If you aren't down with radical feminism, geometry and number theory, conspiracy theory, and investigations into "charities" who are not-so-secretly leading the human trafficking market, you won't be down with this blog. You will not be missed.

Fun stuff includes tips on gardening, seed-banking, probiotic culturing, and sound medical advice.


Anonymous asked
It's good that you hate rapists and child molesters. These beings cannot be tolerated. I would hope however you're not on the white knight band wagon where men are willing to kill some guy that a slut falsely accuses of raping her.


No worries.  Retroactively claiming rape after a night of willingly slutting it up is indefensible.  Of course I’m not advocating fucking an unconscious body like so many feminist straw man arguments.  But just because chicky gets too friendly after 3 shots of tequila and tears my clothes off of her own volition and regrets it later does not mean I’m a rapist.

But when it comes to actual violent forcible rape and child molestation?  Yes.  Get a rope.  Get a gun.  Lets take care of this.


Dudes be all late to the party. Did everyone know that all inter-class intercourse is rape? The subordinated aren’t even supposed to be able to give legal consent for that, and yet..

To be recklessly generous, maybe .0000000000001% of the women in the world would be cohabiting with their Nigel without the P in place. 

Inter-class intercourse is rape.