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k in the 70s, it was decided that the Y chromosome was a vestigial leftover, a shriveled up piece of garbage that was just hanging around in the human species. The appearance of the Y chromosome under a microscope helped that view (it is a bit crooked when condensed). Certain movers and shakers in the women’s liberation movement seized upon this and used the argument extensively to bolster their cause. What is amazing about this is that it flat out contradicts what the leading Darwinists taught for a hundred years (see The history of the teaching of human female inferiority in Darwinism), especially Darwin himself, who was quite convinced that women were evolutionarily inferior to men, and said so in print, with detailed arguments.

"Dr." Robert Carter

Darwin said a LOT of stuff. And the 70s women’s lib used facts to back up their case, huh? How dare they.

The y has nothing the x don’t got. Not true the other way round.
We are not just “different”. Males are stunted versions of what they would have been if born female. 

(Source: creation.com)

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