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Shanesha Taylor was arrested on March 20th by the Scottsdale Police for leaving her children ages 2 and 6 months in her car while she interviewed for a job. Ms. Taylor was homeless and could not access any child care. Her desperation to provide for herself and her children and her lack of options led her to take drastic measures in search of employment. Ms. Taylor needs support & help rather than incarceration and a criminal record that will surely decrease her chances to provide for her children in the future. We ask that Maricopa County use common-sense and provide support for Ms. Taylor and her children rather than punishment.

Shanesha Taylor is still in jail pending a $9,000 bond.

Help drop the child abuse charges against Shanesha Taylor by signing this petition at Here’s the link:

Don’t just reblog, make sure to sign!

Comparing these two things is strange to me. I mean, reading the articles on them, they both put children in danger.  The hot car law is intended to protect children.  The police recorded that the 2-month old was wearing to shirts and had a blanket, in a 100+ degree car, for more than an hour total.

Clouser’s children should certainly be taken away.  I’m not so sure Taylor’s case is as open & shut as tumblr is making it out to be.  She endangered the lives of two children,  is that okay just because she’s a single mother?

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via A Jester's Japery
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    As an Arizona resident, let me explain why she got the punishment she did. In Arizona, it’s fucking hot as hell 9 months...
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