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[–]LetsTalkMetaPhysicsformer mod, current mod[M] 16 ポイント17 ポイント




[–]Throwaway91538 9 ポイント10 ポイント

Hello, and welcome! I'll kick off your AMA.

  • Did you make any attempts as an /r/feminism mod to clean the place up, like removing MRA arguments?

  • Why did you step down as a moderator?

  • What is your opinion of /u/demmian? Did he ever reprimand you for any mod actions you took, or set limits on your power?

  • What do you think this sub's plan of action should be for cleaning up or reclaiming /r/Feminism and /r/AskFeminists?

[–]LetsTalkMetaPhysicsformer mod, current mod 14 ポイント15 ポイント

Did you make any attempts as an /r/feminism mod to clean the place up, like removing MRA arguments?

I could clean up comments and posts but at the end of the day it's a futile change, MRAs would keep coming back and they are welcomed there

Why did you step down as a moderator?

I covered a lot of it in a pm with demmian actually. I got sick of moderating the subreddit very early on but I only stayed so long in the hope of making a sizeable difference which there is no hope of happening while /u/demmian is head moderator. I realised pretty early on how bad it is, the mod view of comment threads, namely from the large fall out a while ago is depressing:

What is your opinion of /u/demmian? Did he ever reprimand you for any mod actions you took, or set limits on your power?

While I never had access to config, so that could be considered a limit, but to be honest I never needed that, and while I technically only went up with him as he added certain permissions there was a slightly ever present threat of removal, I was a lot more strict with banning users than him which he really didn't like, he much preferred to give warnings so he complained about that frequently, he also insisted I pm'd him every user I banned which as you can imagine get's old very quick, so he complained when I didn't do that enough, and in my opinion the worst was his policy of never banning users for content posted in other subreddits, I banned a user with a comment history of racist posts in /r/4chan and that really upset him.

What do you think this sub's plan of action should be for cleaning up or reclaiming /r/Feminism and /r/AskFeminists?

the sidebar states:

WATF has had a positive impact. Since our founding, Demmian has appointed additional moderators, at least one of whom is not his alt (moderator /u/Soronthur is his admitted alt), and banned several of the worst trolls. He and the active moderators (as of this revision, the two newest mods are also active) make an effort to reduce derailing and hostility. While there are still problems — we certainly haven't run short on material! — the situation has improved somewhat. We take full credit for this progress.

I disagree slightly, I'd personally like to take 10-20% credit, I do believe this subreddit has done A LOT for the current state of /r/feminism and I imagine it would probably be the same or even worse than it was a year ago if it weren't for /r/WATF

[–]Your_Yelling_At_Bots 8 ポイント9 ポイント

the worst was his policy of never banning users for content posted in other subreddits

Well, except for SRS-related subs, I take it?

[–]LetsTalkMetaPhysicsformer mod, current mod 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Yup. Especially so if "SRS" is in the users name.

[–]Your_Yelling_At_Bots 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Lol, it's pretty telling, isn't it? I'm obv horribly biased tho cos I was banned (or maybe it was an older account)

[–]cpttim 6 ポイント7 ポイント

I recognize the Demmian name. When I first joined reddit, I started out heavily posting to SRS and SRS discussion. I logged on one day to find myself pre-banned from those subs.

[–]WineAndWhiskeywanted banned or alive (but mostly banned) 5 ポイント6 ポイント

he much preferred to give warnings so he complained about that frequently, he also insisted I pm'd him every user I banned which as you can imagine get's old very quick, so he complained when I didn't do that enough, and in my opinion the worst was his policy of never banning users for content posted in other subreddits, I banned a user with a comment history of racist posts in /r/4chan and that really upset him.

As a user banned the exact opposite way (no warning, no pm, my pm went unanswered, banned for posting here only), I think this is very telling that he gave you contrary rules for banning.

Thank you for your transparency and the hard work you did.

[–]LetsTalkMetaPhysicsformer mod, current mod 1 ポイント2 ポイント

He would do that a lot too, unjust bannings and then just never respond to any questions. Sometimes that's fine when it's an annoying troll but when you're blatantly in the wrong it's just bad moderation

[–]lewormhole 3 ポイント4 ポイント

I got banned today from /r/AskFeminists. We discussed a post I was going to make in the sub prior to posting, I followed the agreed rules for the post, he banned me immediately after posting with no warning or explanation. He is not responding to PMs.

[–]LetsTalkMetaPhysicsformer mod, current mod 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Doesn't surprise me at all

[–]lewormhole 1 ポイント2 ポイント

It doesn't surprise me either. I responded to a question about kink and consent there suggesting /r/SRSkink and boy did that get his goat.

