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Her legal defense was funded by feminism..

Feminism spent money spinning the local media to poison the jury pool.

Feminism approved of, sanctioned, and attempted to pardon this disgusting pedophile.

If you donate to feminist organizations, if you support feminism by claiming to be one or regurgitating their hate-fueled manifesto, then you supporting child rapists only getting 2 years in prison.

I fully realize some of you disgusting, child-rape apologist feminists are going to attempt to “justify” her raping a little boy for years and only getting two years in prison and it’s people like you who make me wish hypocrisy was lethal.

if you can get a boner, you adult. males should keep it in their pants. 

  1. sass-fag reblogged this from nulyu
  2. nulyu reblogged this from theapatheticranter and added:
    And feminists will say “and why did the child brag?" He wouldn’t say anything about it if he hadn’t wanted it. As a kid...
  3. duelist925 reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    Lets play “Spot the Pedophile” Hey, look! I found one! :D
  4. krabbenkuchen reblogged this from sexselector
  5. honeyboobooisbetterthanyouyou reblogged this from ronfcknswanson and added:
    This story is fucked up. The first comment is fucked up. The second comment is fucked up. This whole post is just a...
  6. misogynisticasabrick reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    That’s a fucking joke, right? Erections happen in-utero. Not to mention that, whether or not he was an adult, it is...
  7. chasingthewaywardsun reblogged this from colaeuphoria
  8. izze-mcbizzle reblogged this from thegreatbritisharsehole
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  10. colaeuphoria reblogged this from theapatheticranter
  11. loli-on-molly reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    SJW or pedophile: A NEW TUMBLR GAMESHOW. (so I guess it’s okay that I go out and fuck a 7 year old boy, as long as he...
  12. thegreatbritisharsehole reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    oh that makes a lot of sense. so tell me, do you support those countries that force young girls to get married when they...
  13. ronfcknswanson reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    you do realize infants can get erections you absolute fucking moron
  14. corrupt--kids reblogged this from travisbarkerisaninsideoutoreo
  15. icantevenfunction reblogged this from roosterteeth-ruined-my-life
  16. travisbarkerisaninsideoutoreo reblogged this from sexselector
  17. pynapplepyro reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    and if a woman climaxes she wasn’t raped.
  18. piercethehannah reblogged this from wouldyoukindly-keepthathairshort
  19. bobbeh-speaks reblogged this from tinkledogs
  20. that-girl-with-earphones reblogged this from wouldyoukindly-keepthathairshort
  21. wouldyoukindly-keepthathairshort reblogged this from roosterteeth-ruined-my-life
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  23. rangerofdiscord reblogged this from -elysianfields
  24. christyna-c reblogged this from poppypicklesticks
  25. devilrejected reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    Gotta love pedo apologia. That BOY was 8 you pedo supporter.
  26. purplebean16 reblogged this from roosterteeth-ruined-my-life
  27. roosterteeth-ruined-my-life reblogged this from poppypicklesticks
  28. tinkledogs reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    You are fucking joking. This is a prime example of victim blaming. This is exactly why I fucking hate all SJWs.
  29. calvin-without-hobbes reblogged this from poppypicklesticks
  30. menotthatkindoforc reblogged this from poppypicklesticks and added:
    Oh ok, so even baby boys are adults? Because an erection is just an involuntary response. It’s not at all uncommon for a...
  31. shortforabaddon reblogged this from poppypicklesticks and added:
    These were radfem groups that did this. Saying that supporting feminism supports rapists getting two years in jail is...
  32. cheesuscrisph reblogged this from poppypicklesticks and added:
    if i can slide it in, you adult.
  33. doctorworrible reblogged this from poppypicklesticks