Claudia Boleyn

Claudia Boleyn: Feminist/fangirl extraordinaire

31 notes

Anonymous asked: I saw your recent post about the term "SJW," and you seem to take pride in that. Whether you respond to this or not, I just want you to know that there is an entire subreddit where posters make a game out of figuring out who wrote something. It's called /r/StormfrontorSJW. As you may know, Stormfront is a hateful white supremacist group. The fact that people can cover up a few words and can compare Stormfront statements to SJW statements should tell you something.

Goodness me, are you really comparing ‘Social Justice Warriors’ to a white supremacist group? 

Do you quite understand what social justice is and means? 

I do get rather infuriated by asks like this, I must admit, because it seems grossly unfair that people from minority groups that complain about their treatment on a blogging website, which is often the only place they can actually vent safely and talk about their experiences, are then likened to their own oppressors (like white supremacists in some cases) by people that clearly aren’t very educated on the issues at hand and somehow believe that these two things are in any way comparable. 

It’s a form of victim blaming, I think. 

I shall also refer you to this little poem of mine which has become rather popular on the internet. It sums up my thoughts on this very clearly. 

Filed under ask sjw social justice oppression

  1. knownowl reblogged this from claudiaboleyn and added:
    I’m new to this whole tumblr thing but from what I have seen from SJW this site has became sort of an echo chamber for...
  2. cicelythereaper reblogged this from i-will-kick-your-fanny
  3. privilegehogger reblogged this from claudiaboleyn and added:
    If anything that subreddit just goes to show how extreme some SJWs get - yes, so far to the point where they’re just...
  4. spooky79 reblogged this from claudiaboleyn and added:
    I think comparing social justice warriors to white supremacists is spot on.
  5. nerdygoddess reblogged this from claudiaboleyn
  6. i-will-kick-your-fanny reblogged this from wheredidwendigo
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  8. intorporial reblogged this from spare-armadillo and added:
    That’s not what they are doing when they “fight fire with fire”, though. What they fail to realize is that social...
  9. silverchaser96 reblogged this from claudiaboleyn
  10. brownstoneforsj reblogged this from claudiaboleyn
  11. spare-armadillo reblogged this from claudiaboleyn and added:
    I always laugh when I see people say “Don’t fight fire with fire” - I don’t think they understand that this is actually...
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