( sorry for the crappy MS Paint, guys, i made this at like 1 am.)
I dunno, i feel like fictionsexuality is viewed as a silly or dumb thing and i wish people wouldn’t do that. it’s taken me a long time of thought and consideration to figure out what i am, and being immediately shot down when i try to raise any awareness on the matter feels…. well, shitty. i do understand the common association, but come on guys, is me adding the word to a post here or there (or hell just adding comments in the tags) really so bad? Please do take the time to read this, it would really mean a lot to me.
*Edit: i’ve just been informed that a better term for this is Schediaphile. Admitedly, this is probably easier to say in a sentence.
*Edit: yeah comparing this to Sealand was a bad idea. thank you, 1am brain.
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I’m gonna cry we have hit a new level of idiocy here I thought Demisexual was bad nope this one this one takes it....
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I kind-of have to agree with the last above post. It sounds more like an unhealthy attempt at avoiding real...
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"The Sealand of orientations"
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My face couldn’t be more deadpan. End humans 2k15
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oh my lord
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I just feel there is a difference between having an attraction to animated characters (there are characters designed to...
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You know, this could be a similar thing as those people who get turned on by cars, rollercoasters, or the eifle tower
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But they drew pictures in MS paint! it MUST be legit!
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