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[META] /r/technology postmortem timeline (self.undelete)
submitted 7 時間 ago* by Doctor_McKay
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[–]creq -5 ポイント-4 ポイント-3 ポイント 7 時間 前*
As to who handled this all worst... Who put all those words in the banned keyword list? That's the person I think did the worst.
I'm glad davidreiss666 is no longer a mod there. And from what I can tell I'd be even more glad if agentlame, TheSkyNet, and Skuld were all removed as well. In fact I think it's safe to say I'm glad you resigned as well.
Edit: I'm pretty sure this is just a PR attempt for the people who put the filters in place, and he's trying to smear the people that were against the filters (/u/maxwellhill).
2nd Edit: /u/Doctor_McKay is trying to mislead everyone.
"/r/technology's automoderator configuration was basically maintained entirely by one mod, judging by the edit history, so it really wouldn't surprise me. max, anu, Q, etc tend to do almost all mod work by hand and let more junior mods manage AutoMod."
When /u/maxwellhill and /u/anutensil banned people it was to protect the sub from being censored more. /u/Doctor_McKay, /u/AgentLame, /u/TheSkyNet, /u/davidreiss666, and /u/Skuld had to be removed because they would not accept not censoring the shit out of /r/technology.
Great job Reddit, we did it. :)
3rd Edit: proof of my claims
[–]Doctor_McKay[S] 10 ポイント11 ポイント12 ポイント 7 時間 前
[–]creq -11 ポイント-10 ポイント-9 ポイント 6 時間 前*
So who was for and against the filters? You still won't say will you lol.
Edit: The post below is not in the correct context...
[–]Doctor_McKay[S] 11 ポイント12 ポイント13 ポイント 6 時間 前
I didn't do a poll or anything, but I know that /u/agentlame is against the filters, as am I.
<McKay> I think a complete ban on all Bitcoin titles is kind of harsh, no? <agentlame> It's 100% shit. <agentlame> In every way. <agentlame> The thing is, without active mods, we can't keep up with posts exactly like that, and ones about btc *technology*. <agentlame> That's one of the reasons I cleared the unmod queue. <McKay> So maybe some of the heavy-handed bans will be removed once new mods come on? <agentlame> If we can get active moderation to be the standard, we can kill the bullshit filters. <agentlame> That's my, personal, plan. <agentlame> I would kill for that.
You are being deceptive in the extreme. /u/maxwellhill and /u/anutensil were against filter and /u/TheSkyNet, /u/davidreiss666, and /u/Skuld (which are friends with you and AgentLame right?) all wanted it didn't they.
Stop lying. I'm glad they kicked all you idiots out. This only makes me suspect you guys more for working for a PR firm. This means /r/technology is going to be okay. It won't have people in there trying to screw up the feed.
[–]Doctor_McKay[S] 10 ポイント11 ポイント12 ポイント 6 時間 前
you're super paranoid
I suppose I was forced against my will to post my resignation comment? Oh god, I've said too much...
[–]duckvimes_ 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント 4 時間 前
He's an /r/conspiracy regular; what'd you expect?
[–]ifactor 3 ポイント4 ポイント5 ポイント 3 時間 前
So am I, there's many different levels of crazy there.
[–]duckvimes_ 3 ポイント4 ポイント5 ポイント 3 時間 前
Fair enough.
...probably. Maybe I should stalk through your post history and get it to the reptilians in the reddit shilling division for analysis.
[–]creq -12 ポイント-11 ポイント-10 ポイント 6 時間 前
No, I think I hit the nail right on the head and you aren't anything but liar.
I suppose I was forced against my will to post my resignation comment?
No, you just realized if it was only you there and you tied to start a bunch of shit and get the filtered returned they would just kick you, so you left.
[–]munk_e_man 9 ポイント10 ポイント11 ポイント 6 時間 前
Look, I'm not going to jump to any conclusions, but the fact that doctor_mckay is posting reasonably in this sub is a good show of dialogue and mediation. Lets not resort to flinging accusations just yet, but try to remain objective and wait for the facts to be revealed.
[–]creq -8 ポイント-7 ポイント-6 ポイント 6 時間 前
I have a pretty good idea of what's going on. The reason he won't say who was against the filters even though he absolutely knows (because even I know) is because it invalidates everything he's said about about who was right and who was wrong. The people that went through an banned a bunch of the new mods were trying to protect the sub from censorship. That's what doctor_mckay isn't telling you.
[–]Stoet 5 ポイント6 ポイント7 ポイント 6 時間 前
how do you have a good idea of what's going on? what/who are your sources?
[–]ifactor 2 ポイント3 ポイント4 ポイント 3 時間 前
Hasn't the censorship been going on for awhile, and these mods were added 2 days ago?
[–]Doctor_McKay[S] 3 ポイント4 ポイント5 ポイント 6 時間 前
You heard it here first, folks! I aren't anything but liar.
[–]jumpstart13 -4 ポイント-3 ポイント-2 ポイント 3 時間 前
You are dishonest and misleading but not really a liar.
[–]creq -10 ポイント-9 ポイント-8 ポイント 6 時間 前
[–]MUTILATORer -9 ポイント-8 ポイント-7 ポイント 6 時間 前
You don't need the heavyhanded bans you fucking idiot. Just let people vote up what they want. Reddit was better before assholes like you came along.
