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[–]slyder565 -60 ポイント-59 ポイント

LOL a straight in the closet. Sorry if I have zero sympathy for you. Your slight discomfort trying to be an authentic person in a tiny queer space is nothing compared to the torture many people face trying to be an authentic person in a straight world.

We all exist in a heteronormative system. Your presences reinforces that whether you like it or not. As does mine a lot of the time. Recognize that and do your best to help, and recognize when there are opportunities for you to step aside.

Edit: Welcome internet losers of SRD. Yes I am aware you think straight people are the best thing ever! Keep downvoting and pissing in the popcorn all you want, I know it's the most self-important thing you'll do today!

[–]Arkanin[S] 25 ポイント26 ポイント

Your slight discomfort trying to be an authentic person in a tiny queer space is nothing compared to the torture many people face trying to be an authentic person in a straight world.

You are correct. No it is not. No, it is not. I never said, and never will say anything else of the sort.

At the same time, I'm surprised you have a hard time relating since you have the bisexual flag/flair. My personal experience is somewhat limited, but I'd say I have good skills at observing people -- the self-identified bisexuals seemed to get similar wariness from the same people. There was maybe even more wariness, sort of an assumption that bisexuals weren't "really gay". I found some of the remarks made about them to be off-putting.

[–]sresullorti 11 ポイント12 ポイント

Stop talking to that stormfront idiot

[–]Arkanin[S] [score hidden]

...and I've been told that this mentally unstable, apparently white, male person (relevant to the total hypocrisy of their privilege theory antics) is a moderator of /r/lgbt, which is supposed to be a "safe space".

WTF is going on? My head is spinning. Like this is the most impossible thing I've seen all month.

[–]ParanoydAndroid 3 ポイント4 ポイント

... recognize when there are opportunities for you to step aside.

Oh physician, heal thyself.

[–]totes_meta_bot -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

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[–]future__grave [score hidden]

are your feels ok?