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[–]ShanePerkins 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Thats cool and all and I respect you, but dont you think thats a bit juvenile given the economy? unemployment rates are high people are fighting for jobs and shit and you're just like fuck it my facial hair is more important than my paycheck. I know im going against the /r/beards circlejerk and will get downvoted to oblivion but srsly.

And to the other guy, im from New Hampshire and we have a law called at will employment. You can be fired from your job at any point in time for any or no reason whatsoever. I have no idea what its like in New Zealand tho

[–]bandholzYEARD 28 ポイント29 ポイント

Everyone in life places emphasis on different things. OP may emphasis his freedom and independence; thus saving up a large amount of cash that allows him the freedom to quit a job that doesn't fit his lifestyle. That cash can be a foundation for the time period to find a new job that fits his personality.

It's nice not being someone's bitch - we only have one life.

[–]ShanePerkins -8 ポイント-7 ポイント

I agree to an extent. I have enough money in the bank as to where I could quit my job and live off of it for probably 6 months pay my bills and find a new line of more suitable work. Doesnt mean its an intelligent thing to do. But whos to say that unless he has a very padded bank account that he could even find a job before the money ran out.

Dont get me wrong i'd love to quit my job over something trivial and go hiking and get bombed but the world we're living in now is pretty unforgiving. Do I wanna risk my home, my ability to provide and put food on the table all over something as minor as some facial hair that will grow back in a few weeks? Me? no. I'd tough it out find a different job that was more beard friendly put my notice and move on with my life. But hey thats just me.

edit: /r/beards circlejerk has arrived. called it.
Like I said previously Wasn't trying to start a fuckin argument. rainin downvotes because of my opinion. when did /r/beards become /r/atheism

[–]Rocker323Natural Full 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Assuming every individual needs a substantial amount of money is off base. Having children, a wife, a high mortgage etc - all of these things are money traps. For a single guy with a dog life can be pretty damn cheap which means less work has to be done and more enjoyment could be had.

Why do you think a good deal of the hippies sported beards? Its not simply about growing a beard and posting a picture of it on reddit man...

[–]ShanePerkins -1 ポイント0 ポイント

how did my one comment turn this into a conversation about hippies? I assumed hippies grew beards because at the time it was about fighting conformity and his scenario he works in a high and food prep job where facial hair is a containment. I dont really see the correlation. Are you trying to say hes a hippie because he wants his beard over his job?

[–]anustache 1 ポイント2 ポイント

As a bar manager the food prep thing is off base. Their reasoning is more not to scare the normal upper class white people away.

[–]Lurking_Still 0 ポイント1 ポイント

While I love my (almost) six monther, I would probably err on the side of keeping my job as well.

Granted, I agree entirely with the desire to simply liquidate and go on an adventure.

I'm torn honestly, but I don't agree with the downvotes or hippie tangent.

[–]Drazuul 1 ポイント2 ポイント

But... the karma. Karma will provide.

[–]Twistntie 1 ポイント2 ポイント

To be fair I'm downvoting because of the edit.

[–]antisyzygy 0 ポイント1 ポイント

edit: /r/beards[1] circlejerk has arrived. called it. Like I said previously Wasn't trying to start a fuckin argument. rainin downvotes because of my opinion. when did /r/beards[2] become /r/atheism

If you feel your opinion is valid then why do you care about down votes?

[–]DaArny6 months -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

7 downvotes isn't exactly a "rain" but here, have another.