Elizabeth character, just like her death was ultimately designed before Episode 2 was even released. Nothing changes, way to erase a character even more, dudebro.
A): Fitzroy doesn’t strike me someone who’d bend over backward to help anyone like Elizabeth (one of the roots of her predicament), especially to the determent of herself.
B): There was never any implication that Fitzroy was in cohoots with the trouble twins, ever. The scene just reeks of a white boy realizing he done stepped in the shit when he decided to say a Black woman as bad as a power hungry racist by way trying to recton his shit-tier writing for his white audience, who perceive her as a villain regardless, when her character was made to do 160 turn and kill a “innocent white boy” to stamp out the rest of Comstock’s ilk.