If you aren't down with radical feminism, geometry and number theory, conspiracy theory, and investigations into "charities" who are not-so-secretly leading the human trafficking market, you won't be down with this blog. You will not be missed.

Fun stuff includes tips on gardening, seed-banking, probiotic culturing, and sound medical advice.


No. One. Ever. Said. It. Was. So kindly stop lying.The point is talking about self-harm. 95% ish of that shit is girls and women. Because of male gaze in the P.

No. One. Ever. Said. It. Was.

So kindly stop lying.

The point is talking about self-harm. 95% ish of that shit is girls and women. Because of male gaze in the P.

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    They get tired of life too, so I’m gonna share some posts about eating disorders in guys.
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  13. batmanofidiots reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    Yeah, which is why suicide rates among men are on average 4 times higher among men worldwide. But I guess ACTUAL facts...
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    Wow guys let’s be honest here depression is gender neutral. Regardless of being male or female depression, cutting,...
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