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[–]Pointless_arguments 3 ポイント4 ポイント

I agree, I think dog breeding is out of control and the industry is dominated by obsessive, weird people. It's cruel to breed an animal so it can't survive without a human to take care of it. It's cruel to intentionally breed acondroplasia and brachycephaly.

Unfortunately this is something that isn't going to stop as long as the general public is fooled into thinking it's cool and fashionable to own weird looking dogs. People call Boston terriers and pugs "cute" I think it's sad and it makes me sad every time I see one.

I don't understand why every breeder isn't trying to breed the smartest, fittest, and healthiest dog possible. THIS is the kind of ideal dog breeders should be trying to achieve, why the hell would they want to produce mutations like THIS and THIS???

[–]overpriced_popcorn 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Yes. Because EVERY SINGLE breeder who shows is producing messed up dogs and every breed is simply doomed. Way to go super sleuth. Take both hands, place them onto your head, grasp firmly, and yank your head out of your ass.

My dogs' primary focus is herding sheep, let me make that clear. But my dogs all compete in the show ring to earn their Championships, AND they compete in obedience, rally, and agility. I intentionally purchase dogs who are from breeders who spend copious amounts of time determining which dogs to breed to insure structural soundness, great temperaments, excellent working ability, and yes, are typey enough to be in the show ring.

I want a dog who can spend the weekend doing this, Wednesday nights doing this, a couple times a year doing this and the rest of the time doing THIS and THIS. I absolutely do not want a dog who does THIS, nor do I have any desire for a dog to do this activity and by going to a responsible breeder, I can stack all of the cards in my favor.

My herding dogs who actually herd real live animals and are incredible at it are all from breeders who show their dogs. I have absolutely ZERO desire to own a "working" Belgian. There is nothing that appeals to me and generally speaking, I don't care for how they herd. I know my dogs can work in the back pens at a trial bringing sheep out to the field and taking them back in from 5am to 6pm without getting tired physically or mentally because they were built soundly, are athletic, and have the common sense to settle down and relax. And yes, they are from people who show their dogs (among other activities)

[–]UrgulliblDVM 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Working Belgians are quite incredible dogs. I've been lucky enough to work with them in a military setting for a while, and it really opens your eyes for how little correlation there is between conformation and the ability to perform.

[–]overpriced_popcorn 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Working Malinois are in a category I can only describe as elite. They are ridiculously skilled and talented.

However, I want a stock dog and a family dog. I need a totally different attitude and a different temperament. I've been very fortunate to find exactly what I'm looking for, thanks to breeders who value the same traits and working ability that I value.

I've seen herding dogs with terrible structure bust ass, so I don't disagree that conformation and the ability to perform are not a 1 to 1 ratio. However, I'd prefer if my dogs were able to hold up physically due to their structure, not due to sheer bullheaded will to work (but ideally I want BOTH!)

[–]Pointless_arguments -2 ポイント-1 ポイント

Yes. Because EVERY SINGLE breeder who shows is producing messed up dogs and every breed is simply doomed. Way to go super sleuth. Take both hands, place them onto your head, grasp firmly, and yank your head out of your ass.

Butthurt breeder detected. Calm down showpony, why so defensive? Could it be that your dogs aren't as defect free as you'd like everyone to believe, and that there's a percentage of every litter that has problems that have to be culled or sterilized? Epilepsy maybe? Spinal problems or hip displaysia perhaps?

Why would you take from my post that every single breeder is producing messed up dogs unless you had something to feel guilty about? Read my post again - did I say anything you attributed to me, or are you just making a poorly constructed strawman?

Even if you're telling the truth and you don't inbreed your dogs to a standard of appearance that gives a portion of them genetic defects, for every breeder like you there is a breeder that mutates their dogs into having flat faces, bad joints, and long hair that's prone to matting.

Ignoring the problem and pretending it doesn't exist while shouting down anyone who dares to suggest that the breeding industry is fucked up, doesn't fool anyone.

[–]overpriced_popcorn [score hidden]

Butthurt breeder detected.

Not a breeder, no intentions of being one. Good try.

Could it be that your dogs aren't as defect free as you'd like everyone to believe, and that there's a percentage of every litter that has problems that have to be culled or sterilized? Epilepsy maybe? Spinal problems or hip displaysia perhaps?

Well, considering I don't breed... no. But way to jump right to the conclusions.

Why would you take from my post that every single breeder is producing messed up dogs unless you had something to feel guilty about? Read my post again - did I say anything you attributed to me, or are you just making a poorly constructed strawman?

Let's see, you assume all breeders are electing to produce dogs like Pugs and Pekes. Not every person who shows dogs or breeds dogs with the intention of showing produces dogs who look like Pugs and Pekes. Could it possibly be that you're trying to make your case look good by ignoring the possibility that, gasp, it isn't quite as simple? Or are you simply a dumb ass?

[–]Pointless_arguments [score hidden]

Let's see, you assume all breeders are electing to produce dogs like Pugs and Pekes.

And where did I say that? Go on, go back and quote my posts. I'll wait.

Could it possibly be that you're trying to make your case look good by ignoring the possibility that, gasp, it isn't quite as simple? Or are you simply a dumb ass?

3rd possibility - I recognize there is an epidemic of callous ignorance and stupidity within the breeder community, with people breeding dogs to ridiculous and just plain cruel standards. You? You're burying your head in the sand and shouting down anyone who dares to suggest there's a problem. Well, have fun doing that I guess. Dipshit.

[–]overpriced_popcorn [score hidden]

I just noticed your username. I guess you picked that name for a reason, you're just full of nonsense and pointless stupidity.

[–]Pointless_arguments [score hidden]

Pretty standard bullshit from people like you, work yourself up into a righteous frenzy, get asked to actually quote what you're strawmanning, withdraw from the argument with an excuse about my username. You didn't address any of the points I made, all you did was bluster about something I didn't even say. Keep ignoring and denying the massive problems with the breeding industry if that's what helps you sleep at night, I don't really give a shit.

All arguments on the internet are pointless. Some are just more pointless than others, as you have effectively demonstrated with yours.

[–]overpriced_popcorn [score hidden]

You said breeders should be aiming to produce dogs that look like the mixed breed you linked, not pugs and pekes. Newsflash, they don't all look like pugs and pekes. There are athletic sound dogs out there. But if you only look for shit, that's what you'll find.

Yes, pointless arguments indeed.

[–]Pointless_arguments [score hidden]

You said breeders should be aiming to produce dogs that look like the mixed breed you linked, not pugs and pekes.

And they should be aiming to produce athletic healthy dogs like the one pictured. BUT MOST DON'T. I would say that the majority are more interested in breeding to an appearance standard - Wheaton Terriers, Boston Terriers, Pugs, Pekes, German Shephards, Beagles, Bloodhounds, Shih tzus, the list goes on and on. For every healthy breed you can find, I can name 2 that have been bred to be mutant monstrosities or are on their way to becoming such.

Newsflash, they don't all look like pugs and pekes. There are athletic sound dogs out there.

Jeez, thanks Captain Obvious. Sure glad I've got you here to tell me these things.

What I actually said, and what you conveniently didn't quote but instead paraphrased, was: "I don't understand why every breeder isn't trying to breed the smartest, fittest, and healthiest dog possible."

How could you interpret that as me saying all breeders were breeding pekes and pugs? Did you drop out of school in the 2nd grade or something?

Yes, pointless arguments indeed.

I think you need to work on your reading comprehension.

[–]overpriced_popcorn [score hidden]

The fact you linked to a mixed breed as the example of what someone should breed for says it all. Enjoy continuing to dig yourself out of your own idiocy.

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