[–]That_YOLO_Bitch 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Oh my gosh! I was just about to PM as a reply to a discussion we once had about electronic music and the moderation in /r/askfeminists because I just got banned today. Then I see this!

I'm sorry to hear it. You were the definition of valued contributor, you were in nearly every thread with a long, thought-out reply, and at the very least I'm going to miss your explanations there.

[–]lewormhole 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Oh wow! How in sync are we? Why'd you get the banhammer?

I was quite upset at first too tbh, I kinda bet thta's why he did it actually, because he knew it would be a blow for me and he likes controlling women.

[–]That_YOLO_Bitch 2 ポイント3 ポイント

It happened shortly after I posted this so I'd believe it has to do with that. Of course demmian didn't reply. I was kinda shocked when I saw here that he was also soronthior, it explains a lot of the echo in that chamber. I'd really like to believe that he's just another idiot who thinks reddit is serious business rather than someone who has an actual misogynistic motivation, but I think you're sadly right.

[–]lewormhole 3 ポイント4 ポイント

It happened shortly after I posted this so I'd believe it has to do with that.

I have no idea why you would ban someone for that!

Of course demmian didn't reply.

Of course.

I was kinda shocked when I saw here that he was also soronthior, it explains a lot of the echo in that chamber.

I was surprised and at the same time, not surprised at all. It made the sub make a lot more sense.

I'd really like to believe that he's just another idiot who thinks reddit is serious business rather than someone who has an actual misogynistic motivation, but I think you're sadly right.

I think he's convinced himself he believes in equality. He just doesn't believe in patriarchy, and with that mindset, he sees nothing wrong with his actions because he cannot see himself as privileged and women as oppressed.

[–]PiersMorganFreeman 2 ポイント3 ポイント

From where were you recruited to be a mod, and how? What input did other mods have on bannings? Are the other mods even active behind the scenes, as dem likes to claim?

[–]LetsTalkMetaPhysicsformer mod, current mod 7 ポイント8 ポイント

From where were you recruited to be a mod, and how?

I posted often in /r/askfeminists, asked to be modded there, he invited me to mod /r/feminism after a very long interview blah blah do you hate srs like i do blah blah etc.

What input did other mods have on bannings?

None I saw

Are the other mods even active behind the scenes, as dem likes to claim?



    [–]LetsTalkMetaPhysicsformer mod, current mod 1 ポイント2 ポイント

    Do you accept that people create alts to post on subs without you having any knowledge of what the alts post?

    Accept? I'm aware of it.

    Do you believe that there should be alt or no alt accounts on your boards?

    I'm not sure what you're asking, but I do ban people who use alt accounts to evade bans if that's what you're asking



      [–]LetsTalkMetaPhysicsformer mod, current mod 1 ポイント2 ポイント

      If someone talks about how much they hate x minority in another subreddit they aren't welcome to post in mine. It's a simple rule to clear out bad posters



        [–]potatoyogurt 2 ポイント3 ポイント

        Wow, blast from the past reading all those old screenshots.

        [–]influencethis[🍰] 2 ポイント3 ポイント

        He really doesn't understand his own hypocrisy, does he? If the user is an admitted female or sarcastic feminist, they get way more shit than the "default" sexist/racist/whatever users.

        Also, reading those threads just makes my blood BOIL. He really can't stand to not have someone blow smoke up his ass.

        [–]sotonohitobanned from /r/demmianism, and also from /r/srsfeminism 2 ポイント3 ポイント

        Welp, that rather clearly defines his double standard, doesn't it?

        I can't speak for anyone else, but I was banned from /r/feminism with zero warnings, and he never responded to any PM's asking for an explanation.

        So per demmian feminists who are snarky to MRA's are to be insta-banned, but MRA's are to be given warning after warning. I always knew that was the case, but having confirmation is nice.


        [–]LetsTalkMetaPhysicsformer mod, current mod 0 ポイント1 ポイント

        Not even just that, I banned a /r/mr moderator after some awful comments in the sub and he undid simply because he didn't want to ban prominent MRAs. Like what kind of logic is that.

        [–]sotonohitobanned from /r/demmianism, and also from /r/srsfeminism 1 ポイント2 ポイント

        Wow. Just wow. I had no idea his sympathy for and/or subservience to the misters was that deep. No wonder Celda still has posting privileges.

        [–]WineAndWhiskeywanted banned or alive (but mostly banned) 1 ポイント2 ポイント

        What the everfucking fuck?

        [–]influencethis[🍰] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

        Because he actually respects men and wants them to like him, but all these annoying women going on about their problems--and thinking they're experts!--is making him look uncool in front of the dudes.