For the last time, votes don't work.
[–]fritzly -4 ポイント-3 ポイント-2 ポイント 6 時間 前
lol I love how non-mods claim to know how larg subs work better than actual mods.
"Votes totally work!"
- /u/MUTILATORer (redditor for 3 months)
Not to sound smug, but I'm coming up on my 2-year cakeday. I have a pretty good idea of how reddit works by now.
[–]PhedreRachelle 5 ポイント6 ポイント7 ポイント 6 時間 前
Well, he's right in a way. Votes work if the sub is small enough.
Past 40,000 though votes won't do it anymore. You've reached lowest common denominator by that size alone.
[–]fritzly 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント 6 時間 前
To be fair, thats the same way I used to think till I started modding a few subs.
"laissez faire modding totally works", yeah maybe till you get 5k people.
[–]MUTILATORer -12 ポイント-11 ポイント-10 ポイント 6 時間 前
Yes they do. Glad you're gone.
[–]creq -16 ポイント-15 ポイント-14 ポイント 6 時間 前
Not when you have an agenda to keep certain kind of content off the feed no.
[–]allthefoxes 2 ポイント3 ポイント4 ポイント 2 時間 前
Dude you are fucking insane. Do you really believe this?
I'm pretty sure this is just a PR attempt for the people who put the filters in place, and he's trying to smear the people that were against the filters (/u/maxwellhill[1] ).
Are you actually legitimate serious?
[–]creq -4 ポイント-3 ポイント-2 ポイント 2 時間 前
I was right.
I'm having people on here come at me and try to tell me the opposite. Now why would they do that?
[–]allthefoxes 5 ポイント6 ポイント7 ポイント 2 時間 前*
Uh, how?
edit: Dude, honestly i think you are digging way to fucking deep into this stupid shitshow of drama. Maxwellhill moderates a lot and does not contribute to any of his subs, he just posts what he fucking feels like posting. He does nothing.
I don't see why you are trying so fucking hard to "uncover" some hidden conspiracy or some shit. We are fucking volunteers. I'm a default mod. Just got my tax return back. I work full time at near-minimum wage and am taking community colege courses to hopefully get a degree in networking. We are fucking human beings.
Dude, this is really complicated. I wish I could explain it to you tonight but I can. I'll write a post on this whole things later. What I'll tell you know is that this is some seriously crazy shit that just happened to me which involved leaked logs and people flat out lying. Acting like god damn spies even. All over this
I'll let you know when I can put it all together in a coherent way.
[–]allthefoxes 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント 2 時間 前
Do you think you could read my edit?
I don't want to sound like a douche or anything, dude, but I think you are taking this waaaaaay far
I'm sitting in #modtalk on snoonet right now. I know it may be hard to see from an outsiders perspective, but why do you need to be so cynical? Why do you think the worls is so out to get you? haveyou ever thought maybe it isnt? Maybe its just dumb drama that everyone and their mom wants to have a hand in?
[–]ldonthaveaname -1 ポイント0 ポイント1 ポイント 2 時間 前*
Schizophrenia is the short answer. It's not really complicated. I gave him a tiny tiny glimpse into some captured mod logs to prove censorship and to show it wasn't a corporate or CIA conspiracy. He chose not post them because it went against his bias. If he'd posted them, everyone would see a bunch of spam and shit posting shill stuff being removed by arguably the only active mod....even if he was involved in some good intended censorship (irrelevant).
That, however, doesn't sound very "conspiracy" like, and therefor must be dismissed as either A) a lie or B) part of a bigger cover up (both of which he's accused me of I'm kinda enjoying it!)
Now this. I don't understand what he's trying to prove by posting the conversations he started with me asking what was happening (and some of it is clearly bullshit, it's not even my style of writing and says literally nothing that entire first message is total horse shit. Seriously...I just now read it for the first time. To anyone reading it, it's not faked, but that first message is probably sent to himself and copy pasted over his original messages).
All it shows is me confirming exactly what I've been saying all along PUBLICLY. He probably thinks I'm like CIA or Illuminati.
[–]creq -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント 1 時間 前*
Why did you delete all that?
[–]ldonthaveaname -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント 1 時間 前*
For the same reason I delete all my posts. Privacy. Why not respect it? You look like a total jerk now.
[–]creq -1 ポイント0 ポイント1 ポイント 1 時間 前
Whatever you say davidreisse666..
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[–]creq -5 ポイント-4 ポイント-3 ポイント 前
[–]Doctor_McKay[S] 10 ポイント11 ポイント12 ポイント 前
[–]allthefoxes 2 ポイント3 ポイント4 ポイント 前
[–]creq -4 ポイント-3 ポイント-2 ポイント 前
[–]allthefoxes 5 ポイント6 ポイント7 ポイント 前
[–]creq -4 ポイント-3 ポイント-2 ポイント 前
[–]allthefoxes 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント 前
[–]ldonthaveaname -1 ポイント0 ポイント1 ポイント 前
[–]creq -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント 前
[–]ldonthaveaname -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント 前
[–]creq -1 ポイント0 ポイント1 ポイント 前