A discussion I often see start in barefoot groups is the question of if you enjoy getting dirty, black feet from going barefoot. All barefooters are going to have their own personal feelings about it, of course, there is no right or wrong answer. You can love going barefoot and still hate dirty feet – […]

There’s a limited amount I can say about how I’m handling the weather without repeating my previous posts, but I do get questions on my Tumblr fairly often about it so I figure I should give you guys an update. Well the short answer is, I’m doing great. I almost never feel the cold in […]

My barefoot Halloween costume

I love Halloween, but I ended up a little rushed to get a decent costume together this year. Devil horns, wings and tail from the Pound Shop,  a red feather boa from the sewing and craft section of Fenwick, a cheap lacy dress from Primark and my corset. All done! I was out with my […]

39/68 Extensions Installed

Lots of changes the last couple of weeks! Which is sort of my excuse for why I’ve barely been posting. Sorry everyone! Least important (but pretty cool) one first – I’ve got dreadlock extensions. I’m just over half way through installing the set – they’re permanent synthetics attached to the ends of my current dreads, […]

Now my homemade clothes and continuing love of bright colours and fun textures add an extra bit of eccentricity to my hippy look.

I may have mentioned before, I can’t remember; I sew. I’m aiming to gradually work my way up to being able to make basically everything, and replace my wardrobe entirely with stuff that I’ve made or at least customised. I have a pretty weird, random dress sense and it’s really hard to express myself through […]

I’ll have a proper new post up soon, but until then here’s a couple of very quick videos I’ve shot recently and just uploaded to Youtube. Barefoot on Escalators Barefoot Shopping

Aside from “why?”, there are three questions people always ask me. All three have turned up on my youtube channel, and in the comments on this blog, and I’ve been asked them in person too. Question 1: What will you do in winter? Honestly, I don’t know. I know I’d like to stay barefoot 365 […]


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